Entrainement à la CO EE

Compréhension orale- expression écrite 1

Title : « Black hotel workers replaced by immigrants
Consigne : Ecoutez le document  audio et donner les informations en Anglais sur :
-la nature du document, -le thème, -les principaux personnages, -les conflits dans l’hôtellerie, -les avis contradictoires des deux principaux protagonistes.

C.Expression écrite.

Choose one of the two questions.

Is it necessary to have help to succeed in businesses and life ? Are parents’ legacy (money, building) be crucial for a better future or career?


Do you think that discrimination prevail in the hotel industry in Martinique ? Isn’t it exaggerated to speak about discrimination in a multicultural country ?

Compréhension orale – Expression écrite 2

Title: Controversial pesticides neonicotinoids are suspected of starving fish

Consigne : Ecoutez le document  audio et donner les informations en Anglais sur la nature du document, le thème, les principaux personnages, les avis des (du) protagoniste(s)

C.Expression écrite.

Choose one of the two questions.

Question A. Use the documents below to write about the dangers of pesticides for food in Martinique. (120 words)

DOC: Pesticides and food

Question B. Write a conversation between a Martiniquan who is concerned with the health scandal of kepone and a politician.

Use the following document to argue.

DOC: Pesticides and food

Compréhension orale – Expression écrite 3

Titre: Mozambique Is Racing To Adapt To Climate Change.

Consigne : Ecoutez le document  audio et donner les informations en Anglais sur la nature du document, le thème, les principaux personnages, les avis des (du) protagoniste(s)


Choose one of the two questions.

Question A: Do you think that people in your country are concerned about global warming? Say who is to blame or to praise ? (120 words)

Question B: Write a speech in which you try to make people aware of the effects and dangers of global warming?  (120 words)