Drive (Book and movie)

Drive Novel/film

Hey everyone, today i’m going to talk about the black novel Drive written by the american James Sallis and published in 2005. This is the story of a stuntman specialized on the automobile cars in Pheonix, Arizona. He has no name, to make more money, he works the night as driver for any sorts of flights. One day, falling in a trap, his only friend is killed. After this tragedy, the only thing that he wants is the veangeance.

I like very much this novel, with a suspenseful story, this novel is very intense with his big moment of tension. The character of the driver is very surprising not like many anti-hero.

Now, we are going to talk about the movie. Directed by Nicholas Widing Refn and released in 2011. The driver character is played by Ryan Gosling (Numbers 2002) starring Carey Mulligan (The Great Gatsby 2013) and Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad 2008). The story is exactly the same than the novel. The driver is an interesting character, Both complex and charming, he is never afraid by the world who surrounding him. Winding Refn won the best director movie for the film. Moreover at the 2011 Cannes film festival, Drive received a standing ovation, so I highly recommend to you.


For the anecdote Have you ever heard the song « Nightcall » ? Create by the french electronic compositor Kavinsky. the music was exclusively create for the film.


CHERUB, Robert Muchamore

CHERUB is the generic title of a series of children’s books written by Robert Muchamore. It tells the adventures of agents of a fictitious UK agency, composed only of minor agents from 10 to 17 years old. After the success of the original series of twelve volumes where the main character is James, the sequel ( three tomes ) tells this time Ryan’s adventures, which « succeeds » James. Robert Muchamore has also written a series of books called Henderson’s Boys, which tells the beginnings of Cherub and its founder Charles Henderson during the Second World War.

We can see several meanings about the CHERUB acronym:

  • CHERUB is the name of that agency, being the acronym of Charles Henderson’s Espionage Research Unit B1.
  • CHERUB also means « angel » or « cherub » in English, which is related to the logo of the organization.
  • And of course this is related to the fact that all the selected agents are children.

The CHERUB agents are recruited in all orphanages in the country for most of them for simple reasons: it’s necessary that agents have no connection with the outside world, and that no one has to leverage on them or the agency. The criteria are based on physical and intellectual abilities. The future agents can be received at any age, but are often recruited at the age of seven. From this age, they receive an education of the highest level: in addition to the subjects taught in regular schools, they learn two foreign languages ??(one using a foreign alphabet). They are also subjected to intensive physical workouts and are all specialists in martial arts. The purpose of CHERUB is to use juvenile criminals do not have the same mistrust that deal with adults. This branch of the British secret service was created because no one would imagine that such an organization exists.

Within this organization, there is since 1957 a special hierarchy among agents, thetis is visually perceptible : the T-shirts colors they wear indicate their rank.

What a life ! What child has not dreamed of becoming a secret agent when he is an adult ? And there it’s possible to become one as young as 10 years ! The story is full of twists , action , adventure and humor. It is amazing to find secret agents so young and yet the recipe works. We quickly become attached to the characters.

It’s fun to see the reactions of teenagers facing adult situations. And although their condition of secret agents seems to grow faster, they are teenagers after all.


Today, I want to talk about the song Dark Paradise by Lana Del Rey (her real name is Elizabeth Woolridge Grant), an amazing and talented American singer, she writes all the songs she sings. Lana Del Rey makes of her songs something beautiful, something full of softness.

The first song that people knew by her is Video Games (« it’s you, it’s you, it’s all for you… ») and that’s why I have started listening to her songs, and I fell in love with Dark Paradise (and other songs like Radio, National Anthem, Sad Girl…you have to listen to these songs, really!!!)

« All my friends tell me I should move on
I’m lying in the ocean, singing your song
That’s how you sang it
Loving you forever, can’t be wrong
Even though you’re not here, won’t move on
That’s how we played it
And there’s no remedy
For memory
Your face is like a melody,
It won’t leave my head
Your soul is haunting me
And telling me
That everything is fine
But I wish I was dead 
(dead like you)
Every time I close my eyes
It’s like a dark paradise
No one compares to you
I’m scared that you
Won’t be waiting on the other side
Every time I close my eyes
It’s like a dark paradise
No one compares to you
I’m scared that you
Won’t be waiting on the other side
All my friends ask me why I stay strong
Tell ’em when you find true love it lives on
That’s why I stay here« 

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In these lyrics, she talks about her lover lost, someone who’s dead now, and she can’t stop thinking or dreaming about this person, she miss this person. There are some metaphors, like « your face’s like a melody, it won’t leave my head » she references the person at a song, a melody that stays in mind, and we can’t do anything to stop that. Or « it’s like a dark paradise » she calls her life without her lover « dark paradise », two opposite words, dark reminds us the death, the sadness, the loneliness, and paradise reminds us a beautiful place where everybody is happy. So I think she loves thinking or dreaming about her lover, about her moments she spent with her lover, but when she realizes that her lover is dead, she feels empty and she is scared « I’m scared that you, won’t be waiting on the other side »

I really really really love this song because I love sad songs, emotional songs, songs that make thrillings, songs that sum up my different states of mind, and that song reminds me something that happened to me in the past, so this song does mean so much to me, and there is one of the only songs that I can listen again and again, without stop, I could do this all the days (and that’s what I do!!!)

I hope that one day I can see her, I can hear her singing Dark Paradise, I really hope, I think she will make me cry during this song : I am fragile, yes (hahahah) but, look! In this videos, she sings Dark Paradise, and she seems very sad and affected, a lot of emotions 🙁




Whiplash by Damien Chazelle

Hello !

Today I would speak about a movie : Whiplash. It is an American drama written and directed by Damien Chazelle. It won the Grand Jury Prize in Sundance Festival. The film’s tittle refers to the piece of Hank Levy; Whiplash, repeated several times in the movie. The mains actors is Miles Teller who plays Andrew Neiman and J.K Simmons who plays the teacher: Terence Fletcher.

Andrew Neiman a young drummer student at the prestigious Shaffer Conservatory in New York aspires to become on of the greats like Buddy Rich. Terence Fletcher become his teacher to integrates his Studio Band. Andrew trains relentlessly to achieve the waits of his teacher. Because Terence Fletcher is a pitiless teacher, he uses the psychological violence and sometimes physical violence to get the best from his students…

I loved this film from the first minute. The acting is exceptional, in this film there is no much dialogues because everything goes through the jazz music, so the film is very rhythmic with magnificient shots ! The notion of executioner and victim is striking, Whiplash is a film about our impulses, our animality and our rebel instinct who animâtes Fletcher and Neiman in the risk because the great art requires an entire relentlessness and an obsession.

 » Graal » by Christian De Montella

Today I’m going to speak about a trilogy entitled  » Graal  »written by Christian De Montella.
It’s belong to fantasy novel.

So the strory talks about Merlin (son of devil) and his fight against good and bad when he was young and it’s speak also about every event and adventure before king arthur birth and the round table. In this book we can face with the famous Morgan, Lancelot ect….
It show the beginning of the quest of Graal with every characters’ difficulties.
This novel allows us to travel through legends of king arthur but also to travel in a new world and delve into the adventures of Merlin.
There is a lot of suspens in this book we are always trying to know what are going to happend next and when we strated the trilogy we feel like obliged to continue.

I like this trilogy because when I read it it’s like I retourned in the past and see everythings that happend it’s very amazing and I like this feeling.
I recommend this book for everybody who like this type of book and also for people who like King Arthur’s legends because it’s very interresting.

Er ist wieder da (He came back) – Timur Vermes

Er ist wieder da is a german novel written by Timur Vermes and released in 2011. The english translation could be He came back.

It is a fictional story in which Hitler, the german despot, wake up sixty-six years after his death. Actually, it is pretty comic since there are many anachronisms especially in the beginning when the Fürher doesn’t realise what happened. For instance, he woke up in a waste ground and got angry when two kids (that he just met) didn’t do the nazi salvation. Moreover he even thinks that the website « Wikipedia » comes from the word « Wikinger » which means viking. And althought everybody recognize him, they think  that he is an actor who was chosen to play Hitler in a movie, some of them even ask what is the name of this movie.  All along the book, he faced numerous situations which will make him understand what happened.Even if Germany has changed (the country no longer shines on the Europe, country which is ruled by a woman), Hitler is dertermined to put back Germany in the straight way (where nazism and antisemitism are the main ideas). Helped by a television team, he will tried to reconquer the country which used to be his. But will he succeed? There is only one way to know : by reading the book.

In addition, the book has been sold £19.33 in reference to the year when Hitler came to power.

The book was, and still is, a success since 1,4 million copies were sold in Germany in 2014. Also, the book has been translated in 17 different languages in 2013.

I advice you this novel. I really enjoyed to read it, being a huge history fan (particularely of the totalitarian regimes) I was so pleased to find this book. It is both funny and interresting. If you don’t like (or want) to read, you can also watch the movie of the same name, released in 2015.

Jared Leto

Hello !

This time, I haven’t chosen to talk about a movie or a book…but about an actor who is also a singer, a producer and a model (that I really really really really like). And this guy is Jared Leto

Jared Joseph Leto was born on December, 26, 1971 in Louisiana. Unfortunately, his parents divorced when he was just a newborn. But shortly after, his mother married Carl Leto who gave his name to Jared and his brother Shannon. But once again, his mother divorced. However, Jared and his brother retained Carl’s last name. Jared also has a half-brother, Robert Greenwood (he filmed one of his video clip and appeared in another one.) Then, a few years later, he went to the University of the Arts in Philadephia and developed an interest for comedy. Finally, he studied cinema in the New York City School of Visual Arts.

