Protest singer

In class we talked about protests songs during the 60’s-70’s. So I think it’s important to mention the famous singer: Bob Marley. This personality written many protests songs to denounce racism. During his life he was commited to defend civils rights and also to deliver a message of peace.

The most popular protest song is « Get up, Stand up » written in 1973. This is a song against discrimination and oppression of black people. Through this lycris we unterstand that Bob Marley wanted that people « stand up for their rights ».

Moreover this singer remained in our memory as a talented musician who influenced the reggae’s world.

Sherlock Holmes

Hi everybody!

I am sure that you know who is Sherlock Holmes, this famous fictionnal character invented by Arthur Conan Doyle!
He is a scottish investigator who can solve any crime or mystery; Sherlock appears in many differents little novels. His first apparition were in 1887, in « A Study in Scarlet ».

Well, I already read some of these books when I was young, and I really like them, but I didn’t watch any movie of Sherlock Holmes. Yet, there is a film, which was produced by Joel Silver in 2009: apparently it was a good film because I saw that it receive a lot of positive reactions.
The film was also reward by many awards.

That’s why if you already saw this film, I would like to have your opinion!!!

Avatar in science

Hi everybody!

I know that it’s not really in the subject of english literature but in class, we had to prepare an oral, concerning the evolution of science and technologies in the genetics and robotic fields. So, I was thinking about the american movie « AVATAR », directed by James Cameron in 2009, which could be considerated as a good example for the notion of progress.

I also find the idea of avatar incredible; moreover graphism are wonderful and we can see it in 3D version. Also, I really enjoyed this movie. As a result, I was wondering if there is a novel, and I found it!
I recommand you to read it if, as me, you loved the movie: First it

Oliver Twist: the movie.

Hi everybody! I would like to know if some of you saw the movie « Oliver Twist »?

The film is directed by Roman Polanwski, and of course it’s an adaptation of Charles Dickens’s novel. It dates from 2005 and was shoot in Prague!

Personally I never read the book, so I don’t know if the adaptation is faithful or not. But the movie is rather interesting, and seems respect the main story line…
I recommand you to watch it, and to tell me here your feelings!

And of course, watch it in english haha


Hi everybody!

I would like to talk about the documentary film about Bob Marley’s life; « Marley ». If you don’t know, it’s a film by Kevin Macdonald, which was released in 2012. It’s a good tribute for Bob Marley, who were a great singer. Also the documentary is rather well, it start from his birth until his death!

Which can be considered interesting? During all the documentary you can hear Bob Marley’s songs,for example Redemption Song or Jamming. If you love Bob Marley, watch this documentary!

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by F. Scott Fitzgerald

I read this novel in original version. It’s very interesting to read in english and I advise you to do it. First because you understand much more than you can think and secondly because you learn other grammatical structure or words and it’s very enriching.


This is the story of Benjamin Button who was born old. Instead of growing old with the time he rejuvenizes. So it’s difficult for him to have a normal life with friends of his age or love story with a younger girl than him. He is ahead of his age and he doesn’t have the same ideas than his close friends. This story is very strange because when he is a young boy, he looks like a old one and he has the attitude of an adult and when he become an adult, he looks more and more young and he is also younger in his mind. It’s very paradoxal !

So I advise you to read it and also to watch the adaptation of David Fincher with (the wonderful) Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett. It’s a good movie to question ourselves about the time which spend very fast and our evolution through time.


The Great Gatsby by Baz Luhrmann

The Great Gatsby directed by Baz Luhrmann in 2013 is one of my favourite movie. With Leonardo DiCaprio, Tobey Maguire, Carey Mulligan, Joel Edgerton and Isla Fisher.


It’s the story of a rich man living on West Egg during the Roaring Twenties. The movie is punctuated of excessive parties, secrets about the past and a love relation between Gatsby and Daisy. All the movie is told by Nick Carraway, Gatsby’s  neightbour and friend.

I’m crazy about this movie because it shows a different way of life than ours, like the Speakeasies, the Flappers, Prohibition, Golden Age of Jazz etc… The setting and the costume design are amazing, actors’ playing are wonderful and my fascination about the Roaring Twenties increased after I watched this movie ( in fact I think I watched five times… ) Moreover the aestheticism and the film technics are great and numerous.

I advise you to watch it !!!

Apocalyspe Now- The Heart of Darkness.

Since that i saw the  » Apocalyspe Now » movie i’m interest at this story. And i discovered that it was an « The heart of Darkness » adaptation. This story tells the Charles Marlow’s travel who is a english mariner appointed by a belgian company. In order to find Kurtz director of ivory market in Congo because he disappeared. 

     So Marlow began to navigate in the African continent’s heart for discover this men that everybody says that Kurt is exceptional and visionary but Malow don’t know why. This trip to take her in the wild’s forest and a lot places extraordinary whose the atmosphere is oppressive who exercise the Malow personnage to reflect on himself ,the life’s value, and his existence reason. He had to forget the world of the Occident. Kurtz rest deliberately cup off from the world. The reader discovered this personnage same time that Malow. I will not say more.. The book we talk of the human wild party’s in each of us and which is wake up by the nature. This book is complicated to read but  is possibly.

Now i will like to present you the movie of Francis Ford Coppola ( his daughter is Sofia Coppola the director of Virgin Suicide.) was realised in 1979 which it is a not correct adaptation of the book » The Heart of Darkness » and it was censured by the american army.The realisator after the vietnam’s war replaces the team of Malow for a team of american soldiers on the congo river. They research a kurtz too because he had lost the reason and he execute freely. He will not listen order of his ladder. His malow mission is to kill Kurtz.

But on the river the tension in progress in their shift. The images are sublime in this movie. Coppola criticize american interventionism in Vietnam that we learn in history. It is not a war movie but it is a movie which to talk the war. The director shows us the life conditions of soldiers. He shows us a trip between the madness and the horror incarnate by Kurtz. The Soundtrack is perfect with the sound created by the Doors entitled The end. The movie is spectacular. I can lend you the movie and the book.



Scene of movie.

To be seen absolutely!


The last week i saw the SIN CITY 2. It is the second movie entitled « A Dame to kill for »  realised by Robert Rodriguez in 2014. This Film is an adaptation of the comic book written by Frank Miller.

The story tells what’s happening in a metropolis nicknamed Sin city that was destroyed by the crime. The justice is helpless. There are the horrible criminals. The spectators follow different characters during the movie. This movie is very considerable because it is a combination between drawing and film. It is in black and write except some detail. The atmosphere is strange but it is fantastic. Though some scenes are violent there is  black humour. And the casting is very good with Eva Green, Bruce Willis .. This movie we show the comic strip’s world. I suggest you watch this masterpiece. It is very original.



Animation on Pulp Fiction Soundtrack

I would like to show you a short animation that I did. I posted it on Youtube, you can watch that!

I like drawing and animation. So, I decided to begin my first short-animation. I began this project this summer. At the finally, I did 102 drawings concerning the violinist and 24 drawings for the woman who dances. Then, I realized a stop motion. In order that you understand how I did, I took in photo drawing by drawing. After, I made a montage with a simple software. In this clip, I used 852 pictures.
Concerning the music you are probably recognised that it’s the Pulp Fiction Soundtrack. It’s an American black comedy crime film realized by Quentin Tarantino and he also co-wrote the screenplay with Roger Avary in 1994, starring John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson, Bruce Willis and Uma Thurman. The story mixes violence and humor that refers to pop culture. This film was much successful, it was awarded the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Films Festival in 1994. It was considered as a prime example of postmodern film.
So, I chose to use the soundtrack of this film. It inspired me to play this music on my electric violin to finish my project. I wanted to mix music and animation.
If you have some comments to do, don’t hesitate!

An example of committed song



The Cranberries are an Irish rock band with the vocalist Dolores O’Riordan, the guitarist Noel Hogan, the bassist Mike Hogan and Fergal Lawle who is the drummer. This group was formed in 1990.

When the goup hears of the two children’s death – Jonathan Ball and Tim Parry – during a bomb attack committed by the IRA on March the 20th, 1993, in Warrington. Dolores O’Riordan decided to write and sing Zombie because she is totally touched and angry about this because of this event. They protest against the men’s madness. This song is related the conflict between England and Ireland. It shows the horror of war and explains that memories of events are implanted in their head. They denounced the violence and the fact that the murder doesn’t know what he does.

After the IRA’s ceasefire, in 1994, Zombie is joined on the album called No Need To Arque which has a success.

The Great Gatsby

In popular culture, several elements are mentioned or are inspired of the Great Gatsby.

Haruki Murakami, the official translator of F. Scott Fitzgerald, write books in which sometimes he evokes the novel.

In South Park, The Great Gatsby is read by a doctor.

In the series Greek, there is a party like Gatsby’s party.

In the series Vampire Diaries, this is one of favorites books of Stefan.

In the series Gossip Girl, this is a source of inspiration of Dan Humphrey’s book.

In the series Californication, one of the characters is inspired of Gatsby.

In the series Pretty Little Liars, Aria Montgomery, one of the main characters, is disguised as Daisy.

In the series Smash, Julia Houston writes a play inspired of the book.

Moreover, there are quotations in the novel of Salinger which is entitled The Catcher in the Rye, in The Perks of Being a Wallflower which is a Stephen Chbosky’s book, and in The Fault in your Stars written by John Green.

Furthermore, in the song of Alphaville which is The Girlz, it makes reference to the last lines of the novel.


To conclude, this book crosses the time and the generations by being evoked in books, movies or songs. That proves that The Great Gatsby is always a success.

2 + 2 = 5


1984 is a political novel written by G. Orwell.

