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A2-B1 -B2 Cree Tribe Native Americans and Thanksgiving



Joseph Boyden : We all fight our own wars…

click on the link, be patient and the video  will be there!

watch+read+ listen= restitute and progress !

My name’s D… L…, I’m from Canada,

the Plains Cree Tribe.


I talk through  the Cree Nation, that’s my reservation.


I was invited here from my buddy, Barbara Dulk.


He was asking different tribes to come and

perform their style of dancing.


I am here representing the Cree Tribe from Canada.


My first time across the ocean, first time on a plane,

I really enjoy France.


I hope, I hope by being here I can now show

the way I’ve been taught,

the way of my ancestors


and I hope that by doing that people can learn ,


they can know [repeated twice]


We are not the Indians you see

on movies and Hollywood,


We are real, you know,

we are still around (smile)

Many thanks to Dany who kindly accepted to be recorded

and  to Ornans Pow Wow 2010, Association Four Winds !




curtesy of Eliot S



details from Courbet’s paintings


* What are the French like?
Stereotypes on French people:

* What are the British like?

* What are the Germans like?

* What are the Italians lke?

[youtube] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mI15ewNwv9c&feature=channel[/youtube]

… Christopher Columbus, America and history


Les élèves jouent les personnages(prévoir une mise en scène minimale, une étoffe,  des fruits …)

Wampanoag1 and Wampanoag2:

You are welcome on our land! We are the wampanoag tribe!

Christopher Columbus:

Hello, my name is Christopher Columbus. I am really tired.

I haven’t got anything to eat and we are very hungry! We don’t know where we are!

Have you got anything  for my men, their children and the ladies, please?

A lot of men were sick on the ship! They vomited and we didn’t have enough food for everyone.

– Wampanoag1: Well, yes, we have a few things here. We’ve got eggs and fruit…and meat as well!

-Wampanoag2: We’ve got clean water and a fire! Come closer!

-CC: Thank you so much! It is very kind of you!

W1 and W2: Come in our tepee!

CC: You speak English very well!

W1 and W2: We know Europe very well!

CC: We are very lucky! Come on folks!


They all step inside the tepee.

The next autumn was a season with a lot of fruit and the English people invited the wampanoag for a meal…to say ‘thanks’.

They had turkey with cranberries.

This was the first Thanksgiving meal!


Our journey to … Unsere Reise nach Freiburg!

My journey, our journey in Freiburg…Unsere Reise nach Freiburg!

Culture, culture, Kultur and Europa!!!

Ganz gut! Ich mag dass gern!

1)Compréhension orale et expression orale:

BBC News – Annual ice swim draws big crowd in Berlin


2)Le Quartier Vauban de Fribourg-en-Brisgau, est le premier écoquartier du monde. Il a été construit en 1996 sur une base militaire française désaffectée (qui ne servait plus).

Kultur bitte sehr!

Villes jumelées… Twin towns…



la terre:

la voiture:

le trésor:

le portable:

la facture:

le soleil:


la lumière:

la fenêtre:


das Handy, the light, das Abenteuer, the window, die Rechnung, das Wagen, the car, the earth, die Erde, water, das Wasser, sterben, to die, das Licht, die Fenster, the mobile phone, die Sonne, der Schatz, the treasure, the sun, the bill, adventure

Cela me plaît beaucoup!

Ich mag das gern. Ich mag das nicht. I like it a lot! It looks great and smashing!

I don’t think much of it! Awesome! Ganz schön!

Il y a beaucoup de maisons aux couleurs différentes!

Es gibt vielen Hausen mit verschiedenen Farben.

There are lots of houses with different colours.

All the houses have the same colour (GB) color (US)

III-Was bedeutet?: « Kinderspiele sind überall erlaubt »

Les enfants sont autorisés à jouer dans un espace restreint et délimité.

Les enfants sont autorisés à jouer dans tous les endroits.

Les enfants ne sont pas autorisés à jouer.

Children are allowed to play everywhere.

Chidren are not allowed to play anywhere.

Children are allowed to play in certain areas.

IV – Traduire

Nous partirons en bus:

Nous ferons des achats:

Nous verrons beaucoup de choses différentes:

Nous reviendrons fatigués mais heureux!

Nous serons fiers d’être européens!

Trip to Italy

Monday, May 17th

Two pupils went to Italy.

Where did you go?

What did you see?

We saw the Tower of Pisa.

What is special about this tower?

This tower is bending on the  side.  (to bend= se courber, se pencher)

What was the weather like? It was sunny and pleasant and the temperature

was quite nice!

When did you leave? When did you come back?

to leave = quitter

to come back= revenir

We left on May 10 th and came back on  May 16th .

What did you do on the first day?

We went to Pisa.

We saw the Piazza  dei Miracoli   (miracles)

What did you eat in Italy?

We ate pasta for starters, potatoes with meat for main dish and ice-cream.

Which museum did you visit?

We visited the National Museum of Naples.


May 2024

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