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What has Europe ever done for us?

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European day of languages

Today’s date:

Friday, September 26th 2008

What is special today? present

At eight o’clock, we listened to some music.

What was it like? What sort of music was it?

Was it pop music?

Was it rock?

Was it jazz?

Was c’est la forme de to be au passé (prétérit)

It was not rock and roll. It was not jazz. It was not pop music.

It was not rap. It was not hip hop.

It was classical music.

Bethoven Hymne à la joie. Symphonie n° 9

Did you like this music?

Yes, I did.

It is nice! It is smashing! (chouette)

It was nice! It was smashing!

No, I didn’t.

It is not my cup of tea! ( ce n’est pas mon style)

It was not my cup of tea!

It was boring!

What is the 9th of May famous for?

The 9th of May is famous for the feast of Europe and its creation.

How many countries are there in the European Union?

There are 27 countries in the European Union.

When was it created? Who was it created ?

It was created in 1950 by J.Monet and R.Schumann after the Second World War (WWII)

What is the most important aspect of the European Union ?

The most important aspect (issue) of the E.-U is the building-up of peace.There are no more wars in Europe between the countries which are members!

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