It is about the totalitarian government. In fact, the author portrays the totalitarian society with an absolute power. He writes his novel before to warn readers of the dangers of this society and the consequences : Government controls the human life by checking their thought to not rebel against the law. Winston Smith, the main character, was going to challenge the limits of the Party’s power.

So, there is a psychological manipulation with the telescreen and Big Brother who « watched » them. Citizens can’t have sexual desires, the Party controls their thoughts, their feelings.

Moreover, there is a physical control : they watched for any sign of disloyalty, any nervous system. Citizens practice exercises.

Furthermore, the Party controls information and history. Indeed, the past and memories are manipulated. They are unreliable.

Finally, the language is checked by them which means that mind is controled too. The language is very important to human thought.

Everyone who defy the Party is punished with a brutal torture. Moral conviction, emotional loyalty and thought are less powerful than the physical pain.So, the government can control them and the reality. They are able to convincing them that 2 + 2 = 5 : they control all human mind.

Oliver Twist or The Parish Boy’s Progress

Oliver Twist waswritten by Charles Dickens and was published in 1838.

It is about an orphan who is in a workhouse. He meets Artful Dodger, a leador of a pickpockets, in London when he escaped of the workhouse and he meets also Fagin, the trainer.

Robert Blincoe’s autobiography inspired Charles Dickens because he is an orphan who is educated in a workhouse when he has suffered and he was going through hardships.

Dickens denounces the cruelty which the orphans are submitted at the Victorian area : he uses sarcasm and irony.

There are various adaptation of Oliver Twist which show us that it is a good success!

About 1984: Muse


When we read the George Orwell’s extract our teacher said we can add a document about 1984; the Muse’s song, Resistance. As I love this group I think it’s a good idea to say some elements which can remind 1984 🙂

I found an article which explain their choice to sing this song:


“When I read it this time I was much more taken with the love story. I read it once in school about 15 years ago it was all about the politics. But when I read it this time I was much more taken with the love story in the book between Juliette and Winston.”

“In the early years I was confused about what my emotions were trying to express. As I said, being in England or seeing what’s going on in England has defined it as being a lot more direct and a lot more down to earth. I think the first song [Uprising] sums up how a lot of people feel and it’s that we need to change.”

So it sounds as though The Resistance is a mixture of being a rallying cry for us all to resist governmental control with elements of love mixed in. Which is a heady but quite brilliant blend, which is exactly how 1984 can be described.

It seems a tall order to take inspiration from and do justice to one of the most famous, important, and inspirational novels of the 20th Century, but if any band can manage it, it’s Muse »

(Read more:


an other article says « The song ‘Resistance’ is basically a retelling of the relationship between Winston and Julia, in reference to the two main characters of George Orwell‘s Nineteen Eighty-Four. The eerie keyboard layers in the verse of the track also include an Ondes Martenot, an early synthesizer championed by Radiohead guitarist Jonny Greenwood, as shown in ‘The Making Of The Resistance.’

Matt said, « This song started off as an extension of ‘Map of the Problematique’ with a bit of influence from early ‘The Police’. It is very much based on the book ‘1984’ by George Orwell particularly the romance between Winston and Julia and the description of the act of sex and love as something political, the only place offering freedom from Big Brother. The song is also about any love which crosses boundaries such as religion or strong political beliefs and the subsequent recognition of the unimportance and divisiveness of such beliefs. »  (

If you want to read the lyrics, it’s here ->


And you, do you like this song?

RFI english

I want to introduce you a very nice website, whose name is « rfI english ». It’s a very interesting website because it talks about many things; we can read the different country’s news, thanks to differents themes: France, Africa, Asia-Pacific, middle east, Europe or Americas. In each theme, we can select an other category -> environment, economy, culture, sports, rfi Music, sciences etc …

it’s even possible to listen radio, in live but also delayed ! the advantage is it’s relatively easy to understand, so you can listen the radio all the time

So I advise you to visit this website, it’s a very good solution if you want to read in English !





To kill or not to kill


I have just finished a book which I found brilliant ! it’s To kill or not to kill, and it contains actually two stories, « A home away from home » written by Robert Bloch and « This will kill you » written by Patrick Quentin.

the first part of the novel ( So « A home away from home ») tells the story of a young australian orphan (Natalie Rivers)  who comes to live in England. When she arrives she waits a person who is supposed to fetch her but she doubts … I leave you discover what it occurs! 🙂

The second part is a story about a couple. The Norma’s husband, Harry Lund, want to kill her to do his life with an other woman. But his attempts are failures ! but one day … 

I was very surprised because at the begining I wasn’t very convinced by the stories … But the book is very well made, there is the French translation on the right page and the left page is in English, moreover the vocabulary is explained !  

So if you wan’t discover the English literature easily I recommend to you to test this collection (langage pour tous)! 

Oliver Twist adaptations

Hello !

Do you know these differents adaptations about Dickens’ novel?

In 1922, a Frank Lloyd ‘s movie comes to the cinema, with Lon Chaney and Jackie Coogan . It’s a silent film, it was very faithful to the novel and realistic.

in 1948, an other film appears , directed by David Lean. It was a success but  Alec Guinness make up was considered as anti-semite so in the USA the film was allowed in 1951!

in 1968 an other film is inspired by a comedy; Oliver! Jack Wild is Artful Dodger and Fagin is Ron Moody, whose role is reversed, he saves young boys in London.

There was also a cartoon untitled The adventures of oliver twist in 1987 .

I found a film dating back 1982; I advise you to watch this video because it’s easy to understand ! [youtube][/youtube]

And if you prefer old films, you can watch this version dating back 1933 [youtube][/youtube]


The King’s speech (2010)

The King’s speech is a film directed by Tom Hooper. The casting is composed By Colin Firth, Helena Bonham Carter and Geoffrey Rush.

Then, I’ll sum up the story. So, the film deals with the famous stuttering of the king George VI. In the wake of the Edward VIII’s abdication ( because he wants to get married with a divorced woman ), a more young son of George V, Albert, becomes the king, George VI. But he suffers from stuttering, so he’s unable to do a speech, without mistakes. So, his wife, Elizabeth, find him a « speech therapist » who works of way not really conventional. Throughout the film, we follow the Albert’s determination to progress and to be worthy to be a King. The film finishes on the famous speech of George VI, on the radio, to declare the World War II.

Personally, this film is well done. We are touched by the evolution of George VI, in the same time, he is. The end let us in tears. What’s more, I watched this film in original version, and I find the british accent so charming, and pleasant to hear. Colin Firth have a lot of charisma, and Geoffroy Rush is funny enough.

So, now, it’s your turn to give your opinion about this film!


Tracy Chapman’s first album, 1988

Our first lesson in literature in English this year was about protests songs. And I almost immediately thought about Tracy Chapman’s first album which came out in 1988 because this album contains mostly protests songs except maybe for 3 or 4 singles on the album. Tracy Chapman is a black singer, musician AND song writer born in 1964 Cleveland (Ohio).
I believe she is mostly a folk singer althought she might have come to another genre by now but I’m not really sure because to be honest I only know her two first albums (which are amazing). It’s really different from what we usually hear (but not necessarily listen to) because her voice seems to take over the instruments and it can be disturbing at first if you’re not used to it but it really moves you once you let it surrounds you.
Back to our topic, which is as I recall her first album and its songs that can be qualified as protest songs. I believe her songs are the abstract kind of ones, as they touch multiple subjects like inequalities between rich and poor people in « Talkin’ bout A Revolution », or the discrimation of black people among the american society back then in « Across the line », or domestic abuse (with the case of battered women) in « Behind the Wall » or consumer society in « Mountains O’ Things » or even the place of women in the society in « She’s got her Ticket » and finally a mix of all those subjects in « Why ? ».
I know I only stated the subject of each songs but they are so complete and in the same time simple on their own that I truly can’t see how I could explain them without ruining a bit of the magic. The only thing I can advise you is to listen to this album because it’s definiely worth the shot.
I hesitated when I choose the song that I would share with you but to me the most moving one is « Behind the Wall » so here is a little preview of her talent.



Stand by me – Ben E. King


Here is one of my favorite song. It is performed by Ben E. King, composed and written in 1961 by Ben E. King with Jerry Leiber & Mike Stoller.

Lyrics and music are inspired by one gospel written by the pastor Charles Tindley.

This song made ??a lot of recovery by singers or group well-known such as John Lennon, Elvis Presley, U2, Bruce Springsteen, Johnny Hallyday and others.

I hope you enjoy this music as much as me.


Charlie Chaplin or Charlot


Charlie Spence Chaplin (his real name) was born in 1889, and he died in 1977. Despite a complicated childhood, Chaplin became a famous actor at this epoque.—Charlie-Chaplin,

He started to ten years like a comedian in theatral, role after role, he begin to make name in business. He starts thanks these imitations of famous comics. It’s in 1918, he creates his studio with Douglas Fairbanks, Mary Pickford et D. W. Griffith. After these first movies like  The Immigrant (1917), The Kid (1921), The Gold Rush (1925), he brings a new dimension at the comedy. He isn’t enjoyed just for this acting abilities or his burlesque imagination, it was a first to treat social conditions with satirysme in movies.

Charlie Chaplin is known also thanks this ressemblance with Hitler. He played with, in The Great Dictator (1940), it’s a caricatural comedy on Adolf Hitler and his dictatorship (I advise to watch it). This blend between humour, and reality makes Chaplin’s movies masterpieces of a cinema. I advise also Modern Times (1936), I think this movie is timeless, and still relevant with our society.

Chaplin’s anecdote : In 1915, Charlie Chaplin is in London, he seen a look-alike competition of Charlot. He joins under a false name. Unfortunately he loses to the 25th place.