Let’s talk about his career:

Speaking of cinema, he became famous for his role in the tv show « My So-Called Life » (which has been canceled after one season). Thereby, he played in a few famous movies like The Thin Red Line directed by Terrence Malick in 1998, in David Fincher’s Fight Club in 1999, also in Requiem for a Dream by Darren Aronofsky and Mr Nobody by Jaco Van Dormael in 2009. Finally, we will also fin him playing the Joker in Suicide Squad, this summer.


To conclude about his cinematographic career, he won many rewards, and particularly an oscar in the Best Actor in a supporting role’s category in 2014.

Now, let’s talk about his group : Thirty Secondsto Mars. It is an alternative rock band formed in 1998.  It is composed of Jared Leto (vocals and guitar), his brother Shannon Leto (drums and percussion) and of Tomo Mili?evi? (guitar). They released four albums : a first one called Thirty Seconds To Mars in 2002, then A Beautiful Lie in 2005, This Is War was the third one in 2009, and finally there was Love, Lust, Faith and Dreams in 2013. They won many rewards such as 8 MTV Europe Music Awards, 1 Billboard Music Awards… for a final result of 85 rewards on 167 nominations.

And you, what do you think about this band, and this guy? Have you ever listened this band? Do not hesitate to react about this article!

See you.

Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind

Today I will present you Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind . It is an American movie directed by a french director : Michel Gondry, in 2004.
It tells the story of the original and crazy Clementine, played by Kate Winslet, and the shy and reserved Joël played by Jim Carrey. This two opposite people will live a love story until the day where Clementine erases all her memories of Joël because she thinks she’s unhappy with him.To do that she asks for help to the clinic Lacuna where Dr Mierswiac created a prototype to erase memories.
When Joël understand this he’s destroyed and decides to do the same thing for not to suffer. However, when the operation begins he wants to stop everything but this is impossible. Then, undertakes a fight between Joël who wants to keep his memories and the Lacuna’s prototype.

I love this movie because it reminds us of the importance of memories and the power of love. Joël is a very touching character because he commits a menatl fight and he doesn’t give up to keep his memories intact. The theme of the memory is important in cinema history because we can say that memories are a a real part of ourselves and without them we lose something of our personality, we are not ourselves anymore.There is also a lot of suspens we dont’t know how this story will be ending until the last minutes. I watched this film first because of the title. Indeed I find it fascinating and beautiful! Moreover, Kate Winslet is a great actress and it’s always a pleasure to watch her playing.

I hope you enjoyed my article and if you have already watch this film what do you think about it ?

« No Time For Goodbye » – Linwood Barclay

Today, I’m going to speak about the novel, PUBLISHED in 2007 by Linwood Barclay an american writer, « No time for goodbye » translated in french by « Cette nuit-là ».

It’s a great plotter novel, with lot of suspens and strange events.

The story speaks about a young teenager, Cynthia. She is very rebel and wants to live her own life, like an adult.

So, one day, she aims to run away to go with her friends during the night. But, when she comes back at home, the house is totaly desolate.

No one is here. Her father, her mother and her brother were disappeared. She will never know the true and what happened.

25 years later, in her home, she gets a phone call, and the past reoccurs and brings back old memories.

I love this book because at the end, there is a great revelation and I love it ! It’s very captivating !

The Fault In Our Stars – John Green

I’m going to speak about one of my favourite book which is The fault in our stars by John Green. This novel was PUBLISHED in 2012 and was also adapted in film.

In this book, we meet two teenagers, Hazel Grace and Augustus Waters, who are suffering from the cancer. They meet while they are in the same group of supports for the sick of the cancer and they become fast close with a lot of complicity. Hazel and Augustus like so much the same writer and they decided to go to Amsterdam to meet him. While this travel, they live their most beautiful love story, full of love, magic, laugh and power faced with the disease… But this magic fairy tale end when we hear that Augustus can’t survive for a very long time, and will die a few days late…

I think it is the saddest and the harrowing book I have ever read. In this book, we realize that the life can stop at any time and that it is very important to enjoy because one thing can detroy everything.

To finish, I would like to conclude with this quote, about the cigarette, which is in the book and that I find very revealing : “It’s a metaphor, see: You put the killing thing right between your teeth, but you don’t give it the power to do its killing.”


Sweeney todd is a serial killer of the english folklore, the story of this man gave birth to some adaptation in theater, novel, and in movie.

I will speak you about the adaptation in the movie of Tim Burton who is call Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. That a musical movie, the role of Sweeney Todd is played by Johnny Depp this film is between black comedy and horror to apreciate this you need to take it in the third degrees

SYNOPSIS:The story take place in the XIX century in London, Benjamin Barker a skilled barber who now calls Sweeney Todd is back after fifteen years of exile. When he came back to Fleet Street he never regained his wife and his daughter (because his wife was raped and by Turpin the man who condamn benjamin to exil, and his daughter became the pupil of Turpin). He housed his barber shop above a restaurant of pie with meat wich belongs to Mrs Lovett . Benjamin decided to found his daughter and to get revenge of Turpin he create a machine to take the bodies of victims to furnace and to put the human meat in the pie, kill up Turpin.

Thanks for reading i will put a little link to see the trailer of this bloody movie…


Inglorious Basterds

Yo Everybody ! I’m going to speak about my favorite film at the moment, a cinematic jewel created by the great , the unique Tarantino!

Inglorious Basterds is a movie created by Quentin Tarantino in 2009 with Brad Pitt, Mélanie Laurent and Christoph Waltz. The story take place in France while the WW2. We follows Shosanna Dreyfus (M. Laurent) a Jewish young women who assisted to  the murder of his parents by the Nazis. She run away in Paris, where she became owner of movie theater. We follows also, Sergeant Aldo Raine (B. Pitt) who formed a Jewish soldier for punished bloodily The Nazis’ act. Their destiny met in front of Shosanna’s cinema, where two hundred Nazi came see a movie. 

I advice realy this movie, there is the Tarentino’s film talent, and a realy hatred of the Nazi, It’s an other version of the WW2, a very good version where all could have be better

The Fault In Our Stars

The fault in our stars is a novel written by John Green, it was published in 2012. This novel was an international successful, it was in the head of the New York Times Best Seller list while seven weeks.

It’s a tragic story because two teenagers are affected by the cancer.

They loves a same novel so they going to Amsterdam to meet the writer, while the travel, they fall in love.

But at the end, the young man dies.

Requiem for a dream

Requiem for a dream is a drama directed by Darren Aronovsky, released in 2000. It is based on the novel of Hubert Selby in 1978. The purpose of this work is above all, to alert against the addiction of drug.  This film talk about four people; Harry Goldfarb, his mother Sara Goldfarb, his best friend Tyron, and his girlfriend Marianne. All of them dream of a better life. They will be locked up in the world that they will create, to escape from reality. And for that Harry, Tyron and Marianne will chose drugs, and, also, they will be involved in drug trafficking. Sara is obessed by television and she wants to participate to her favorite show and also wear her red dress. Finally, she will decide to go on a diet, but unfortunately she will become addicted to her pills.

During the movie, we follow the four characters into their madness and destruction. I found it so deep and dark, i remember that i felt so sad and desperate. This movie is incredible, the music represent exactly the atmosphere and the state of mind of the characters. And if you watch the movie until the end, i assure you that the urge to touch the drugs leaves you immediately. However i don’t suggest you to watch it when you feel already bad.

Man into Woman

Man into Woman is an autobiography written by Lili Elbe and published in 1933. This novel talk about the transformation of Einar Wegener into Lili Elbe, one of the first transgender. Einar Wegener was a famous painter born on the 28th december 1882, he was married to Gerda Gottlieb who was also a successful painter whose her paintings shows mainly a woman : Lili Elbe, and during the exhibitions this one was introduced by her wife as Einar Wegener’s sister.

Wegener always knew that there was a woman inside of him. One day, his wife asked him to pose for her instead of Anna larsen, a friend of the couple who couldn’t come, and when he dressed as a woman, he felt that something changed. He felt more confortable, more confident. Later, Anna arrived and when she saw Einar as a woman she called him Lili. From there, Lili was born.

This autobiography inspired an other novelist named David Ebershoff, who wrote a novel based on the life of Lili Elbe, entitled The danish girl, published in 2000 and whose this novel was the subject of a film adaptation entitled The danish girl too. The movie is released in 2015 and directed by Tom Hooper.
I choose to talk about this book because the life of Lili Elbe touched me. I think that she was a very strong woman for that time.
It is hard for most people to assume who they really are. It is as if we always wear a mask with the other people, just for being accepted. But sometimes we can see that there is some people who dare being themself even if they are judge by the others, just like Lili. I know that this is rather a taboo subject but i found that this is an unbelievable and beautiful story. 

Star Wars Saga

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far way

Hello everyone, during my christmas holidays I went to the cinema to see the last star wars movie. With a such popularity, and the seven episodes of the franchise which breaks all records, I had to make an article about my favorite saga.

