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Daily Archives: 4 November 2011


Mix it up day! 6°7 segpa

Mix it up day!

6°7 Collège Lucie Aubrac

Langues vivantes Marie André-Milesi


I for interesting information


L for lovers in the lovely lands

O for optimism and optimist!

V for violet violins

E for extraordinary explorers.



Y for yellow yes !

O for open and original oranges and oasis !

U for universe, universal unions.



Interesting =intéressant /e

Lovely = beau /belle

A land =un pays

Lovers = des amoureux

A violin = un violon

Extraordinary =extraodinaire

An explorer =un explorateur

Mix it up day:-) 6°2 H a p p i n e s s

6°2 Collège Lucie Aubrac

Mix it up day!

With our friends “Les prépositions de lieu”

H a p p i n e s s

H for happy holidays [z]and happy houses ![siz]

Hello, Mexico on a horse !

Hide behind handsome heads !

Health in front of our hearts !

A for apple-afternoons around amusing armchairs !

Awards on the right!

Awards on the left !

Amazing! Just awesomely amazing!

P for pretty parties in front of Pekin, Paris, Pontarlier !

Paintings of pasta, peas and plants

Pass above the pier!

Poetry is powerful!

P for prestigious penguins near the public and the polar bears !

Pink and purple promises with Peaceful Princes and Princesses

Prefer the perfect present in this park

                                             to the peculiar past in that park!

I for an ice-cream  or an inventor of  illnesses

I for inivisible ice-creams in our imagination!

I for  intelligence  in an imaginary ice-cream

I for get an  idea, be inspired !

N for near our neighbours

Next to the notice-board for  our neighbours

E for enjoy (y)our evening

Enjoy eating with (y)our enemies in Exeter!

S for success and surfing

in the swimming pool with snakes, snails and spiders.

S   for    a    story

                and   for                               

                                    s    o    r    r    y   !


November 2011

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