The great Gatsby

Last year, we saw a great movie, for my part, it was The great Gatsby, with the famous actor: Leonardi Di Caprio.

I really enjoyed this film because there is an attractive love story between the main character, Daisy and Gatsby, where we can think that it’s an impossible love because Daisy is married as another man while Gatsby always love her.                             Throughout this film, Gatsby tries to lure back his beloved.

The end of the movie is very compelling, we don’t expect it necessarily.

But all the same, it’s a beautiful film

English podcasting!!

Hi everybody!
Do you know the notion of « podcast »? Podcasts are some videos about many differents subjects: Generally it’s about video games, or just for laugh. I really like it, and last week I discovered « PewDiePie », who is a swedish podcaster. He is making short videos, and if you enjoy Fanta Bob (or Squeezie for example, who are french podcasters) I recommand you to try PewDiePie.
His subjects are from video games, and it’s a good initiative for improve your English language!

the master of folk

Since we’ve talked about the great Bob Dylan in class, i thought it would be appropriate to evoke some of his greatest songs. I choose three well-known songs of him that inspire me a lot.

  • « Blowin’ in the Wind », and what a song! it’s probably the most popular song of Dylan. Written  » in 10 minutes » (according to the famous songwriter), it became quickly a true Anthem for a whole generation, supporting many ideas about peace and freedom.
  • « all along the watchtower » is also a famous song in its accoustic version, but its most known version is definitly the one made by Jimi Hendrix, slower but also more rock.
  • « Masters of war » is my favorite song of Bob Dylan and also one of my favorite songs ever. The power of this song is so strong and unifying that it still resonates through our world today.

I would like to share with you my favorite cover of « Masters of War » made by an Irish singer that I love for a few years already and who begin to be known in France : Ed Sheeran.

I hope you’ll enjoy this cover ( whether you like the original or not). And what about you? do you like Bob dylan? what is you favorite songs of him?


Jumanji is a fantasy children’s picture book written and illustrated by Chris Van Allsburg, an American author, and published in 1981. Everyone knows the story thanks to the famous film directed by Joe Johnston in 1995, with the most excellent Robin Williams.

‘Jumanji’ is a Zulu word meaning ‘many effects’. In the original story, Judy and Peter Shepherd are two children who go in a park, while their parents are out for the evening, because they find deeply boring. In this park, they find a game which seems to be abandoned and which called Jumanji. So, they take the game home. In this one, they discover a warning message: ‘Do not begin unless you intend to finish’ . The most unlikely events will occur…

Bonnie Hunt, Robin Williams and Kirsten Dunst in Jumanji (J. Johnston, 1995)

The famous film is slightly different: at the beginning, the game ensnared Alan Parrish in the jungle of Jumanji many years while he and Sarah Whittle were playing in 1969. Twenty-six years later, Peter and Judy (Kirsten Dunst), who are orphans in this adaptation, settle, with their aunt, in the Parrish’s former house and find the game in the attic. They manage to take out Alan (Robin Williams) but they must find Sarah (Bonnie Hunt) to finish the game because Peter and Judy have continued the part of 1969.

This film is dazzling for its special effects. But it is excellent thanks to Robin Williams’ performance. It was a great actor, funny and touching at the same time. He was an eternal child, notably in this film, but also in life. He was and will always be my favourite American actor…

You can see the trailer here for more details on this film:


Breakfast at Tiffany’s

Breakfast at Tiffany’s is a novella written by Truman Capote and published in 1958. There is an adaptation of this book, directed by Black Edwards in 1961. In this film, we can see the wonderful Audrey Hepburn in one of the best roles that she has never had.

The novella is about a writer’s friendship with a young woman called Holly Golightly in New York, during World War II. A lot of men pay Holly for sexual favours. This woman drinks and takes drugs too. Her life is completely disorganized, but the writer is fascinated by her. She secretly dreams about a luxurious life, between jewels from Tiffany’s. Holly and the writer are neighbours but they don’t have a love affair together. He wants to protect her from herself and the outside world. At the end of the story, Holly disappears from his life to escape the police after being arrested as an accomplice in a drug conspiracy.

George Peppard and Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s (B. Edwards, 1961)

The film isn’t radically different but two main components were modified : the story is set during the 1960s and Holly Golightly (Audrey Hepburn) and Paul Varjak (George Peppard), nicknamed ‘Fred’ by Holly for his resemblance to her brother, fall in love at the end of the story… So romantic it is!

This is one of my favourite films, backed up by Audrey Hepburn‘s charm and by the captivating theme ‘Moon River’ created by Henry Mancini

In 2012, the film was deemed ‘culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant’ by the United States Library of Congress and selected for preservation in the National Film Registry.

You can see the trailer for more details on this film:



Blowin’ in the Wind

Blowin’ in the Wind is a song written by Bob Dylan, it’s the most famous protest song ever.

« How many roads must a man walk down
Before you call him a man?
How many seas must a white dove sail
Before she sleeps in the sand?
Yes, how many times must the cannon balls fly
Before they’re forever banned?
The answer my friend is blowin’ in the wind
The answer is blowin’ in the wind.

Yes, how many years can a mountain exist
Before it’s washed to the sea?
Yes, how many years can some people exist
Before they’re allowed to be free?
Yes, how many times can a man turn his head
Pretending he just doesn’t see?
The answer my friend is blowin’ in the wind
The answer is blowin’ in the wind.

Yes, how many times must a man look up
Before he can really see the sky?
Yes, how many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry?
Yes, how many deaths will it take till he knows
That too many people have died?
The answer my friend is blowin’ in the wind
The answer is blowin’ in the wind. »

In fact, there is no allusion of an event, so this song is timeless. However, Dylan wrote it in 1962 during the Vietnam War and movements for civil rights.

Each verse is a question and « the answer is blowin in the wind » in each chorus.

Here, my cover of this song with Nicolas :


Sunday Bloody Sunday by U2


Like the Cranberries, U2 is an Irish rock band who is formed in 1976.

Sunday Bloody Sunday is a song on their album entitled War released in 1983. This song is about the conflict of the North of Ireland. It’s a tribute of Derry’s event in 1972 called « Bloody Sunday » : peaceful demonstrators are killed by the British army during a walk organized by Ivan Cooper to protest for the civic rights’s respect of Catholics of Ulster and to protest against locals powers’s discrimination, which inspires the band to write this song.

It’s a commited song and the band are conscious of it. In fact, they have been criticized about this song but they have been a great success too.

The lyrics are about violence, anger, it describes scene of battle and it criticizes media which trivialize the scenes of violence.

Many people appreciate this song because it raises an universal subject : injustice and violence by the power on the people, the discrimination, the war, the useless deaths,…

And you, what do you think of commited song?

Full metal jacket

Full metal jacket is a movie made by Stanley Kubrick (yes it’s one of my favorite film directors!!) and it dates back to 1987.

The storie takes place at the end of the 60’s. There are two parts in the movie :

– 1st : we can see young soldiers in the army, they are the new recruits in the training camp. Their sergeant is a brutal and nasty man, he always insults and humiliates them and particularly the soldier Lawrence (he calls him Gomer Pyle) who becomes the drudge of the boys.

This part shows how we made killing machine in the training camp and we understand why the slogant of the soldiers is « Born to kill (because we made them believe that they were born to kill.)

– 2nd : in this part, we can see the soldiers in Vietnam during the war. This part shows the violence of the war and that a lot of soldiers are sensitive even if we made them killing machines.

I think it’s a really good movie which shows the violence of the Vietnam war and what happened in training camps at this time, how young boys turned into killing machines because of the army.

Cool World

I want to talk about an American animated fantasy film Cool World directed by Ralph Bakshi in 1992, starring Brad Pitt, Gabriel Byrne and Kim Basinger.
The story begins in 1945 at Las Vegas during the Second World War, Frank Harris (Brad Pitt) and his mother are ridding on a motorcycle, but suddenly they are knocked down by a car causing. This mother dies and Frank survives, then he is transported to Cool World. Many years later, Jack Deebs (Gabriel Byrne) who is the famous creator of the comic strip “cool world” is in jail because he had killed a man. Anytime the reality changes totally to transport him in the universe he has created. In fact, to understand, he is in a cartoon world. There, he meets Holli Wood (plays by the actress Kim Basinger when she is in the reality world), she attracts him and they become friends, then they go together in the real world.He meets too Frank Harris who is a detective for a long time in this universe, unfortunately he is a prisoner in this world.
I enjoyed watching this film, and liked the graphic. I like cartoons or animated films and I find it’s a good idea when the films mix animation. If you like too watching cartoons, I advice this movie.

An original adaptation of Macbeth

This Summer I went to a festival of street theatre. This event is a success for many years and is called « Chalon dans la Rue ». It’s a great experience for any person who’s in love with theatre, circus, dance or art in general.

The most sensational show I saw was the adaptation of the famous and damned  Sheakespearian play : Macbeth.

It was played by a company named « Le Théâtre de l’Unité », directed by Jacques Livchine (a commited actor and director, currently writing a blog to inform his public). First, the representation was really stunning for its direction. It happened in a forest, during the night and the audience had to follow an actress (her role consist of guiding the public in the forest, from a scene to another, « because it’s a wild and dangerous place for paltries people »). She often make funny comments, and quote Shakespare all along the play. The only light came from fires, kindled all around the place.

Then the play was full of humour. The guide’s remarks, the expressions of the actors, and even their gesture were some means to make laugh. In the book, during final scene of war, Shakespeare wrote something like « the forest moves with the soldiers » because they are desguised. So the actors arrived with makeshifts costumes in paper, roughly cut on the form of a tree. They comment : « we didn’t have money anymore ».  These moments in the play were fresh and welcome for everybody in the public. It was a delicate mix of tragedy and comedy.