In 1977, a genius creator transmits a long work which took him more five years of his life. This project entitled « Star Wars » is the begining of a revolution in the science fiction movies. George Lucas, the creator, described the adventure of a young man… Luke Skywalker who faced against the evil, the infamous Darth Vader. With his friends named Han Solo, Leia Organa and also c3po and R2D2, you will see a cocktail of passion, epicness battles, sadness and conflicts. Star Wars became the biggest success of his last years in Hollywood and everywhere around the world.

Star Wars V: The empire strikes back released in 1980 is composed of one of the most popular scene in the cinema history with one epic moment at the end of the film. When Luke faced Darth Vader, this one tells him…

Luke lost his first figtht against his father but he makes his come back in Star Wars episode VI: The return of the jedi released in 1983 and directed by Richard Marquand (and producing by Georges Lucas). In this episode, Luke wins his second battle against his father in a big planet named « Death Star ». And by the same way… he defeated the master of his father who is Lord SIdious. He brings back peace in the galaxy.

Luke vs Darth Vader (his father).

To complete his puzzle, Lucas realizes sixteen years after the episode VI, the epiosde I called « The fantom menace » in 1999. The story tells the youth of Darth Vader formerly known as Anakin Skywalker. In the episode II, he got married with Padme. His story continues until the episode III named « Revenge of the sith » where we see the fall of the hero.

To conclude, Star Wars is for me the best saga in science-fiction. With his 2097 planets, and characters (more than 200). The saga lets us travel between differents fantastic worlds. Moreover the story shows us how a young boy who has everything promised descends into madness which destroy his life and his family. And even after thrity eight years after the episode IV, Star Wars continues to crownd unleashed with the « The force awakens » the seven episode of the franchise realised by JJ Abrams in 2015.


Pulp Fiction

Pulp Fiction is a movie made by Quentin Tarantino in 1994. It’s a american gangster movie with Samuel L. Jackson, John Travolta and Uma Thurman. 

Tarantino created a masterpiece with his movies, and Pulp Fiction is a blockbuster. It deals with two men, Vincent Vega and Jules Winfield. Both are gangsters and they’re really badass. They work for Marsellus Wallace, a strong and powerful man very dangerous. Mr. Wallace is married with Mia Wallace, a kind of femme fatale and cocaine addict. One day, Marsellus Walace has to travel for business. He asks to Vincent Vega to protect Mia when he leaves. Then we can see Jules and Mia dancing in a restaurant, and after this scene Mia makes an overdose.
The movie also deals with a boxman who fly away because he killed a man during a match.
We can see Vincent and Jules killing people too. All the characters have a link between them even they never meet in the film.
Pulp Fiction is one of my favorite movie because I find it’s the best Tarantino’s film and for me, Tarantino is a genius. I saw Pulp Fiction again and again and I’m never bored of it. If you never watched it, you really should, it’s a masterpiece !

Endgame, Samuel BECKETT

Samuel BECKETT show, in his plays, the misery of the humans conditions by the theatre of the absurd like waiting for Godot written in 1954, Endgame in 1957 and Happy Days in 1961 for example.

His plays show the absurd of the humans conditions.

As Ionesco, he uses tragic and comic. The characters use of meaningless words that give illusion of the dialogue.

In Endgame, Hamm is in blinded and paralysed, waiting his drug, he tells him story alone and tyrannize Clov, his adopted son, and his old parents, Nagg and Nell. This four characters live in grey house, without furnitures, and are maybe, the last survivors of an humanity destroy. The plays is a long conversation, pace by a silences and a repetitions.

I love this story because I find it very funny with the absurd characters.

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Every Day

Every day a different body. Every day a different life. Every day in love with the same girl : Rihannon.

Every day, A wakes in a different person’s body and also in a different person’s life. He has no sex, he can be a male or a female, there is never any warning about where it will be or who it will be. He can be a drug-addict girl or a well-born young man. A has made peace with that, but he established some guidelines by which to live:

  • Never get too attached

  • Avoid being noticed

  • Don’t interfere

Everything was fine until the morning when A woke up in the body of a teenager named Justin and met his girlfriend : Rhiannon. For that moment, the rules established by A were not longer apply. Because, after this meet, he knew he had found someone to be with day after day. He had just one thing on his mind, find Rhiannon everywhere she can be, admit his love for her and show who or what he is really.

David Levithan is the author of this book that went of in 2012, it’s a youg-adult and supernatural fiction.

It’s my favourite novel about love or knowlegde about the world which surround us. David Levithan has written a beautiful novel and a captivating story that fascinated me. He succeded in helping to understand the complexities of life and love in A’s world, this is a really touching love story. Usually, I hate love stories, but when I read it I have felt a strange effect that helps me to change in my way of thinking love and felt it. It’s a novel full of hope that really good explains the feelings that we feel in the adolescence. I advise you to read it strongly.

A Christmas Carol


A Christmas Carol is an american movie in 3D released in 2009, realized by Robert Zemeckis & produced by Walt Disney Pictures.
It’s one of the numerous adaptation of A Christmas Carol, a english novela wrote by Charles Dickens in 1843. The history takes place during the Christmas season, the main character is an old man very stingy and misanthrope named Ebenezer Scrooge, who at the beginning of the movie, is an unsympathetic character. Scrooge is the opposite of generosity, he doesn’t know charity, has a heart of stone, and most of all: he HATE Christmas!
To make him aware of his behavior, three ghosts come to visit him during Christmas Eve: the Ghost of Christmas Past, the Ghost of Christmas Present, and the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. The third Spirit take Scrooge to a gloomy walk to Bob Cratchit’s house (the underpaid clerk of Scrooge, and the symbol of the poor working conditions and especially long working hours. ) where the family cry the little Tiny who just died because the family was too poor. Scrooge realize that the child is dead because of him, but then, the Spirit leads him to a cemetery where he discovered his own grave with, written in large black letters, the name « EBENEZER SCROOGE« .

Scrooge weeps over his own grave, beg the spirit for a chance to change his ways, before Christmas morning. At the end, the old man wakes up on Christmas morning, he changed his behavior and becamed a model of generosity and kindness.

I really love this novela, because it can be creepy & wonderful at the same time, and the moral is just beautiful.


Coraline is a dark novel of Neil Gaiman published in 2002, and nominated the best novel for Young readers in 2003.

Coraline is a little girl, who has just moved in a new house with her parents, Mel Jones and Charlie Jones. The house is quite sinister, they are in the countryside. Her parents never have time to look after her so she decides to explore the house while they are working. She discovers the « crazy man upstairs », M.Bobo who is slightly mad, he wants to show at Coraline his mouse circus. There are two other neighbours who are retired from a dance and acting career. In the film they are friendly and offers her tea and biscuits. During the visit, she discovers a door at the end of a corridor, blocked out with bricks. One night, she heard like mouse singing in the corridor, so she decides to go and see. They lead her in the corridor and just in front of the door, but that time it wasn’t blocked. She continues into a black and dusty tunnel until she finds herself into her living room, although she did’nt turn back. Coraline is intruigued and goes in the kitchen, she finds her mother. The only problem is that she had buttons instead of eyes ! At first she isn’t scared and Coraline considers her as her « second mother » who cooks and is always there for her. Her « second dad » is in his office, but instead of working plays franticlly on the piano and many instruments, Coraline is having fun in her new home. This other world is magic, the dolls and toys play with the girl and she finds a cat, who will help her in the story. Coraline will slowly live a nightmare in this parralel world, her second mother is actually a possesive monster and will want to sew the girl’s eyes with buttons. Not wanting that treatement, she is sent into a locked cell with three ghost children.  Coraline will make a deal with her second mother : she has elements (marbles) to collect scatterded around the house and if she finds them all, she will be released. Will her mother stay trustfull? Through this odd and imaginative world, Coraline will learn that having everything you want isn’t as important than having the people you really love.

Johnny Got His Gun


Dalton Trumbo is an american writer, a screenwriter and a director. He wrote Johnny Got His Gun is a novel in 1939 and he made the film in 1971. This novel is the anti-militarist literature. It probably the violent, the most gross of denunciations of war.

Joe Bonham is a young american, who decided to join the army during Worl War I. During, a mission he was injured a serious injure by bombshell and he lost his eyes, his ears, his mouth, his nose and he was amputated , he lost his two arms and two legs. After that, he lied in a bed of hospital and He remained conscious and abled to think, thereby reliving his life through strange dreams and memories, unabled to distinguish whether he was awake or dreaming. But he found a way for communicated with other people, and he tried to guess the world who round him by the alone possibility : the sensibility of his skin .

I discovered this book because we chose it with my group in TPE. I think that is a good book in the First World war. I don’t real like the theme about war, because it is always horrible and sad . And this book is horrible and sad but I know just point of view of french people but I don’t know about german people or american people or other. But I don’t read this book again but we must know it.

The Hobbit

The Hobbit is a novel written by J.R.R Tolkien and published in 1937. John Ronald Reuel Tolkien is british writer but too a poet, philologist and an university professor. He lived in 20 century and he knew the First World war. The Hobbit is a fantasy and book for children. It deals with about a hobbit, his name is Bilbo Baggins and his great adventure with thirteen dwarves and the wizard Gandalf. The Hobbit has been adapt in cinema with three film : An Unexpected Journey (2012), The Desolation of Smaug (2013), and The Battle of the Five Armies (2014) but it has been adapt in video game.


