Recap of places and forms of power


How important is higher education in shaping young people’s mind and their future  life ?


 A definition of higher education

 What is higher education? Why do we  need it? Higher education is education provided by universities, colleges, and other institutions that award academic degrees. Higher education includes both the undergraduate (i.e., college) and the graduate (or postgraduate) levels. We study higher education in the perspective of universities as places and forms of power. We will try to explain through the texts we studied how higher education can shape young people’s mind. We start with a definition of higher education. Then, we will focus on the link between higher education and young people’s future.

B)The importance of higer education

It is worthwhile to note that in many western countries, schools and education are compulsory (obligatoire) until 16. It shows that many nations are aware of the importance of education.

Exemples : Develop what you learn in class about the two texts :

  • The cost of University : For or against the rise of tuition fees ?
  • Coping with the cost, by Crystal.

These two texts show that young people understand what is at stake : Their future.

They demonstrate against the rise of the tuition fees (text 1)

They do their best and work part-time to get a degree. (text 2)

C)The purpose of higher education

a)Higher education seen by Chapter 11’s parents

1)Higher education offers graduates more jobs to choose and opportunities.

2) Higher education improves an individual’s quality of life. Studies show that, compared to high school graduates, college graduates have longer life spans, better access to health care, better dietary and health practices, greater economic stability and security, more prestigious employment and greater job satisfaction, less dependency on government assistance, greater knowledge of government, greater community service and leadership, more volunteer work, more self-confidence, and less criminal activity and incarceration

3) Education is knowledge. When you have knowlege, you can dominate, manipulate or help other people. So, education and knowledge are power !

All these goals of higher education are embodied by Chapter 11’s parents.

  1. b) Chapter 11 and higer education

-his self-transformation : see text

-The tennis table match with his father

-His interests in anthropology

Chapter 11’s purpose of higher education is different from that of his parents.

Knowledge is freedom. It emancipates you : How does universities emancipate Chapter 11 ?

He has become more independent, more mature, more critical of what he sees. He is close to nature and more respectful to the environment. He is like his idol : John Lennon. What does J.Lennon stand for ?

  1. D) Universities as places of power

Examples of universities as places of power : Harvard, Eton, Cambridge. They also train and educate most of the heads of states of the world.


Parents pass on values and principles to their children. Education is a foundation of modern and democratic societies. Why is education so important ? It makes ignorance decline. Ignorance means intolerance, wars, destruction.

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