Finally, the choice of the text was clever, and really interesting for a short play. If I could see another play directed by Jacques Livchine, I wouldn’t hesitate.



Lord of Flies by William Golding

Lord of the Flies is a novel written by William Golding and published in 1954. It known a great success in 1960, and is often given for reading in colleges and schools, even if there are a lot of violent scenes (the most are at the end).

This is the story of a group of childrens, who survived after a plane crash. They decide to instaure in the island a little society, to survive as long as possible. They elect Ralph (one of the most intelligent child) to keep order. The young boy’s goal is to maintain a smoke signal with fire, to have chance to be spotted by a boat. He also decide to take a conch as rallying sign. « Piggy » is also one of the most intelligent child in the whole island, and Ralph’s best friend , but he’s always bullied because he’s obese, and myopic. Over days, the children’s society is deteriorated, and tensions are strong between Ralph and Jack, who is his perfect opposite : he’s violent, pessimistic and impetuous. Two clans will form, with the apparition of a mysterious beast ..

Lord of the Flies is a great novel, because Golding make the satire of the real society. Every character represents a characteristic of the society (for example, Ralph represents the democracy, Piggy the knowledge but also the weakness, and Jack the warrior power..)

House Rules by Jodi Picoult

I worked on this book for the Tpe, and I managed to read this huge book in English. Jodi Picoult is an American writer born in 1966. His book tells the story of an autistic child with asperger syndrome, reached seriously, he does not understand everything  that we told him and is enclosed in his bubble. Passionate of crime scene because, yes he has outsized intelligence, it will be accused to the murder of her guardian. It must be read,because we better understand the suffering of parents, relatives and autism itself, this book opens our eyes to the disease.

After this book, my judgment on autism has changed because yes it may not be normal but they are still human beings after all. All my respect to the author who has a good approach to the topic.

At the Mountains of Madness

At the Mountains of Madness is a novel written by H.P. Lovecraft, published in 1931. He was a famous American writer in the early twentieth century. He wrote in the style of horror, fantasy and science fiction. The author became famous thanks to the myth that he invented: Cthulhu Mythos. The novel is written in the first person by Professor William Dyer. He will reveal secrets about an Antarctic expedition. The professor and other scientists will discover unknown specimens. They are very old, therefore they are called the « Elder Things ». After several events and disappearances the professor Dyer finds a very old city built by the « Elder Things »: aliens from the Moon.

The disturbing and mysterious story takes us to the mountains where hides ancient secrets …

An exciting novel about a big name of the English literature.

On the road by Jack Kerouac


I read « On the Road » by Jack Kerouac this summer. I really liked this book. It is the most famous novel by this author, writes in 1957.

The novel tells the adventures of the author (Sal Paradise) and a traveling companion Neal Cassady (Dean Moriarty in the novel). « On the Road » was one of what Kerouac named the « Beat Generation » novels. Thus, this book tells the story of  Jack Kerouac who travels the U.S in search of a new lifestyle. This is a road trip to denounce his society.  So, I think this book is not a simple story, it is a state of mind of this generation.  He wan’t to meet the world, others and himself by this road trip.

And, personally, what I particularly liked in this book is that Kerouac tell us live to 100% and discover new sensations . The friendship, the meetings and the travels are  the themes of Kerouac in this novel . Contrary to appearances of some people, (for example it is the opinion of my aunt) does not glorify drugs.

I also saw the film On the Road by Walter Salles but it is much less well than the book. The director does not tell all book and it is unfortunate. In any case I think we should read the book because it is the best road trip in writing!

American History X

American History X

Derek (Edouard Norton) and his brother Danny (Edouard Furlong) live and study in California. Derek join a neo-nazi skinhead movement to avenge his father’s death. In fact, his father, who was fireman, was killed by a black dealer while he tried to extinguish a fire in a ghetto. One night, Derek kills two black men, who tried to steal the car of his dead father. After three years in prison for the murders, Derek is released and transformed but he finds Danny, influenced by his old racist ideologies. Derek will try to prevent him from following the same way as him.

 The alternating of black and white to evoke Derek’s memories gives depth to the subject. This first film directed by Tony Kaye deals with important themes. I loved this movie that explains the origin of racism and extremism in the United States (through the story of an American family). 

Forrest Gump by Winston Groom

Forrest Gump is a novel written by Winston Groom in 1986. It tells us the story of the eponymous character. Forrest Gump is a smple-minded character who evolves in the second part of the 20th Century. He falls in love with Jenny, his only friend, he makes his way through American history, with everything from the Vietnam War becoming part of the story. Throughout his life, Forrest views the world simply. He really doesn’t know what he wants to do in life, he acts without thinking, and that is very touching for the spectator. Because of his low IQ, he can’t go to a normal school without the help of his mother. Forrest Gump can be tell as an idiot savant.

Forrest Gump was adapted into a movie played by Tom Hanks for the Paramount in 1994. The film won numbers of awards like best movie. For the anecdote, the movie takes great advantage of special effects to have the characters interact with real people from history. This film is definitly one of my favourite.


Bridge to Terabithia

I want to speak about a film entitled Bridge to Terabithia directed by Gabor Csupo in 2007. In fact is an adaptation of a book written by Katherine Paterson in 1977.

I’ll tell you the synopsis: Jess, a young boy, comes from a large family that is in financial difficulties. At the school, he doesn’t have a lot of friend and he is ill-at-ease because his classmates are naughty with him. At home, the atmosphere isn’t joyful…
Only his favorite hobby, the drawing, permits him to escape from the reality. Fortunately, he becomes friend with his neighbour, Leslie. Together they invent a wonderful world called Terabithia where they run away their daily life. But when this magical world becomes real, they are confronted with many dangerous adventures.

This film shows the harsh reality of the life through the story of two children who reveal their experiences, their ideas, their expectations but also their doubts.
It’s a touching film!

Lewis Baltz

I want to speak about , an American photographer. He was born in 1945 in the U.S.A.

Lewis Baltz is interested in the industrial society. His work deals with the search of the beauty into the destruction. His photographies show many landscapes where we can observe the human’s intervention. So his work reflects the influence and the power of men. He is also interested in things that change his daily life.
Lewis Baltz wrote in 2012 a collection of essays called Texts that explains his work of art and his ideas. Through all his photographies and his writings, we can understand that he is politically committed.

Famous Works:

    • The Prototype Works, that show many things seen every day.

    • The New Industrial Parks, Nevada, San Quentin Point, Candlestick Point, 84 photos about a public place damaged by rubbish and men.

At « Le Bal » in Paris, there is an exhibition about this photographer, called Common Objects. This exhibition shows for the first time the influence of the cinema in the work of Lewis Baltz.

I hope that I could go to this exhibition that ends in august!

The Great Gatsby by Francis Scott Fitzgerald

The Great Gatsby  was published in april 1925. this novel talk about since Nick Carraway Gatsby’s neighbor who will discover a terrible secret on Jay Gatsby just before go at the party at Gatsby’s home.

But I would like talk about the critics on this book because when he published, this novel was very critiqued and few month ago he was retired. Some people believe in the real talent of Fitzerald but not enough. The 1934 reissue has the same effect. This book find a success in the 50’s, ten years after the Francis Scott Fitzerald’s death. And now this novel used in college and university. It’s a good revenge even if he didn’t know…

the breakfast club

The breakfast club is an american film directed by John Hugues in 1985, this film joined to five teenagers very different who are got a detention in school on saturday. There are « the basket case » , the athlete, the brain , the criminal and the prom queen

During the detention, their professor, play by Paul Gleason, give them an essay « Who do you think be ? ». The adolescents will learn to know between them despite their differences.

it’s a very good film which lot of teenagers can identify to film’s adolescents. The budget for this film is one million dollars but the profit of the film is fifty one million dollars.

PS: the soundtrack is wonderful with Simple minds.

Jane Campion

This Week, all the eyes are turned towards the cinema’s festival which takes places in Cannes. The festival, created in 1946 by Jean Zay, is now 68 years old and this year, the president of the panel is Jane Campion. This New Zealander director and scriptwriter already got a reward in 1993 for his film untitled « The Piano ».

Last year, I saw another film by this artist, untitled « Bright Star » and received with keenness by the review. Abbie Cornish performs as Fanny Brawne, and acts in company with Ben Wishaw and Paul Shneider, who played two poets desperate by the absence of inspiration. Keats, the first of these poets, falls in love with Fanny, despite their opposite natures. In the town of London, during the 19tieth century, they beggin to share poetry but their circle look unfavorably upon this connection.

But this poetical passion will end tragically. The care of details, the settings, the photography, the costumes and all the shots are really wonderful. All was well-planed by Jane Campion, this great film-maker known as one of the most important cinema’s personnality of our century.

Youn Sun Nah and her Jazz

Last year, for the D’Jazz festival, a gifted singer came to Nevers. My parents went to her concert and, when they returned at home, they were really charmed by « her voice and her presence ».

They convinced me to listen to her music and I immediatly fall in love with her songs. This corean singer, who sing in French but also in English, has a complicated career and decided to devote herself to music only around her thirtieth birthday. Her parents were also musicians and she learned to play piano at five years old – an incredible thing for most of us!

I looked at some videos and she emits something really special, a softness, a calm, a concentration and a happiness she manages to transmit to her public. There isn’t a lot of artists who show that sort of emotions. Most of the time, they are happy by another way, they are excited and they move on the scene all the time. Youn Sun Nah is nearly motionless during her concert.

This is possible to discover her music with the link under the article. The video present her version of « My favorite Things », a song wrote by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein for « The Sound of Music », a musical with Julie Andrews.