The story tells about Bilbo Baggins, it’s a hobbit. A Hobbit is a small creature with big feet and it live in a hole. One day, The wizard Gandalf comes to Bilbo’s hole (house) and he suggests him to go for an adventure . At the beginning, Bilbo doesn’t want to go. He refuses. The next day, before teatime , thirteen dwarves come to his house with the wizard Gandalf . The head of this compagny is Thorin Oakenshield . The adventure is to reclaim the dwarves’s treasure and the Lonely Mountain from the dragon Smaug. At the beginning Bilbo Baggins refused but finaly he accepted. And began the adventure of Bilbo Baggins where he will meet many people and creatures .


I choose this book, because my family offered me it. And I see three film about The Hobbit and I love them, so I would like try to read the book. And I live the imaginary world with wizard, dwarves, elves, orcs and other fantasy creatures like dragon and this book is funny !

American Nightmare

American nightmare it’s a film was directed by James Demonaco. It’s a thriller.

The scene takes place in American where there isn’t evil like murder or kidnapping. All the inhabitants are safe and happy. Is like an Utopia. But for that the American gouvernement autorised one night in year all violence , the gouvernement legalised that for twelve hours. The twelve hours are call « The Purge ». For a many inhabitants this event is a good ideas for safe the peace but some people don’t like that for they this event is horrible. In a purge a visiter go in a familly house and this familly who isn’t for the purge become : victim or murderer for keep alive. This is the intrigue of the film.

I love this film because there are suspence, action and oppresive atmosphere. It’s a verry good film for me.

Brave New World

Hello everybody,

Today I am going to talk about a famous english dystopian si-fi novel, Brave new world wich was written by Aldous Huxley. It was published in 1932. The novel’s title results from a William’s Shakespeare but it’s also results from Candide wich was written by Voltaire in XVIII century.

This story is about society where mans are create in laboratory because the author make disappear the sexual reproduction and love in his society. In this novel we produce embryos adjusted by our caste. There are differents caste, in fact there are uppers caste wich are Alpha and Beta and there are lowers caste wich are Gamma and, Delta and Epsilon. All the story is about this.

It’s a very famous dystopian si-fi novel like Fahrenheit 451 and 1984 wich was written by two differents authors. Brave new world has represented a pessimistic view of consumer society.

Personally, I like it so much even if I don’t like si-fi !

                                 Good reading to you guys !

Animal Farm by George ORWELL

Hi everyone, today i’m going to talk about a famous book intitled « The Animal Farm » written in 1945 and published in 1984 by a famous writter George Orwell.

This farm is not as the other farm. In fact, she’s not ordinary, she have animals who speak !

We have in a first group the pigs, they manage the farm and all the animals, the pigs who have the supreme authority : Boule de neige and Napoléon. They instaured this followings regulation: « All two legs is an ennemy. All four legs or all fowl, a friend. Any animals don’t will sleep in a bed. Any animals don’t will wear they locks. Any animals don’t will drink of alcohol. Any animals don’t will kill an other animal. All animals are equal. »

The time progress and the rain erase they regulations. The donkey, a cynic, decode again : « All animals are equals, but some are more famous than others ».

To conclude, I liked this book, because he refers at the World War II but we don’t know directly the message with the animals. I’m a big fan of that historical period so it’s for me an amazing thing to present you this literature.

Addams Family


Addams Family

 Hello everyone, today I just want to share with you one of my favourite characters in TV-show. Okay, you are going to say « again an Halloween theme ! » and I would answer you « no » ; let’s go ?

The Addams Family is an American TV-shown in 64 episodes and 2 seasons created by David Levy and broadcasted by ABC.

Characters are inspired by Charles Addams at the beginning of the 90’s in the New Yorker ( a news paper) and he gives them his name.

The characters are :

  • Gomez Addams, the father and an affectionate husband. He loves is wife of passionate love, both never hesitates to dance a tango as soon as the have the opportunity. He is also a descendant of the Spanish nobility and that why he used sometimes spanish expressions like «  Querida, Cara Mia ».Gomez is not very close to his children but a little with is son : Pugsley.

  • Morticia Addams, the mother and Gomez’s wife. Of a mysterious beauty she is the symbole of a femme fatale, she loves also her husband by often compliments him on his flexibility. Her main activities are her greenhouse and her plants : an African carnivorous named Cleopoatra and a poison ivy.

  • Wednesday Friday Addams ( like we leanr in an episode when Wednesday ran away) is a little daugther who loves play with uncle Fester’s dynamite. She had three dolls during the show : Marie-Antoinette, Marie Stuart and The little Red Ridding Hood that they have been beheaded after an history lesson on the French revolution by Grandma Addams. She has for pet a small tarantula named Homer.

  • Pugsley Uno Addams,the elder son. Tubby man and creative, he knows how to create a guillotine for Wednesday or an antigravitational device. He is particularly greedy and in the show he eats slugs. Pugsley has for pet a small octopus named Aristote and also one jaguar female.

  • The thing. It’s a servent of the family, it’s a hand wich moves alone and she knows write and communicated. In the serie of 1960, the thing is either a right hand that is a left hand.

I love all of this characters, they are funny, charming and so mysterious. This TV-show is really original and he is going to create several movies about this family like : Halloween with the New Addams Family in 1977 and The Addams Family in 1991

Source code

Source code is an American thriller based on the reflection create and produce by Ducan Jones, it was released in 2011.

Colter Stevens (played by Jake Gyllenhall) is an air soldier who wake up in another body. He had no more memory and Christina Warren (player by Michelle Monoghan) a woman, talk to him as if they knew. They are in a train but it explose 8 minutes later, and Colter Stevens wake up again but in his body this time. He is lost and dont understand. Another soldier Colleen Goodwin (player by Vera Farmiga) asks him questions through a TV which he can not answer. Then he return in the train, the same action happens.

This film could have been boring but it is not, we follow the story and it’s exciting. It’s also anxious the character is constantly locked in a train or in a capsule. The end is huge we do not expect it we understand everything and it is so well explained that everyone can watch it easly.

And you what do you do if you had 8 minutes to live ?


Pulp Fiction is a cult film of the 90’s directed by Quentin Tarantino and Roger Avary (in 1994). This american gangsters film owes its name to the « pulp magazines », famous reviews in the 20th Century. It was rewarded by the « Palme d’or » in 1994 in Cannes. It’s a non-chronological fiction starring John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson, Uma Thurman and Bruce Willis. The scene takes place in the underworld of Los Angeles through three hoodlums stories interlaced.

Tarantino acts himself in this film as Jimmy Dimmick.

Because of his non-linear story, i’m going to disclose you the introduction in order to avoid any spoilers :On the morning, in a diner, a couple of crooks, Pumpkin and Yolanda are talking about their activity at risk and they finally decided to rob the place.

In an another shot, Vincent Vega (who is coming back from Amsterdam) with Jules Winnfield have to deliver a briefcase to the mysterious content to their boss, Marsellus Wallace. Whereas they are talking about their daily life, Vincent entrusts to Jules that Mr. Wallace tasked him to hang out with his wife, Mia Wallace, only for the evening. Then, they interrupt a three-thugs-breakfast to settle accounts between them. Winnfield and Vega accuse them to have scamed Marsellus.
The film is divided in several parts :

  • The Introduction
  • Vincent Vega and Marsellus Wallace’s Wife
  • The Gold Watch
  • The Bonnie Situation
  • The Breakfast

I really like this film thanks to its pleasant aesthetic, and all of the characters because they are charismatic and interesting, even if my favorite is Vincent Vega. I love the atmosphere of the movie, blending references about pop culture, black humour and violence. Besides, in my opinion, all of the songs in the film are amazing and well-choosen. The music amplify the aspect and the absurd of various scenes. I like the fact that it’s a non-chronological story, adding an original touch, all the element gradually fits together.

If you’ve never watched this film, I really recommend it !!
And if you have watched this movie, what is your favorite moment ?



favourite book

UN SECRET, Philippe Grimbert .

I would tell you about one of my favorite french book .

First , this book is an autobiography about Philippe Grimbert , writing in 2004 , the 5 of may .

This book tells about the story of one jude boy  , Philippe . He is small and sickly

Let me speak about the story .

he narrator is Philippe Grimbert. The story takes place in the 1950s.

Surrounded by silence, bending under a guilty family , the narrator feels like this : he  need to tell a past he imagines. quiet until Louise, old friend of his parents and confidante of the child, come all to a sudden reveal a heavy, disturbing secret.

It invented brother, Simon, actually existed and died in a concentration camp with his mother, Hannah, the first wife of Maxime. Suddenly the whole weight of this dark and hidden past will arise and disrupt the representation of the world that had forged the child.

Now , I let you think about the development of the story …

Of course , you can read the book or watch the movie …


            Southpaw is for me the best movie that I’ve seen in 2015, I cried several times during watching the movie because it is a emotional movie. Usually I don’t watch action movies because I don’t really like this kind of movie, I prefer horror movies, fantastic movies and tragic movies.                                                                                               But this movie changed my opinon because there is a beautiful and emotional story in this movie : the story of Billy Hope, a famous boxer, this is the synopsis :  « Billy Hope leads a lavish lifestyle with his beautiful wife Maureen and her daughter Leila. He was able to offer this life dream thanks to league titles in world boxing. His perfect world falls apart when his wife is killed. At the bottom of the hole, Billy is ruined and lost custody of her daughter who is pulled, because justice believes he is no longer able to fulfill his role as father. While his entourage abandoned him, Billy tries to rebuild himself from Tick Willis, a former boxer now coach and manager of a boxing gym . Billy will have to start at the bottom of the ladder to regain the trust and custody of her daughter »                                                                                                                           The story is very sad, he had a wife, a daughter, many friends, a luxury house, a luxury car, a career  and overnight he has no wife, no daughter, no house, nothing. He was at the height of glory and he is now at the bottom of the hole, he lost everything.

