To what extent can we say that the American Dream is still alive?


Instruction: Watch the video and say what the American Dream means for these people.

The American Dream is the notion that the American social, economic and political system makes success possible for every individual. Someone who manages to achieve their version of the American dream is said to be « living the dream ».

The idea of the American dream is older than the USA itself – it dates back to the 1600s, when people began to have hopes for what was a new and largely unexplored continent to European immigrants. People dreamt of owning land and establishing a prosperous business and hoped that this would make them happier.

The American Dream is not the same for everyone. It has an individual meaning. It is peculiar to every individual. For some people to achieve the American Dream is getting a good job, a big house, food on the table for the family. For others, it may have another meaning such as finding a house in a safe neighborhood, a good school for one’s children, being free and far from war and persecution.

So we realize that  many people criticize the idea of the American dream because they say that it is impossible for everyone to be able to fulfill their dreams – there are still inequalities in class, race, religion and ethnicity preventing people from « living the dream ».

Today’s the definition of the American dream has changed. People no longer wish for being rich and famous. Most people nowadays hope that they will avoid poverty, will get married, have children and live in a traditional home.


Text 1 

I was not unwelcome by Chang Rae Lee, Gesture Life (1999)

Text 2

I still believe in the american Dream by Fareed Zakaria, « How to restore the American Dream », Time, October 21, 2010

 Text 3 

The American Dream is still a dream for most minorities, by Philip M. Deutsch, The Tech online edition, Tuesday, February 11, 2003

 Text 4 

A successful woman,, Oprah Winfrey’s influence in America (Missions Anglais tle, p.21)


1)The new immigrants

Immigration or movement of population is a very old phenomenon. People have moved to other places for a variety of reasons that rank from personal to national reasons. As far asmigration to America is concerned, it is still the case.

America is the first world superpower and as a result attracts/appeals to many people from different countries. So, it is important to know that America has always been a land of immigrants. It is called “a nation of nations” which means that America has welcomed immigrants from various territories.

We know that by the 1900, at the beginning of the XXth century, immigration to America was very important (8thousand people entered the continent). The majority of the immigrants originated from Ireland, Eastern Europe, England.

By the XXIst century, we have the same trend (tendency). Africans, Mexicans and people from Asia make up the majority of the immigrants going to America. In the 1940’s, we had a decrease of the rate of immigrants because of the quota laws.The United States has adopted many different laws regulating the entry of immigrants; sometimes they focused on some nationality like Asian people from 1917 to the 1920’s.

2) Why did people go to America? Why are people still attracted by the myth of the American Dream?

To understand why people go to America, we have to pay attention to the myth of the American Dream.

First of all, the settlers who went to America wanted freedom. America was the land of freedom. When you were persecuted for political or religious reasons you migrated to America. America was a vast and uninhabited continent. We know well the story of the conquest of the west and the indian genocide.

Secondly, America was the land of opportunity. If you were hard working, ambitious and showed determination, you can be successful and become rich in no time at all. This was the case for a Bavarian immigrant called Levi Strauss who sold jeans and became rich.

You have the example of Andrew Carnegie who made his way out of poverty through investing in many projects: bridge building firm, steel company. He was also lucky because after he bought a farm, oil was discovered on his property.

All these stories fuel the imagination and people firmly believe that America is the place to be. All through the 19th century, America benefitted from industrialization and became the richest country in the world.

After America participated in the two world wars, it started to dominate the world economically with the doctrine of liberalism. Also, it began to have an international influence. America then became the policeman of the world trying to wage war against China and communism.

The fact that America is the wealthiest nation explains why people are still eager to migrate to America.

The statue of Liberty still has a powerful impact on people’s psychology.

You also have the myth of the Melting Pot. It is the notion that America is able to integrate people from any nation so that they make one as the political system of America which is a federation of states.

People like Bob Jones (with Apple) or Bill Gates (with Microsoft) who became millionaire because they were smart businessmen.

You have singers like Rihanna, Beyoncé, actors or sportsmen who thanks to their talent could become famous and earn huge sums of money.

One of the best example which support the American Dream (myth) is Obama’s election and reelection. In no country where blacks are a minority you will find a black president. America was able to elect a black president whose parents are from Africa. It’s an unprecedented event in the history of America and the world. And that’s the strength of the American people. That’s why America will continue to attract masses.

Another important idea we must add is the ability of the Americans to transcend themselves, to overcome obstacles, this “sunny attitude” over life, the idea that things can be worse but in America, things will always be better than anywhere else.

This optimism prevailing in America is a crucial element in American appeal.

We must also add that the nature of the American Dream has changed. The American Dream no longer means acquiring wealth, US citizenship, it signifies for the middle class people get consumer goods like big cars and a beautiful house.