The Catcher in The Rye, impressions

I read The Catcher in the Rye by J.D Salinger last month. This novel is considering as a reference in literature in the United States. Published in the 50’s, it’s now a success sold 60 million times. This illustration of the American society was criticized as it was published, because of the hard themes it raises. Actually, Salinger evokes sexuality, alcohol and even prostitution.
According to me, even if the language used is sometimes coarse, it’s not hard to be greatly interested in this story of a lost teenager completely depressed in a lively town as New York.

Another point of Salinger’s writing in The Catcher in the Rye which probably bothered the readers is the character of Holden Caulfield who is an absolute antihero. This boy is out of his parent’s expectations; he doesn’t manage to stay in a school more than a few months, he’s too “wild” for these rich schools; he has the appearance of a perfect looser and, even worse, he seems to be inefficient to love anyone or anything.

Finally, the title of the book is a reference to the poem of Robert Burns named “Comin’ Through the Rye”. At the end of the novel, Holden talks with his sister about this poem and he explains that if there is something he wants to be later, it’s to save children from their death if they risk falling, as in the poem of Robert Burns. This is the last proof of his own sensibility, which is really hidden at the beginning of the novel and which we discover all along the book.
In brief, Holden Caulfield is maybe a projection of our fears, a projection of what we all dread to be, a looser, a poor person out of the society, and out of the time.

The test with Alice and the Mock turtle

I don’t wear a real interest in the work of Alice in Wonderland, however, one of the controls of literature we did who is focus on Alice pleased me as strangely. I find this text really interesting because i had never heard about this. This turtle who changes every school subjects in something strange like Washing or Seaography and Alice who tries in vain to understand, it was quite strange for my interest.

Shakespeare didn’t exist!

Apparently some experts are agree to affirm that Shakespeare didn’t exist.

The first hypothesis says that it is another person of Stratford-upon-Avon who wrote the famous texts. A desire to stay anonymous certainly. It is possible that a group of authors hides behind the name of Shakespeare.

The others hypothesis support the same idea. The argument n°1 is that we don’t have specific details about the life of the author for pretend who he is really. His confidential relationship with the Crown was not real for some people. People who don’t believe in the existence of Shakespeare are called the anti-stratfordians. Among these people found Charlie Chaplin, Henry James etcetera.

What do you think?

William Turner: Snow Storm

William turner was born in 1775 in London. He studied in the Royal Academy from year 1789 and began to have a painting up in 1796 so he was recognized  during his lifetime. During a travel in 1802 in France, he discovered Le Lorrain and looked up to him. After a travel in 1819 in Venice, he changed this paintwork for a paintwork where colors and light have a suggestive power. His representation and how he did an atmosphere in his work, make him like a precursor of impressionism. Moreover he was a member of romantic movement and wanted to follow tradition. He died in 1851.

I am sorry: I didn’t find how to put a picture here. So if you want to see the painting:

First you can observe a boat in a storm and their fight but the painting seems to be anarchist. You have a feeling of chaos. You can remark a contrast between the dark colors and the light in the painting. Moreover you don’t have lines, just a movement of colors and this movement is omnipresent. You feel yourself into the core of the storm and it gives life to the painting. This painting is a symbol of the futile efforts to struggle the forces of nature.

You have with this painting an annecdot: William Turner may have been on a boat during a snow storm and asked to be attached to the mast of the ship. But this story must be not true.

Les Miserables, by Tom Hooper.

I’ll talk about the film « Les Miserables » , adapted by Tom Hooper ( The King’s Speech ) in 2012. This is a musical film. The main actors are Hugh Jackman ( Jean Valjean ) , Russell Crowe ( Javert ), Anne Hathaway ( Fantine ) , Amanda Seyfried ( Cosette ) and Eddie Redmayne ( Marius ) .

This is the story of Jean Valjean , imprisoned 19 years for stealing a bread only .. This man is still honest and has an incredible strength . Once released ( conditional liberty ) , he became mayor and meets Fantine , a woman who has a lot of debt for the family who takes care of her daughter, Cosette. Fantine is really poor, and must sale her hair or her teeth for having money.. At her death, took pity , Valjean promises to find her daughter and take care of her as a father. But Javert , the relentless policeman, continues to search him unabated. Then follow a story wich is totally epic and dramatic , get ready to cry !

Personally. loved this movie, the characters are all so lovable , even Javert ..! We see everything from horror, love, despair , pity , mutual aid .. This film is beautiful, I highly recommend to all . In addition, the music , the songs are very, very beautiful and full of meaning. I found myself holding my breath or cry at some moments of the movie .. Especially at the end. So don’t hesitat , if you have a little time to loose ( 2h30. . !) Watch this movie, you will not be disappointed, i swear !


Robert Louis Stevenson was born in 1850. He was a scottisch poetist, essayist and novelist. After his birth in a wealthy family in Edinburgh, he chose to become a writer during his youth. But his father was against this choice because he wanted that his son become an ingeneer to follow him. So at 17 years old, Stevenson undertook ingeneer study but he left his University. Then he studied law and obtained a diploma.

He travelled in 1876 across France and Belgium, and met Fanny Osbourn. They fall in love but she was married and had two children. Moreover she lived in America and came back to this country to divorce. However Stevenson’s father said that if Stevenson go to join her, he cut his victuales. So in the goal to forget this impossible love, Stevenson went travelling in the Cévennes.

Finally, Stevenson and Fanny ex-Osbourn get married in 1880. After the Stevenson’s father death in 1887, Stevenson travelled to find a right climate for his health problems and died in 1874 in Vailama (Samoa).


I read travels with a donkey in the Cévennes and The amateur emigrant. This two books tell Stevenson’s travels in 1879 and 1879. The first travel is to froget and accept his love with Fanny Osbourn. At the end, he takes a decision: desobeys to his father in order to join Fanny Osbourn in America. This decision his take because during his travel, Stevenson meets many people, and walks. This facts  permit to him to change his opinion.The second novel: The amateur emigrant is Stevenson’s travel to America and the beginning in this new country. It permits to Stevenson to prepare him to his commitment with Fanny Osbourn.

You can remark that Stevenson is often considered like an author of fantastic and adventure novel for teenager with particulary his book Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde or Treasure Island.  But we can notices with all this works that he exploited all the aspects of narration and practiced a real work on his writing.

Nicholas Sparks

I would like to talk about Nicholas Sparks, an american author that I read two books : The Last Song  and The Lucky One. He is the author of The Notebook too, maybe you saw the adaptation (in french : N’oublie jamais). Lot of his books have been adapted into movies.

The Last Song tells the story of a girl, Ronnie, who doesn’t see her father since her parents divorced. She lives with her mother but one day this one decide to send away her daughter to the father hoping for a reconciliation. Ronnie’s father is a pianist who lives at the seaside. Over there she meets a boy and falls in love with him… But the story doesn’t stop there. Her relationship with her father is more and more touching, and the end is wonderful…

The Lucky One is about a soldier who find, during the war in Iraq, a photo of a woman. He keeps it in his pocket and lot of good things happen to him. He begins to believe that this photo is his lucky. After the war, he goes in search of this woman and the book tells their meeting… There is a lot of suspens and the story is very beautiful.

Have you ever read them ? Or have you ever seen the movies ? If it’s not the case, I advise you to read the books !

Gustave Doré.

I went to the gustave Doré exhibition at the Musée D’orsay on 10th of May in Paris. It was very interesting because I didn’t really know this artist. Gustave Doré was a painter, sculptor and an illustrator of 19th century . He illustrated many fables of La Fontaine, François Rabelais, Victor Hugo. He was famous all over the world because he was very talented. I was very impressed by this exhibition.

Ps Julien Doré is a member of his family.

The Bridges of Madison County

The Bridges of Madison County is a novel written by Robert James Waller and published in 1992. The novel is one of the best-selling books of the 20th century.

In 1965, Francesca Johnson is an Italian-American housewife who lives in Iowa. Her husband and her children leave their home for a week. A National Geographic photographer, Robert Kincaid, arrives to photograph the covered bridges in the area. He is lost and met Francesca in her house. Slowly, a love affair takes place between the two characters, a dangerous liaison.Passion’ is the key word of this story but this love affair seems to be impossible.

With an international success, an adaptation of this novel was directed by Clint Eastwood in 1995 where we find him and the marvellous Meryl Streep. This film is one of my great favourites for many reasons : the story is purely wonderful but very sad too. In my opinion, Meryl Streep is the best actress of the world because she’s so charming and captivating in this film, but in Out of Africa directed by Sydney Pollack in 1985 or in August: Osage County directed by John Wells in 2013 too (it’s just two examples because the list is very long!) . All the poetry of the film resides in the beautiful sets and in the wonderful photography. Both actors complement each other and they lead the audience from beginning to end. This is a very great film.

William Turner.

I want to show you a British painter and watercolorist I like very much : William Turner. I’ll do a quick biography of this man, and after I’ll show you several of his works, those I prefer.

So,Turner was devoted at the Art all of his time’s life. If at the origin, Turner was part of the English Romantism with his lyric landscapes, he was however a pioneer of the Impressionism with the details dissolved of the painting’s colors. He travelled troughout Europe, often alone.

To finish, I invite you to focus on William Turner. I’ll show some works :


The Lost River (How to catch a Monster)

As you know, Cannes film festival started few days ago !

I just learned that tomorrow will begin the « Un certain regard » selection and I noticed that « The Lost River » was in !

The Lost River is a film a directed by Ryan Gosling (yes yes the actor) and I’m quite impatient because I’m really curious of what can realize R. Gosling as a director. As you know, he is famous for his role in Drive and more recently in the Notebook. I started to make some researches and I realized that this man is a crazy genius  ; his imagination is limitless and his humour really offbeat.