My favorite moments are when his wife died because it looks like so real, he cries and he asks help and he holds her in his arms. This moment is very intense

And this moment when his daughter is angry about him so he tries to get her out

Afficher l'image d'origine

I think this story was already happened to someone, because somepeople already lived this kind of story, lose everything overnight. But Billy Hope keeps hope to recover his life, his daughter and recover his career.


Pretty Little Liars, Sara Shepard

Pretty Little Liars is full of stressful and mystery book.
The story of Aria, Spencer, Hanna and Emily is full of surprises and intrigue. They receive messages of a certain « A » who threatens to reveal their secrets.

I think Pretty Little Liars is a very fascinating book. We are really attached to the characters that can be dark.
After each book, several questions come into my head. But the answers are still in future books … I tell you, it makes you addicted. We want to know who is A!
Only those who have read the books can answer this question … But Chutt! It’s a secret!
However, I find that some intrigue are too annoying.
I didn’tlike watching the series, but I loved the books! The story is much like gossip girl ….


Today I’m going to talk about a movie released this year, which completely broke my heart. The longest ride is a film adaptation of Nicholas Sparks novel entitled as well ‘the longest ride’.
This film was directed by George Tillman Jr. You may not know the movie; however, it features two actors having a pretty great fam thanks to their names. Those actors are Scoot Eastwood (son of the famous director Clint Eastwood) and Oona Chaplin (Charlie Chaplin’s granddaughter).
Well, if we just watch the movie poster, we can suppose that the film is only about a love story. Yet, more than a simple romantic film, it shows two similar stories, two different lives which have many similarities. Sophia and Luke, two young people, live in North Caroline and had just fallen in love. But because of their life’s aspirations, they thought they could never be together. Indeed, Luke lives for rodeo whereas Sophia lives for art and has to go to Manhattan for her studies. Nevertheless on a rainy night, just after a dinner they had together, an unexpected event brought them closer together: not only did they save an old, they also save his whole life story that had been put into letters. Since then Sophia befriended with this old man. Afterwards, she became aware of all the concessions that the old man and his wife had to make to love and live more. In the same way, the old man’s experience will have an impact on Sophia and Luke’s life.
I admit that the first quarter of the movie didn’t really appeal to me. But since the emergence of Ira (the old man) the story takes a new turn. Indeed, we see his life since he met his first love at the beginning of the forties. This movie shows us that life is all about choices and decisions, and that why I love it.

The Leftovers by Damon Lindelof and Tom Perotta

Hello, guys ! Today, I will talk about a drama series named The Leftovers, created by Damon Lindelof and Tom Perrotta. This series is based on Tom Perrotta’s book which has the same name as the series (in French, its name is Les Disparus de Mapleton). Actually, two seasons have aired and a third and last season is going to come out this year.

The story takes place one day, a 14th October like the others. This day, 2% of the global population disappears without any explanation… Three days later, we follow the every-day life of people in the little town of Mapleton. Like all the others, they have lost neighbors, friends and lovers since the mysterious event of the 14th October they called the “Sudden Departure”. Life continues, but nothing is like before anymore. Nobody has forgotten what happened and all the people who disappeared. Kevin Garvey, the Chief of the local Police, has seen his family completely change since the terrible event and has to deal with the consequences. Everybody wants to move on but a mysterious cult, with unknown intentions, called the “Guilty Remnant” emerges…

The Leftovers is a not a series like the others. Lots of people don’t like this series much because they found that’s too slow and the plot is not very interesting at all. But, I definitely don’t agree with them. All the things (the characters, the story and the mystery) can fascinate and upset us. Yeah, this is not a series with a lot of action, twists and deaths. In The Leftovers, this is not the plot that make the characters but the characters that move forward the plot of the series. The music is also very beautiful. This series is gorgeous and moving. I don’t say that everybody is going to love this series, but I can say that you can check an eye one and you will see after ! 😉

Girl Online On Tour, Zoe Sugg

Girl Online On tour is the second novel Zoe Sugg wrote. She’s a very famous youtuber from the UK who does beauty and life style videos on her channel called Zoella.

This novel is the continuation of the book Girl Online published in 2014.

In this story a 16 years old birtish blogger, Penny, is the narrator.

Penny starts blogging about her problems, school drama, friends, family, and boys and she became pretty famous. But during a family trip in New York she met a musician called Noah and fell in love with him, as as a result her blog became very popular. In this book we will follow her and her rock-star boyfriend ( Noah ) on his European tour during the summer . But being a super star’s girlfriend is hard, Penny will be threatened by some jaelous fans, she’ll also not be very welcomed by Noah’s band members and it’ll be hard for her to follow her boyfriend because of his shedule… So Penny will start wondering whether she’ll stay on tour with Noah or not. She misses her family, her best friend Elliot, and her blog, “Girl Online »…

I already read the first book « Girl Online » and Santa brought me Zoe Sugg’s second book, I almost finished it and I love it !

The Wave by Todd Strasser

Hi Everybody !

Today I would like to speak about a book : The Wave (or « La Vague »). This book was written by Todd Strasser and it was published in 1981. Strasser is an american author. For his book : The Wave, Todd Strasser decides to be based on real facts in the United States in 1969. This book was also adapted into a movie. This best-steller became a history manual in Germany.

The story takes place in a peacefull californian High School, where Ben Ross teaches history. To explain Nazism to his students he decided to creat an experimental movement with a slogan, a salute, a leader and a name : The Wave. He thinks he can control the group but unitl the day everything becomes totalitarianism.

I loved this book ! He wants to show a reflection on the group effects, on the individualism freedom and also on freedom of thought. The Wave is scary because it’s real facts. The reader is itself hypnotize by the movement, it’s very strange. The writing of Todd Strasser is simple but poignant.

« The classroom experiment is went to far »

George Orwell, 1984


Hi Everyone ! 🙂

Today I would speak about a book that I discovered for our « TPE » : 1984 by George Orwell. Orwell was an English author but he was born in India. 1984 is a dystopian science fiction novel, it was published on the 1949. For this novel Orwell was influenced by Aldous Huxley. Orwell describes a totalitarian area guarded by a Chief Big Brother.

In 1984 the world is divided into tree mains areas : Oceania, Eurasia and Estasia. These three areas are constantly at war. Oceania lives under a dictatorship :  » Big Brother is watching you « . Winston, the main character, thanks to his job, discovered some Truth, that he noted in a secret diary. So he is against the society and decided to rebel by integrating a group of rebels. But all that is not it a lie ?

I love this book because it shows us how the world can be cruel, I also loved the writing of George Orwell it’s very interesting ! But this book looks strangely like our society, we are being watched all of the time whithout even knowing it… Big Brother is watching you…

 » SIMETIERRE  » Stephen King

Today I’m going to speak about a novel written by Stephen King entitled « Simetierre ».
This novel is a fictional story but it can considered also as little bit horror.
This work exist also in movie but I don’t know if he’s more known or not .
The story talks about a family « Creed  » who moves in a other town,in a big house near to an animal cimetierre …. they becames friends with their neighboor, days pass and things strange happened and nobody can explain it. One day their cat is found dead, the father going to burry him in the animal cimetierre and the next day …the cat came back to life …
An other day their son ( 2 years) died, so their family is overwhelmed sorrow and the father decided to burry him in the cimetierre ( for his son come back too) but things are different this time, the child come back to life but he was looks possessed by a demon …

I loved read this book because there are a lot of suspens and at the end I was anxious for the family , I recommend it for all the people who love suspens and horror !

The Call of The Wild

Hi everybody ! Today I will speak about a book I really enjoyed when I was younger and which has still the same effect nowadays.

This novel is from Jack London, a famous American writer, well-known for his books about animals and adventures, especially about wild animals, like wolves (or here wolf-dog), bears…

The Call of the Wild is, as White-Fang one of his most-famous books in that genre.

The story is set during the Gold Rush (little wink to the English cinema ! But it wasn’t my purpose at the beginning). So wa have the context of the « how the West was won » with Natives and so… 😉

All along the book we follow the evolution of Buck, a normally dog who (I won’t say “which” because he’s not a thing, and in this book we have his point of view but I know that in general we use “which” instead of using “who” for animals… But when you love them you can just not do that because you know animals worth more than being considered as things without spirit and emotions…) will gradually become a wild wolf-dog because he discovers a new world and realised that life wasn’t always happy.  He passed throughout different hardship and always keeps going. Buck follows his instinct and gets back little by little his wildness and freedom. For instance he was sold to someone who made husky (I found we said that for dogs who make race with sledge) sled races and because of running everywhere in the wilderness he came back to his basics instincts. He faced many things in the wild and therefore he had to become a real husky to survive in this tough world. It was a fight to survive. This philosophy develops throughout the novel, as Buck’s life becomes a very hard struggle for existence in which he must either kill or be killed.

One day his new and good master was killed by Indians so Buck, who was totally mad with rage killed his master’s murderers. That was at this moment that he became a Wolf again.

