New York City

Ce dossier sur les questions d’urbanisme et d’aménagement à New York regroupe trois ressources accompagnées d’exercices de compréhension et de production orales et écrites, ainsi que d’analyse d’image.

Time Square – Before and After

– The changing face of an urban icon

Analyse d’une image


The 9/11 memorial, an ambitious renunciation

– An interview with Clifford Chanin, 9/11 museum director of education and programs

– Phonetics, the -ion rule

Enregistrement vidéo et compréhension orale


Paul Auster, The Brooklyn Follies

– An extract from Paul Auster’s novel: the protagonist moves into a Brooklyn flat

– Grammar, THE PRESENT

Texte et compréhension écrite


Final task

Speaking task

You and your family have always been living in New York City. You’re visiting one of your uncles who now lives in Los Angeles and wants to know all about the latest changes in the Big Apple. Work in pairs and imagine their conversation.

Writing task

You work for the NYC Department of Transportation and you are preparing a press release to announce a forthcoming exhibition entitled ‘Reclaiming space in NYC’, to be held at the DOT headquarters. Write a text explaining in what way space is being reclaimed and by whom. Use photographs as illustrations if necessary.