I wasn’t suprised when I read that the Lost River is a « fantasy thriller » film : the story takes place in a parallel city where a family has to survive. A teaser was just released few hours ago and I have to say that I can’t wait to see the whole film.

However, I stay careful because this kind of film is hard to realize and it’s easy to fail, I’m waiting for something oppressive and agonizing.

I’m in hurry to see how a famous actor as him can realize a film of this type, and how the film will be welcomed.. Stay tuned ! (Ok I just read that the film will be able in 2015 in France….. what a cruel world)



Drop Dead Diva

Hi there 🙂

I’m currently here to write about my favourite tv series, Drop Dead Diva ! It’s quite famous in the US and the 6th season started a month ago.

Let’s start with the plot : Deb Dobkins is georgous but not really smart model; she lives with her boyfriend Greyson. One day, someone called her for a casting so she took her car but she had an accident and died immediately. She’s sent in Heaven but she found another way to go back to world and she arrived in Jane Bingum’s body, a lawyer who just get hit by a criminal. Deb must start a new and completely different life. Morever, the lawyer office where she works is the same as Greyson, her devasted ex-boyfriend. Jane/Deb has to cope with her new situation with her bestfriend Stacy, the only human who know her secret. She also has to live with her Guardian Angel Fred sent from Heaven to protect her secret.

I know that this story can be considered stupid or not really interesting but you have to watch it to understand how great it is. The episodes are composed from 1 or 2 cases that Jane or their associates have to defend ; it’s really captivating and you can follow the main plot in the background, this technique permits to avoid annoying episodes. This tv show is full of humour and it’s a real lesson of acceptation of oneself, we have to look over the physic to discover awesome people and an humility lesson for the main character who have to live with a different body that is totally opposed to her old one.

So if you have free time, don’t hesitate it’s worth it !



Different kinds of books and movies

I like all kinds of books. Particularly fantastic and romantic novels. On the other hand, I hate horror story wether through books or movies. I’m verry interested by books that deals with historical facts such as the book  » Reunion » by Fred Uhlman.

Moreover, according to me comics are very pleasant to read. For many peoples comics are not literature. But you can find all types of comics such as police comics, which are my favorites. However, graphics are really important because depending on it you may like the comic or not.

And you, what kind of book do you prefer ? why?

The green mile

The Green Mile is an american movie directed by Frank Darabont released in 1999.

This movie was adapted from the serial novel of the same name  which was written by Stephen King.

It’s the story of a prison guard who creates a strong friendship with a condemned death. The condemned to death in question is played by the actor Michael Clarke Duncan who is in my opinion the most suitable actor to play this role. this is a strength character who become more and more endearing.
The role of prison guard played by Tom Hanks who throughout the film tries to save his friend from his condanation to die.

I really liked this movie for various reasons. First, it’s very touching and particularly moving, the actors are fantastics. Finally, This film denounces judicial mistakes, but also racism and tolerance of men … this is a beautiful moral lesson!!


Lovecraft and Cthulhu mythos

Howard Phillips Lovecraft is a sci-fi, horror and fantasy author born on august 1890. As a lot of writters, his work was not appreciated but he is now recognize as a great artist ( especially by Stephen king who tells him « the greatest artisan of classic story of the 19th century »).

One of this most well-known stories is Cthulhu mythos, a fictional univers setting in the real world but where old and dark forces are asleep, waiting for the best moment to restore their past authority on humans. They are present as former gods, came from space thousand years ago. It is made of few short-stories, each about one of this gods. It is link with some other books of Lovecraft like the Necronomicon, supposed to be writting by a fictional author, Abdul al-Hazred the mad arab who predicted « a background of evil versimilitude. » (refer to the old gos)  by this verse :

« That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die. »

« The call of Cthulhu » is the most famous one and gives the name to the entiere myth. Cthulhu is an humanoid monster with a face of cuttlefish, tentacles and drangon wings. He is supposed to sleep at the bottom of the South Pacific, in the underwater dead city of R’lyeh. Lovecraft inspired himself of the Kraken to create Cthulhu.

Hans Zimmer

I would speak about a musician that I like very much, Hans Zimmer. He makes many theme music as Inception, Twelve Years has Slav, Transfomers…
Born German, Hans Zimmer is naturalized American and lives from now on in Los Angeles. It is known as one of the biggest composer of theme music to the world.

Fast go to discover these compositions !

Game Of Throne, the novel!

Hey people…!!
To break with the subject which we study at present (Theater, Shakespeare, the poetry etc… ) I suggest you to try the reading of « Game of Throne » which is, before put into series on the television, a book by George Martin, an american writter.
It exists in two volumes, and it’s an amaaaazing fantasy book, which won a big price of literature because of the quality of the story! I think that if you know and like the Tv serie, you could appreciate the book too, which is having more details…
Everybody is talking about the serie, so why don’t you read the book?

Hunger Games

Hunger Games is trilogy, writes by Suzanne Colin, an American writer, who has a very big success with the young people but who also convinced the grown-up readers.

When to begin you to read this story, you cannot stop any more, as if your life depended on it. It is moreover one of theme of this story.

I became a fan because there is a lot of action, contrary to movies. I find that it is one very beautiful story because when we analyze it, it reflects that our society can become. Violence, war, poverty, power, corrupt politicians…

When you finish books, it is as if it you miss something. The characters are very charming, and there are many different characters, we can become identified thus easily with somebody.

Try the experience, and do not trust to you in the rumors, make you your own opinion by reading them! For the least brave, try movies, but compared with books them are disappointing.

Tristan and Iseult

Tristant and Iseult is one very old myth, of origin concretes. The numerous poems on this love story are of origin Norman. Numerous poems were passed on in the oral, and numerous papers were lost. But the first writer to have reconstituted a complete version is Joseph Bédier.
His story thus became that of the reference.

« Tristan and Isolde » tells the story of Tristan de Loonois, an orphan invisible knight, adopted by his Uncle, king Marc of Cournouailles. They live in England, where the country is divided and attacked by king of Ireland, who sows the terror and massacres whole villages. This king has a magnificent girl, Iseult, of whom Tristan goes fallen madly in love. But the lovers are going to know numerous obstacles to their idyll.

This story is one of my preferred, because we go into a completely different world, with beautiful principles, such as the chivalry, the loyalty, the courage, and unconditional love.

Personally I preferred the adaptation of a French writer, Jacques Cassabois. He also tells the story of the parents of Tristan, wars on the English territory and French Bretagne.

Are not afraid of reading this wonderful story which is absoluement not childish.

Agatha Christie

Agatha Christie, also known as the « Queen of crime », is an English writter born in 1890. She’s well known for her two most important characters of novels : Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple. She’s one of the most important writter of the XIXs century and she’s very famous.

Lot of her novels had been adapted to cinema like Murder on the Orient Express, Death on the Nile… Two of his novels had been adapted in movie in France : By the Picking of my Thumb and  Partners in Crime two movies with Catherine Frot and André Dussolier.


Much Ado About Nothing by Kenneth Branagh adapted from William Shakespeare

Much Ado About Nothing is a play written by William Shakespeare around the edge of the XVIIs century.

The movie of Kenneth Branagh of the same name, published in 1993, is an adaptation of this play. The principal actors are Kenneth Branagh himself, Emma Thompson, Denzel Washington…The story took place in Sicilia, it’s about several love stories for exemple between Beatris (Emma Thompson) and Benedict (Kenneth Branagh)…The lovers have to fight against several  problems but it’s a story with an happy end because it’s a romantic comedy.

It’s not my favorite movie but I recommend you to see it, it’s very interesting to see one of Shakespeare’s play adapt in a movie.

The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck

The Grapes of Wrath is a novel of John Steinbeck published in 1939. It tell the story of an American family who’s forced to leave their home in Oklahoma because of the Great Depression, the period of crisis in America around 1929. The Joad’s family is composed of agricultural workers; one day the banks took position of their farms and told them they had to leave. This story tell the exodus of the all agricultural workers of Oklahoma who moved to California with the point of view of this family.

This story had inspired John Ford who had directed the movie of the same name in 1940 with a famous actor : Henry Fonda.

I did’nt read the book but I recommend you to watch the movie which is really great!

Discovering Literature

During this years, we have discovered numerous texts and films in several theme. There are « The Hobit », « The strange case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde », « The malteses Falcon », « Frankenstein », « Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland », « The Dumb Waiter », « Pride and Prejudice », « As You Like It » and other texts ! In class, we have also study differents authors as « Shakespeare », « Mary Shelley », « Jane Austen »… We have study very vocabulary as the gothic literature, humour and nonsense, poems or the literature of the absurd !

Since the beginning of the year, we have learnt so many thing. In my opinion I prefered the literature of the absurd and the fantasy ! And you ? What theme do you like ?

Clint Eastwood

Clint Eastwood is an American actor, film director, producer and composer. It’s an actor and director very touching !
I love « Million dollar baby ». Maggie Fitzgerald, thirty one, want get in the ring. Franckie become her coach. A beautiful relation develops between them.
In this film C. Eastwood is also an actor and play very well. He plays the coach Franckie. I find this film really affecting and it includes several emotions. I recommend you !
I also seen « Mystic River » and it’s very intersting. It’s a drama : Jimmy is killed and an police investigation begin… The end is surprising and it’s a very good film ! I like this movie.
He did « L’echange » with Angelina Jolie (a great film).

Have you seen a film with or by Clint Eastwood ?

Midnight In Paris.