I know the plot could be pretty hard to understand and you may think that it’s not really interesting; however we have a very meaningful and denouncing story. Here Buck is like a “wild and fluffy” human to my mind and that’s why I really loved this book. Moreover the story really catchs your eyes and is entertaining.

See you soon ! 🙂

The Green Mile by Stephen King

The Green Mile is a fantastic serial novel  by Stephen King in 1996. It has been edited in six differents volumes named The Two Dead Girls, The Mouse on the Mile, Coffey’s Hands, The Bad Death of Eduard Delacroix, Night Journey and finally Coffey on the Mile. Thoses volumes were published on newspaper. After, the story was reduced as only one volume.  The story is concentrated on the characters Paul Edgecomb and John Coffey ( Like the drink, only not spelled the same ). There’s also anothers important characters who’s called Brutus « Brutal » Howell, Harry Terwiliger and Dean Stanton whose are Paul’s associates, and even a mouse named Mr.Jingles that it’s considered as a very important character.

Here’s the story

In the thirties, Paul Edgecomb, a 40 years old men, is a death row supervisor in a prison, especially in the E Block, with his associates Brutal, Harry, Dean and unfortunately Percy Wetmore, a young and nasty one. One day, they receive a new prisoners who is very special. It’s John Coffey. He looks harmless and act like a child who is afraid in front of his parents. Paul and the others man are wondering about his case. Actually, Paul read the murder report and has been completely shocked about it :
Two young girls have been raped and strangle until death.

Paul as doubt about him as a murderer, because he think that he’s too sweet and kind. Much time past and a lot of things happened. In the E block, they met Mr.Jingles, a little mouse very clever and mysterious. She became the friend of everyone oin the Block, especially to one prisoner named Eduard Delacroix. Actually, supervisors found that John Coffey has got power of healing and resurrection. He has resurrect Mr.Jingles when Percy just smashed her with his foot. It’s at this time that the truth has been obvious for Paul, Brutal, Dean and Harry : John is innocent and just wanted to save the two little poor girls. Paul did the best to help him. Few moments before his dispatch, he ask him if he wants him to escape the prison. Unfortunalety, he refuse the propostion and accept the death as a good friend. He was tired of living, as he said to Paul :  » […] I’m tired, boss. Tired of bein’ on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain. Tired of not ever having me a buddy to be with, or tell me where we’s coming from or going to, or why. Mostly I’m tired of people being ugly to each other. I’m tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world everyday. There’s too much of it. It’s like pieces of glass in my head all the time […] « 

 A Long time after, Paul talk about what happenned in his life to one of his friend, and explain that he’s actually 111 years old, as the same for Mr.Jingles that he’s keeping safe in a hut in a forest. He think that it’s his punishment to have killed on of the miracle of God. Paul’s wondering about his death, he hope that she’s will be here as soon as possible.

This Stephen King’s novel is one of my favorite, and one of his most famous and tragic. Through this story, King denounces the racism and the death penalty. The most interesting thing, is that he wrote this story in the moment. He didn’t know when it will end, how many volumes he will write, or how will turn the story. He has given a new a new sense or literature with the serial novel, and has won the award Best Bram Stockard Novel in 1996.

The most sensitive thing in this book is John Coffey. Just the thaught of the death of a poor innocence gave me shiver. Another thing could give a call into a question : In this book, I didn’t realize it yet but, I felt so concerned about the faith of Eduard Delacroix and one other prisoner. I’ve been attached to thoses characters but I have surprised myself to feel compassion to two murderer. It’s a complete called into a question, and it’s by this way that Stephen King denouces de death penalty.

Finally, the talented Franck Darabont, who is directed The Walking Dead, has been the director of the movie The Green Mile in 2001. With the one and only Tom Hanks who is playing Paul Edgecomb, this movie won four awards for the Best Movie in 2001, and the Best Script.


 » We each owe a death – there are no exceptions – but, oh God, sometimes the Green Mile seems so long. « 

To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee

Today I am going to talk about a book that I love and that everyone should read.

To Kill a Mockingbird is an American novel of the best known. Published in 1960, it was so successful that it won the Pulitzer Prize and became a classic of American literature. The author, Harper Lee based her story on fiction but she included biographical elements of her childhood. This novel can remind us of a bildungsroman (a coming-of-age novel) and a detective novel.

The plot is setting in a little town of Alabama during the Great Depression of the 1930s. Atticus Finch raises his two children Jem and Scout alone. He works has a lawyer. Man of integrity and rigorous, he is appointed by the court to defend a black man accused of raping a white woman. This crime is punishable by the death penalty…

This book moved me to no end. It provides a wonderful reflection on the human condition and especially on the childhood, carried by the narrator Scout Finch.                              Scout is the little girl I wanted to be : sassy and feisty. She hangs around the neighbourhood, spends her time reading and climbing trees, she listens to the Sunday service at the church of blacks. She hates school and dresses, she responds tit for tat Aunt Alexandra who criticized her eternal dungarees stained with dust and the people she is mixing with. For Christmas, her father Atticus gave her a rifle. He even thinks that having a gun is an incentive to get shot, and asked her never to shoot the mockingbird. Because killing this bird would be « a sin ». Scout knows why : she is also a strange bird that can’ be put in a cage, who observes and tries to understand. She cries of rage at the stupidity and injustice, but she understands that we can also fight with words.

I absolutely recommend this wonderful book that tells us a lot about respect for others.

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll, 1865.

Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland, or just « Alice in Wonderland », is a novel by Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson),

The story speaks about a little girl who fell in the big hole, because she aimed to follow a cut white rabbit with a watch ! Inside the hole, there was a beautiful fantasy world !

In this amazing world, completly , Alice met a lot of characters.

She made friends with the Chesire cat with his extraordinary smile, the white rabbit who was always late, the blue caterpillar who smoked, the twins Tweedeldee and Tweedeldum,  and the crazy Hatter with his friend the March Hare !

During her trip, Alice met the Reg Queen and her soldiers cards ! Because the Red Queen didn’t like Alice, she had to come back at her home. So she left the Wonderland.

It’s a great and magical novel with many engaging characters ! I love this story, because, I find that Alice refers to me. There are two movies adapation. One directed Disney, with some musics and enchantment. And one directed by Tim Burton, with some specials effects, and it’s so amazing !

Edward Scissorhands

Edward Scissorhands is an american romantic dark fantasy by Tim Burton that came out in 1990, starring one of my favorite actor, Johnny Depp, and Winona Ryder, Dianne Wiest and others.

It shows the story of Edward, a young man created by an inventor. This latter died before finishing Edward, letting him with scissors instead of hands in his castle. Then he is hosted by one family of the city but falls in love with the daughter, Kim. At the beginning he is welcomed by everyone in the neighbourhood, everyone likes him and make him work with his « hands » by cutting the bushes in an original way. An incindent make all these people hate him then and he runs away from them by going back to his castle.

I’ve watched this movie several times since I’m a kid and I love to watch it during winter time.

T.E.D talks, ideas to change our world

I know what you mean, what a strange title… I have got a question for you: can you name videos, apart from Gangnam Style, cup songs or cats doing funny things, that have more than one billion of views on the web? The answer is basically one of the very best things of the internet: TED.

These three mysterous letters mean « Technology, Entertainment and Design » and it began about 30 years ago as a conference in Silicon Valley. Many engineers or scientists bought tickets to be able to hear experts talking about a lot of different fields. The main idea was to share their knowledge and luckily, try to make the world change. Those talks had only one rule to respect, which is that they must not spend more than 18 minutes. It means that the experts had to keep it simple and understandable for everyone, but also intellectually stimulating. You can now find plenty of these speaches on Youtube by example, or also in audio, if you have time to listen to them. I would have never thought that someone could possibly share worth-spreading ideas in 18 minutes, but they definitely do it brillantly! Some messages are very profound, such as Bill Gates’ talk of 2010, « The kill decision shouldn’t belong to a robot » by Daniel Suarez or the inspiring « My philosophy for a happy life » by Sam Berns. Others are original and entertaining such as « The mysterious workings of the adolescent brain » by Sarah-Jayne Blackmore or « Gaming can make a better world by Jane McGonigal, which you should both tell your parents to watch…

You must be thinking: « why would I watch such intellectual videos, moreover in English? Isn’t it too serious? » Let me tell you, you have just read this whole article written in a foreign language. Aren’t you the perfect person for it?

taylor wilsonHere are some great TED talks, such as:

  • « Yup, I built a nuclear fusion reactor », Taylor Wilson For those who think that teenagers cannot do much, here is the talk of a 13-year-old boy who built a nuclear fusion reactor in his parents’ garage. And it’s not all…


  • « Strange answers to the psychopath test », Jon Ronson. Or why there are many, many more psychopaths that you thought, maybe even very close to you…
  • « Your body language shapes who you are », Amy Cuddy.A simple method to change the way others see you
  • « The family I lost in North Korea. And the family I gained », Joseph Kim . A very touching and real story that makes us become aware of inhabitants’ lives in a strong dictatorship.
  • « Looks aren’t everything. Believe me, I’m a model », Cameron Russell
  • « What Islam really says about women », Alaa Murabit
  • « How to spot a liar » Pamela Meyer
  • « The good news on poverty. (Yes, there’s good news) », Bono

Tell me if you’ve watched any of these videos 😉

joseph kim

Lord of the flies, William Golding

Hi everyone!

As you probably noticed (thanks to the title of the article), I’m going to speak about a classic book of English literature written by William Golding and entitled Lord of the flies. It was published in the 20th century (more precisely in 1954).