It is a movie realized by Woody Allen. The main character is an american writer who comes in Paris in order to have more inspiration for his book. Moreover at midnight in the street he returns in Paris during the 1920s. Thanks to this movie we can discover famous artists who lived during the 1920s like Hemingway, Fitzerald or Man Ray. I advise you to see this movie because it is really amazing.

B.B King and Eric Clapton

In the evening I discovered one piece of two famous blues guitarists. Eric Clapton featuring B.B. King. They sing a songs, « Riding with the King. » The word « King » of the title refers to BB King is considered the king of the blues. I love this songs where the two guitarists are in perfect harmony. Their voices go very well together. This is a great blues songs! What do you think ?

Inception (2010)

Inception is a British-American science fiction heist thriller film directed by Christopher Nolan. Don Cobb is the best, experimented thief who is in the art of the extraction: his speciality consists in appropriating the most precious secrets of an individual while he dreams. The very search for his talents in the universe of the industrial espionage, Cobb also became a fugitive pursued all over the world who lost all which is dear to him. But an ultimate mission could allow him to find his previous life : provided that he can carry achieve : the inception. He has to implant an idea in mind of an individual. And nevertheless, Cobb and his partners face a formidable enemy who seems to have systematically a blow beforehand with them.

I really advise you ! It’s an interesting film and the actors are good !

Sense and Sensibility

I will to talk about Sense and Sensibility written by Jane Austen. On the death of Mr Dashwood, his wife and their three daughters : Elinor, Marianne and Margaret are deprived of their inheritance by their half-brother. They will go live in the country. This story focuses on Marianne, the sensible daughter, and Elinor, the sense daughter. In spite of their very different personality, both sisters experiment the same unhappy love affairs. It is the opposition between love and reason.

If you like stories of love and marriage, secrets and money, I advise you to read this book. There is also a cinematic adaptation : Raison et Sentiments (1995) by Ang Lee with Emma Thompson (Elinor) and Kate Winslet (Marianne).

« Blowin’ in the Wind » by Bob Dylan

Robert Allen Zimmermann (alias Bob Dylan) is an author, type-setter, interprets, musician, painter and American poet from the XX century. He has been one of the major figures of the popular music for five decades. He has several kinds musical like the rock’n’roll, the folk, the blues, the country and the country rock’n’roll. Bob Dylan plays also several instruments: the guitar, the harmonica, the bass and the piano.

I chose to speak to you about his song “Blowin’ in the Wind” because it is one of the major songs of Bob Dylan. It’s a protest song. Bob Dylan is like a spiritual guide of the movement of the civic rights.

I think that everyone should know this music because it’s very important but also beautiful at the same time. I propose to you a video, don’t be missed!


« This is England » by Shane Meadows

I chose to present the film « This is England« .
« This is England » is a British film directed and written by Shane Meadows in 2006.
This film presents the story of Shaun, a young boy who befriends a group of skinheads from a culture that appears in the late 70s. They teach him how to dress and think like them (Dr Martens boots, jeans and shirt).
The film also shows the birth of a new england skinhead culture, which promotes Nazism, racism and fascism. The group will then separate because they have different opinions about this new culture
I loved this movie because I love the English punk this period and this film has very good culture movement.
I recommend it because it is a very interesting period in England!


« Good Morning England » by Richard Curtis

“Good Morning England” is a comedy germano-franco-British carried out and written by Richard Curtis in 2009.
The film is inspired by the true story of Radio Caroline, a boat anchored to the limit of British territorial water to face the interdict issued by the authorities to prevent the free radios from emitting. This film tells the life of a crew of Djs which diffuse of Rock’n’roll and of the pop music in the United Kingdom.

I liked much this film first of all for his originality, it is very humorous. Moreover, I like much the music rock’n’roll of the Sixties!! So, if you are like me, I advise it to you!!!

London – Piccadilly

    Piccadilly is a major London street which runs from Hyde Park Corner to Piccadilly Circus. I chose to present this place because I visited it the last holidays and I liked much !
This street is very busy with a lot of tourism because there are many famous shops and as it goes to Buckingham Palace. The place of Piccadilly is very famous for its establishments with the mode at the XIX century. There are the Criterion theatre, the old ballroom of London Trocadero and London Pavilion (an music-hall) which are now transformed into a shopping mall.
Its name comes from « picadils » which is the name of a jacket collar which made ??the reputation of an English tailor.
    If you have opportunity of going to London I advise you this beautiful place.

The Theatre of the Absurd

The Theatre of Absurd movement began in Paris in the mid of the 20th century, in fact, the first precursors of this movement were french like Eugene Ionesco or Jean Genet. But it considered that several older plays inspiring this movement like The Winter’s Tales or The Tempest by William Shakespeare.

The term of « Theatre of the Absurd » was given by theatre critic Martin Esslin in 1961, he also says that the four leader of the genre were Samuel Beckett, Eugene Ionesco, Arthur Adamov and Jean Genet.

The particularities of this kind of plays are meaningless or repetitive dialogues and nonsense. It says that this movement is an answer to the realistic movement, when playwrights tried to represent the real life in their works. Unlike them, absurdist try to give an unreal and unique exprerience to the viewer. In this kind of plays, time and setting are not precisely defined and the characters can’t exist in real life, they are often metaphorical or archetypal.

This genre is very particular, we can say that it can’t please everyone, but I really enjoy this ! What about you ?

Endgame, by Samuel Beckett.

Endgame is an one-act play written by Samuel Beckett in 1957. It count the story of four characters, three of them are disabled and one can go wherever he want, almost.

This play is very ambiguous, the dialogues are typical Beckett’s work, some lyrics are meaningless and not advance in the plot of the play, and there are a lot of silence and breaks, otherwise, 30% of the play is made of stage directions. Also, the play parody the conventions of classic theatre, in fact, the end of the play is tell at the beginning and, at several moments, the characters speak to the public to say that they are bored. Contrary to Waiting For Godot, this play don’t give way to humor at any moment, all the play is about death or disease.

This play is associated to the Theatre of the Absurd genre but the author denied any membership to any literary movements. It’s another weird creation by Samuel Beckett.

« All the world’s a stage »

« All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players.
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages. At first the infant,
Mewling and puking in the nurse’s arms.
Then, the whining school-boy with his satchel
And shining morning face, creeping like a snail
Unwillingly to school. And then the lover,
Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad
Made to his mistress’ eyebrow. Then, a soldier,
Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard,
Jealous in honour, sudden, and quick in quarrel,
Seeking the bubble reputation
Even in the cannon’s mouth. And then, the justice,
In fair round belly, with a good capon lin’d,
With eyes severe, and beard of formal cut,
Full of wise saws, and modern instances,
And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts
Into the lean and slipper’d pantaloon,
With spectacles on nose and pouch on side,
His youthful hose, well sav’d, a world too wide
For his shrunk shank, and his big manly voice,
Turning again toward childish treble, pipes
And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all,
That ends this strange eventful history,
Is second childishness and mere oblivion,
Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything. »


This is the famous monologue spoken by Jacques in Act II Scene VII from As You Like It. By writting this monologue, William Shakespeare compare life to a stage and say that a man play different role in different acts in his life. These acts, or « ages » represent the stages of life, they are seven :


The first age is the infancy, when we are a little baby in our nurse’s arms.

In the second age we play the role of a little child, who don’t want to go to school.

The third age is the lover, the part of our life dedicated to the feeling of love.

The fourth age is called « the soldier », when we struggle for honour and reputation.

The fifth age is when we play the role of « Justice », we use knowledge and experience to advice people.

In the sixth age we become more weak and and fragile.

And the last age is compared to a second childhood, because we’re once again dependent to other. And we loose our teeth, our eyes and also our memories, to death.

Legion, Army of Angels

What happen when God loses faith in mankind ?

The story takes place in a roadside restaurant.There are 7 characters, when an old woman comes in the restaurant and asks a raw steak . The waitress who is pregnant, wonders why, and I understand, because we must be really crazy to ask a raw steak when you are old
So, after she was served, the old woman tell at the waitress that she wants to kill her baby, and mainly… Burn her baby! Afterwards, she becomes an angel, and kills one man in snatching a piece of his neck!


Ok, that’s crazy! And that’s just the four first minutes of the film! The following is really great! We discover that an Archangel Michael wants to rescue the world even if he must derogate from the rules of God, who ordered the destruction of all Humans! I won’t tell you all of the story.. would not it be funny
If you like the Supernatural, Fantasy, Thriller, Horror Movie, Action Movie I recommend you this film!

? Look out, sometimes this is really boring and repetitive. ?

Dead poets society, 1989

Dead poets society is Peter Weir’s movie, an american director. The main character is Todd Anderson ( we can’t really say that he’s the main character indeed but he’s the most likeable). He arrives in a prestigious school at the beggining of the film where he meets rather reach and skilled at school young men. All his teachers are careful and authoritarian man exept one of them: his literature’s teacher : Mr Keating. His first words are « Carpe Diem ».
Teaching a class without dreams, without others ambitions that one’s of their parents, he wants his students to become more sensitive. The poets society is a society created by Mr keatin and his friends when they were younger and the boys rebuild this society in spite of their conditions ( their parents’ disagreement, the condemnation of their school…).

This movie is another story of freedom and youth but it also explore their limits, it shows that sensitivity often leads to tragical ends. Can we think that our society is adapted to this kind of freedom? I think we should wath this film because of its poetry.

A cry in the night written by Mary Higgins Clark

A cry in the night is a novel written by Mary Higgins Clark which was published in 1982. The writer is american, she was born on december, the 24th 1929 in New-York. This novel relates the story of woman called Jenny McPartland who has two children and she’s single but one day she meets the painter Erich Krueger. Unfortunately, their love story turns very badly. There is many suspense and gives chills down your spine. I love this book and I would like to see a film adaptation of the book.