The story is set on an uninhabited island and the leading characters are all young boys. In fact they are schoolboys but they are far from the civilization because of a plane crash. The pilot is dead so they have to learn how to leave together without any adult, any help from the outside.

At the beginning, all of them have a normal reaction for children: they are happy to be alone without their parents. They enjoy having no rules. But very fast there are a lot of tensions between some of the boys. Moreover these teenagers begin to be afraid. They think there is a monster in the jungle. Little by little life on the island become very hard and there is a violent atmosphere. The survivors of the crash don’t realize that they become savages. And they will not stay all alive …

I cannot say that I loved this book because it’s not a book you are joyful to read … I liked the author’s writing and the intrigue. It is definitively a striking book and it shows dark parts of humans. Indeed the main characters are only children but their acts are not innocent. Some of them will die and that will not still be accidents …

I know there is also a movie adapted from the book but I haven’t watched it yet. I don’t know if the movie shows well the beginning of the tensions and the savagery of the children but I hope so. If you saw the movie you can tell me if you liked it!

See you!

Shanghai Girls, Lisa See

book picture

? I actually chose this book because I didn’t know much about China and the past of this out of the way country. Shanghai Girls is a 2009 novel written by an American novelist, Lisa See, who also has Chinese origins. She is interested in Chinese history, since her ancestors came from this faraway country. The story takes place in Shanghai, in 1937. Pearl and May Chin are two modern young women who are working as models, especially for calendars, to sell baby milk or cigarettes as well…

? Both of them have a life full of privilege, until their father looses the whole family’s wealth while gambling. To repay his debts, he decides to « sell » his daughters to two « GoldMountain » men, which means two Chinese Americans. As the city is invaded by Japanese soldiers, they have to travel across the country, avoiding the brutal soldiers. However, their mother will be raped and killed as they try to escape, Pearl will also be severly injured. The sisters finally succeed in taking a boat to America, but land in an immigration station called Angel Island. It was basically like another version of Ellis Island in New York, at the only difference that if the second one was kind of welcoming, the other one was  « designed to keep the Chinese out » as See said. The author also said that in this place, « immigrants had to answer between 200 and 1,000 standard questions »! It gives you an idea of the long amount of time they will spend in Angel Island, where Pearl will hear shocking news: May is pregnant, which is going to have unsuspected consequences in their lives…After many twists and turns, they will finally begin their new lives of married women in a foreign family, who is definitely not as rich in America as they were in China. Pearl and May have to adapt in an unknown country where racism is in every street’s corner, and where Asian people don’t mix up with native Americans. They have to work in Chinatown and the situation becomes even harder when the World War II begins. How could Americans make a difference between their Japanese enemies and the Chinese refugees? Secrets that they would hope buried forever threaten to come back, always bringing new problems… I really enjoyed reading this historical story about the lives of these two sisters who share a complex relationship.

? I only had one thought after closing this book: let’s read the sequel! Have you ever heard of it? Do you know a bit about China? Do you find this topic interesting?

The Lovely Bones

I’m going to talk about the novel « The Lovely Bones », it was written by Alice Sebold and was published in 2002. It’s one of my favorite books, I love so much the story, it’s…wow !
So I want to share with all of you the story of Susie Salmon !
She was a 14-year-old teenager, who lived very well and was fascinated by photography, she had a sister, a brother and parents who loved her very much.
But one winter evening, while she returned of the high school, she walked by fields to join her house, and a paper that was in her pocket fell down of her pocket, the wind took the paper to a man, his neighbor Mr Harvey, he took it from the floor and gave to her. She thanked him, but he began to speak to her about the hut that he built in the ground,  » I don’t have time, I have to be at home » she said, but he insisted, so she went into the hut, she felt anxious. He looked at her and told « It’s warm here, you don’t find? »
Susie didn’t feel good and she was afraid… so she ran to the ladder to run away but she felt the hand of Mr Harvey on her ankle and…nothing more.

What happened to her ? Is she dead ? Is she in the coma ? Maybe she’s between the life and death…

There is also a movie, maybe the trailer will tell you more about the story…

The Maze Runner, James Dashner

Today I’m going to talk about The Maze Runner wrote by James Dashner in 2009. The main character is Thomas, a teenager who wakes up in an unknown place, with unknown teenagers around him and without any memories. The others explain that they are stuck in a « block » with a door that is between the block and a maze. All night the door is closed and in the maze ther are Metal monsters who kille people in the maze. Everyday the plan of the maze is changing and the teenagers can’t escape. They are all amnesic and they don’t know why they are here.One day a girl arrives in the block with a letter that says « She is the last. » so no more food or people will be sent in the block. During the story Thomas and his friends Mino, Newt, Chuck and Theresa, they try to found an exit to run away and be free.

I read this book few years ago by chance because a friend gave it to me and I like it. Last year this book became very famous because a movie adaptation was made with Dylan O’Brien ( who is became famous with the TV show Teen Wolf ) in the role of Thomas.

The Maze Runner is the first of a serie of books The Test with four books : The Maze Runner, The Scorche Trial, The Death Cure and The Kill Order. The first two were adapted in cinema and the third is planned for 2017.

I love this book because it is very interesting, there is suspens, we want to know why there are in this maze? Why they and not someone else ? Thomas is an appealing character and it is also a reason to love the book.

And now I will read the other books of the serie because I watched the film and I am very curious to know the end of the story !

The Nightmare Before Christmas by Tim Burton.

The Nightmare Before Christmas is a Disney and Touchstone movie directed by Henry Selick, produced and co-written by Tim Burton in 1993. In this film, we find the love of black story, the fascination for the myths, and the defense of a lonely and misunderstood character. The movie is in first a musical comedy.It is from the ten songs composed by Danny Elfman as the architecture of the scenario is established. Although, some musics from the film was covered by popular singers, such exemble “This is Halloween” which had a great success for the famous Marilyn Manson (If you want listen the music, you can here ?

The movie tell the story of Jack Skellington (the Pumpkin King in the Halloween town). He was preparing the next Halloween party. But the terrible Jack is tired of this repetitive and monotonous life, decides to leave. Then he discovers the Christmas Town. After this adventure, he returns in his home with an original idea : and if, this year, the Halloween residents would celebrate the strange celebration of Christmas ? I think, the Halloween town is the dark figure of the hidden face of American society is the central context of the film.

The Nightmare Before Christmas show an opposition between two worlds. This film summons two worlds, like Halloween that represents the “city of the excluded”, deprived, with ugly characters. But also the city of “good citizens” who represents all that is clean, perfect, everything is smooth and waited. These two worlds are opposed. First on a symbolic level : these are two legendary symbols of contemporary American society. Secondly, visually because Halloween represents the gothicism who opposes the Christmas sentimentality. The architecture of the image in the Halloween world consists of broken lines, diagonals, architectures and corresponding to the physical aspect of the residents. In the world of Christmas, the architecture obeys the usual horizontal and vertical. Everything is calculated on very rigorous and scientific bases, as the “mathematics” contours of the physical residents. There is desire to show that the unexpected is not appropriate.

At the end, of this super and amazing movie, a question arises : “Who are the monsters ?” Because the character of Jack (a priori the villain) is looking for something positive and his friends too. The “good”people, in the Christmas town, don’t want them, and don’t want learn to know them. Finally, we have a trap but also a moral lesson. It’s not because you don’t look great in the exterior, you are bad in the interior. You can look a beauty people in the exterior but really bad in the interior. The Nightmare Before Christmas is the perfect exemple.


The Chronicles of Narnia, C.S Lewis (article 2)

Hey eveyrone!

So, I wanted to write an article about a novel’s saga which I really enjoyed during my childhood (okay not as much as I loved, and I still do, Harry Potter..). So here I am, presenting you an article about The Chronicles of Narnia !

This saga is made of seven books, all written between 1949 and 1954 by the famous C.S Lewis. There is an interesting fact about the writing of the books. Indeed, no one were written in the right order. For example, The Magician’s Nephew is the first book of the serie, but he was written in 1955 whereas the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, which is the second tome, was written in 1950. To continue, I’ll give you the others novel’s name, in the right order : The Horse and his Boy, Prince Caspian : The return to Narnia, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The Silver Chair and The Last Battle.

The story takes place in  Narnia : a fictional and magic world were fantasy reigns. That is to say there are many fantastic creatures such as centaurs, witches, nymphs, fauns, giants, dwarfs, unicorns… And last but not least : there is Aslan the Lion. He is this world’s creator. All along the first novel, he will fight against the white witch who is reigning since a hundred years on Narnia. Then he will appear in all the books. Finally in the last one, he will fight against Tash, who’s consider as god for the Calormens. To conclude about Aslan, I will tell you that « Aslan » actually means « Lion » in turkish.

To finish, I will talk about the four brothers and sisters from the Pevensie family, which are kind of the main characters (with a short quotation for each one)

First, there is Peter, the older one :

"It gave him a strange feeling to see Peter as its present appearance : his face was so pale and stern and he looked much older. "( The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe , p.188 ) 

Then there is Susan :

" Susan could not climb higher than the second big branch . One of his legs dangling , and his foot was only a few centimeters of chattering teeth , ready to devour her... "( The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe , p.139 )

Now there is Edmund, the former villain (you probably know why if you read the books or watched the movies) :

" Aslan and Edmund were walking together in the wet grass dew , away from the rest of the courtyard. It doesn't worth to report you Aslan 's words , but it was a conversation that will Edmund never forget . "( The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe , p.147 )

Finally, there is Lucy the younger and happier one :

"But Lucy was a small very frank girl, and she knew she was right and she really could not bring herself to say that. "( The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe , p.32)

I hope you liked it. See you for the next article ! 