Sherlock Holmes by Mikuriya & Miyazaki

There is an italian-japanese serie based on Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle. It has started in 1981 , but it was stoped cause of rights of author , and took up again in 1984.

In this serie , the all characters are anthropomorphous animals. Sherlock is a fox and Watson is a dog. The professor Moriarty , him , is a wolf.

It’s an old serie , but I’ve saw some episodes and I’ve found it good. To see !

Gothic novel

The first theme we learned was the gotic novel.
The main novel was Frankenstein wrote by Mary Shelley. We saw the different gothics or romantics elemenents, like the setting and the atmosphere with dreary night and castle. Before study the story we had to learn the name and place of the character. Next we learned an extract and to understand all the story we saw the film.
I think that Frankenstein belong to classic of english litterature and Mary Shelley is one of the most famous autor on this time. I think too it was my favorite theme of what we learned because I knew a little the story and I am found of gothic and romantic genre.

Theatre of the Absurd

In the world of theatre, there is a particular play called the Absurd.It had been created in the 1950s after the period of the humanists and is totally different as comedy and drama. It is talking about the absurdity of men which leads to the death.It is totally the contrary of realism.

The relevants things are the dialogues between characters who are not connected or the place where the scene takes place. For exemple in the Dumb Waiter the characters are talking about absurds items, and their sentences are unrelated. In « Waiting for Godot » the characters are always talking because they are terrified by silence and so they don’t have to speak about their condition or anguish.

Every body doesn’t like the absurd because it is a very special genre.

The Chronicles of Narnia

The Chronicles of Narnia is a film that I particularly like, it link to Alice in Wonderland because here also we are in the wonderful. Again we can talk with animals and also fight with them.
The characters are endearing especially little Lucy, she’s the first person who comes in this strange world.
Moreover, it was written by an Irish writer CS Lewis, a close friend of JRR Tolkien the writer of The Hobbit.

– An adaptation of Hamlet –

Hamlet was adapted in japanese anime too , in an OAV from the manga Black Butler. It’s an special episode in the serie , and each character have to play a character of Hamlet.

The main character of the manga , Ciel , plays the role of Hamlet , and the typical sentence  » To be or not to be  » is present of course.

In my opinion , this adaptation isn’t really good , but it’s funny.

Romeo × Juliette by Fumitoshi Oizaki

I know an japanese anime TV series about Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliette. It producted in 2007 by the director Fumitoshi Oizaki of Gondo’s studio. There are 24 episodes.

The anime is based on the play , but the story isn’t the same. In the anime , Juliet is called  » The Red Whirlwind  » because she fights to protect the population of Neo Verona. More , there is surnaturals things in this adaptation , like the Dragon Steed or the Great Tree Escalus.

This adaptation is special , but funny.


Harry Potter, the boy who lived

I think you all know the story of Harry Potter, a famous wizard. But I want to speak about Harry Potter, my favorite series of seven fantasy novels written by J. K. Rowling, which the main theme is death – and particularly the origins, the theme and the universe.

First, J. K. Rowling had suddently an idea on a train, in 1990. She said :

« I had been writing almost continuously since the age of six but I had never been so excited about an idea before. I simply sat and thought, for four (delayed train) hours, and all the details bubbled up in my brain, and this scrawny, black-haired, bespectacled boy who did not know he was a wizard became more and more real to me. »

Moreover, the theme crosses-reference to political subject : the fact that Lord Voldemort wants to exterminate the mudbloods (wizards who have muggles parents) makes reference in Nazi Germany. So Salazar Slytherin is a reference in S.S.

There are many others themes like love, prejudice, power,…

The magic universe is special because wizards must to coexist with muggles – those who aren’t wizards – but they have to hide their existence. They have their own governmental organization, their own laws, their own school called Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, their own cultural references such as the Quidditch. There are potions, magic creatures, magic plants and other wonderful elements.


Do you like Harry Potter? Do you prefer movies or books? Which do you prefer?

The Big Bang Theory


Who knows this serie?

It speak of  two scientifics Leonard and Sheldon who lived quietly together when moved in next door to them Penny a pretty young woman.

Leonard falls in love for her
This series is very funny because it mixes very cultured people but who are not very comfortable with people and a single waitress not very educated.

Sheldon is very snobbish and does not really help Leonard to seduce Penny

It’s really very funny

Romeo and Juliet

Nobody can say William Shakespeare without thinking « Romeo and Juliet ».

This play is an tragedy. It talk about an love story between two young persons who were separated by their families who hate each other because they wanting to be the most powerful in Verona. Romeo is the heir of Montagu family and Juliet is one Capulet.

They met each other at a ball and they fall madly in love and will marry in secret.

After a series of tragic events between the two families, they die together. And finally their parents were reconciled

This is one of the most famous plays of Shakespeare and it’s a good picture of human stupidity and the closed mind  representated by Montagus and Capulets.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is the second film of the new story of Spider-Man and the fifth of the studio Colombia Pictures who speaks about this hero.

Spider-Man is an hero who was created by Marvel Comics

The movie went out in 2014 and was realized by Marc Webb.

In that movie Peter Parker ( Spider-Man ) has graduate. His life is very chaotic and he spend his time has to fight the evil in New York and sees little Gwen his girlfriend because he was haunted by the memory of his dead father. But one of his old friends Harry Osborn is back at New York. His father is died and herited from his company.

Between stories with Gwen Stacy, a new monster Max and his friend Harry, Peter is going to discover the reason of the disappearance of his parents.

This movie is magnificent, the effects are very good and fall (double sense) is very sad.

Clearly this film is amazing !

Interview with The vampire

Interview with the vampire is a horror novel written in 1976 by Anne Rice. This story takes place in New Orléans at 1980; on a Vampie who tells of his life to a reporter. This is the first volume of a serie entitled « Vampire Chronicles », this is to discover and popularize the myth of the romantic vampire. Thanks it Vampires become the number one literary subject. Today there exist a movie about this story. This novel was adapted into comics, manga in Japan in 1994 by Udou Shinohara, and song Moon Over Bourbon Stret Sting in 1985.

Summary and other informations about this book :

I recommend just to get a different view of vampires and for discovery.

Act 3, Scene 2 | As You Like It


We have seen in class 3 versions of As You Like It Act 3, Scene 2 | As You Like It by Shakespeare.
I don’t really liked the first version because was a little boring and there was nothing really special but I enjoyed the others! The second is my favourite because I like the playing of the actress, the facial expressions, gestures.. she really embodies the role of the character.

I loved also the third version, more modern. The playing of Pippa Nixon is exceptional because for me, she comes to us through a lot of emotions just by talking, she speaks carefully, as the emotions she wants to pass.


The two women embody both very well the role of Rosalind in their own way but the result is very good on both sides.

24 days, the truth about Ilan Halimi’s dead

On january 2006, Ilan Halimi was kidnapped. He disappear 24 days and when he was found, he was almost dead and die in the ambulance going to the hospital. He was just 23 years. For 24 days he was tortured and maltreated because of his belonging to the Jewish community.

He was  kidnapped by a group of muslim of the Parisian surburb, directed by Youssouf Fofana. It’s called « the gang of barbarians » because of their abuse of violence. They ask for a ransom because they were conviced that the Jewish community was rich and will paid for the life of one of them.

For a long time, authorities refused to admit that it was an antisemitic action and says that it was only for money but, Ruth Halimi, mother of the victim, strongly believed otherwise. So, She wrote a book named « 24 days, the truth about Ilan Halimi’s dead » with the help of Emilie Frèche, a young writter to denounce and make aware of  the presence of anti-Semitism in a society supposedly tolerant: she would like to said to other social minorities to be careful: wickedness still exist despite appearances.

It has just been adapted to film by Alexandre Arcadi with the wonderful Zabou Breitman on the play of Ruth Halimi. It is a great film that takes a slape in your face. It really makes you feel ill at ease and almost shameful for the behavior of some people because of prejudices introduced by the evolution of our cultur.

Brave new world – Aldous Huxley

Brave New World is a science fiction novel, written by Aldous Huxley and published in 1932. I think he was an important british author of his era.

In Brave New World, Huxley imagines a world where humans are mass produced, artificially created and conditioned to be what the Authorities want they want to be. It’s a futuristic world which takes place 700 years after Ford. Ford is a sort of god in this world. In this strange but ideal society, family, feelings and monogamy doesn’t exist. People must be happy and free. Their lives are already made. They are not fear by death, they are not access to books and they can’t think. A few characters are emphasized. Bernard who has suffered a problem in his conception is rather different from others. He loves a woman which it’s forbidden. He thinks about his condition and would like to change it. I won’t tell you the entire story but I advice you to read it.


I think that it was interesting to speak about this novel because I think it could a good illustration for the thematic:  Imaginary because the story evolves in a completely imaginary world. However, it’s a satirical novel. We can recognize our condition in their strange condition. It’s just that they are pushed to the extreme. For example, the conditioning of humans could be interpreted as our publicity. They listen always the same prejudices and they finish by believing them. It’s a really interesting book. And even if you don’t like as me the science fiction we could like this novel because it’s really philosophic and it could question yourself and our society. However, I advice you to read it in French because I think that it’s rather complicated  in English but it’s my opinion. And you, have you already read this novel ? Did you like it ? Maybe you have already seen the film adaptation.

Django unchained

I recommend to all the movie «Django uchained», if you have not already seen it.

It’s a movie directed by Quentin Tarantino, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Christoph Waltz and Jamie Foxx as the main actors.

 This happens two years before the Civil War, the superiority of whites over blacks is alive at this moment ! I find some moments really enjoyable, the characters are endearing and I think that thestory-board itself is very good. Good viewing