The Maze Runner – Wes Ball

I’m going to speak about a very famous movie which all the teenagers know : of course, The Maze Runner by Wes Ball or more know in french with the title Le Labyrinthe. This movie is adapted by the first volume of the science fiction novel by James Dashner which was published in 2012. The movie was published in 2014.

When Thomas regains consciousness, he is trapped with a group of the other boys in a huge labyrinth where the plan is modified every night. He has no more memory of the outside world, except for of strange dreams about a mysterious organization called W.C.K.D. By connecting some elements of his past, with indications which he discovers within the labyrinth, Thomas hopes to find a way to escape it…

Every month, a new amnesic young man appears in « the glad » which is surrounded with the labyrinth. The doors of the labyrinth open every in the morning and close every in the evening. The labyrinth has 8 different sections which change every day : the exploraiton of the labyrinth is very complicated ! The difficulty of the labyrinth is also made with the mysterious creatures which are inside because they attack every people…

I found this movie very fascinating with many new developments, especially at the end… The continuation is also excellent ! And I recommend them ! If you like the science fiction and the adventure, this movie is made for you…

MARLEY-Documentary Film

MARLEY is an British and American film directed by Kevin MacDonald, he went out in 2012 and is a documentary film who traces the life of Robert Nesta Marley. It cumulates interview of the family and the friend of Bob Marley (The Wailers, Rita Marley, Ziggy Marley…) and archive image of the life of this great man who was Bob Marley. This film is stuffed of music of Bob Marley the more and the less famous. In my opinion this film can make you loved Bob Marley (for the little minority who don’t loved him). I advises this film for someone who want to know more about Bob Marley or just for something who loved this man. I will ending by say that this film is very spiritual and in my opinion that the best documentary and the more complete that I ever seen.


This is England!

Hi everybody

Yesterday, I watched very good movie, is named « This is England ». It is a Brtitish movie, written by Shane Meadows. The scene take place, in England in 1983, the story follows Shaun, a little boy without friends and affected by his father’s death, dead on Falklands War. One day, Shaun meets Milky, Pukey, Kez, Gadget et Woody and he get in skinhead current.

This movies centres skinhead cultures, musical, clothing, and the England in eighteen’s with Margaret Thatcher’s philosophy in opposition to the skinhead’s mentality.

I adviced this movie filled with history, accompanied by ska and punk-rock music !

Good Watching !


Eragon is on of the books of the saga The inheritance cycle written by Christopher Paolini.

Of the genre of fantasy, This book tells the story about a young boy named Eragon. As he lost his mother, he was sent to his uncle. It takes place in a time considered near the middle ages, in a village where traders pass every year. Eragon loves hunting in the Shade, a huge forest full of danger. No matter what his uncle says, he is a stubborn boy and will always go and explore, further and further. On day in winter, he discovers in the woods a stone in a crater. It is glowing and intruigues Eragon so he decides to take it back home but will discover that it isn’t like any other stone. One night a horrible screeching woke him up and discovered his stone moving. It cracks and gives birth to a mighty dragon. From that day, the fifteen year old boy is bound to raise his dragon Saphira, to learn how to communicate with her and to realize that he is one of the last Riders apart from the king of the realm : Galbatorix. Discovered by the royal authorities that he was in posession of the egg, he is in great danger. He will have to learn magic and manage sword fighting by the help of his friend Brom and Murtagh. The journey is full of action, overwelming and the hero is on the quest of discovering how to be a rider, to gain courage and overcome the dark forces.

« Ellana » by Pierre Bottero

Today , I’m going to speak about a novel entitled « Ellana » (an trilogy) written by Pierre Bottero .

It’s a fantasy novel with a lot of suspens and talk about a youg girl Ellana .
Ellana is an orphan and was raised by little creature in a forest , Then she left to see the world and living her life , she lived few years in a poor city with other orphan and she learned to fight .

One day she met Sayanel lyyant he suggest Ellana to became a « Marchombre » , she accept and she became the apprentice of Jilano Alhuïn .
Is she going to follow her fate?
It is the beginning of a great adventure . It’s a sad story and the end is very touching .

I have loved read this Trilogie because there are a lot of suspens and if we start to read we can’t stop and we felt the need to continue .
I recommend it for all people who like fantasy novels .

Gangs of New York, Martin Scorsese, 2002.

Gangs of New York is a extraordinary movie, directed by Martin Scorsese in 2002. It’s a historical movie of the history of cinema, for me, because the story speaks about the birth of New york.

The film have a slogan « America was born in the streets », and I find that is a very beautiful sentence.

I saw this movie in original version with subtitles in french. And it’s better than french !

So, the movie tells the story about a young boy, Amsterdam Vallon (Leoonardo DiCaprio) who wants take a revenge against a gang leader, Bill Le Boucher.

Bill killed Amsterdam’s father, when he was a child. And years later, he wants to find him and take his revenge.

So there are lot of wars in the streets, and step by step Amsterdam finds his enemy.

In the story, Amsterdam falls in love to Jenny Everdeane, and it’s so cute !

In parallel, Amsterdam found step by step a very great team to beat Bill.

After the most War in the street that America has never seen, New york can’t be the same.

? Sweet Honey ? – Cathy Cassidy

Sweet Honey

Hello everybody ! I want to speak about one of my favourite book series? called “ Chocolate box girls” ,written by Cathy Cassidy, a English women author ! There are 6 books, but, no… I’m not going to tell you about the 6 books, because it could be very boring…

Ok, so I decided to speak about «Sweet Honey», the 5th book of the saga. It was written in 2014,. Every book’s titles are cute ! For an example : “Cherry crush” , “Marshmallow skye” “coco caramel” or “summer’s dream”!

Cathy Cassidy is one of my favourite author, with John Green, and also J.K Rowling (Yes , the author of Harry Potter ! I read all of the book , and saw all the movies, I can say that I AM A POTTERHEAD!! < a fan of Harry Potter ) But, here, don’t care of Harry Potter !! (Although, It’s a really good saga !)


First, I’m going to  explain the situation ( which is written in first novel..)

Charlotte Tanberry and Greg have 4 daughters : Summer and Skye are twins, coco and Honey. But, one day, Greg and Charlotte divorce and currently, the girls are living with their mom. After, she met Paddy Costello, a young men, who has a girl too, named “Cherry”. They move in Somerset, always In England to live with the Tamberry Family. After, they created an Chocolate industry, called “Chocolate box”, and they make their chocolate themselves. It is a real success !

In every book we have the side of each character. For an example, in the first “cherry Crush”, it’s the point of view of Cherry, “summer’s dream”, it’s summer and it’s the same for every book !


But, now I’m going to speak about Sweet Honey, the 5th book of the saga.

In this book, it’s the point of view of Honey, the oldest girl (14years old). Honey is one of the least nice sister, because she is really nasty with Cherry, and other people… Since, Greg, her father is gone, she became an another person.  And, she is bad at school and disrupt the class. And now, she is out of school because she hacked the school’s website (thanks to her friend who is very good in hack) and changed her marks. So, his father, Greg, invite her in Australia, where he lives, in this way, she could be far away of her problems. She is accepted in a Australian school, and met Tara and Bennie, and she will become friend with her. Honey decided to create an account Spider Web, a social networks: it enables to talk with her sisters far away from her, in England. But, quickly, Honey become friend, in the social Network, with “surfie 16”. She doesn’t know who it can be, and little by little, this person begin to harass Honey, hack her account , post many things horrible in the page of her sisters, and make a bad reputation of her. Honey is desperate and she  looks who it can be…

Will Manages she to discover, who is hidden behind the pseudonym “Surfie 16” ?




Yes yes, I KNOW it was pretty long… SORRY !


There is a lot of suspense, love, humour… Exactly what I love! I love read Cathy’s books ! Even if Honey, is a nasty person, at the beginning, we are understanding, because Greg, his father and Charlotte, his mother, are separated, and it must have been very difficult for her… In this novel, we learned a little more of her, because in the others, we don’t know a lot of things on her…

Honey is in fact, a desperate girl who want some love… Moreover, Greg, isn’t that good…


It’s pretty different of the others books, except “Summer’s dream”, because it’s talk about Summer(the twins of skye) who is passionate of Classic dance and want to be an famous dancer. (principal dancer) But she became really sick, and skinny, and can’t achieve her goal..

Summer is also a desperate girl..


I want to try to read the English books.. yes I know it’s really ambitious, but it could be very interesting !

At the beginning, i wasn’t not very enthusiast to read the first novel.. maybe because of the front cover…(which is not very… beautiful! Especially in English ! ) And the blurb is not very complete !  But, I read 1 page, and I found this really good !

I advise you these books ! 🙂

Did you read it ? Did you know it ?

English cover :

French cover :

Joyland by Stephen King

Hi !

I have chosen to talk about Joyland, a best seller signed Stephen King. He is an american born on 21 September 1947. Stephen King write again nowadays. This book was published on 4 June 2013 in the United States of America and on 30 April 2014 in Paris.

On the front cover, there is this sentence:

« Who dares enter the FUNHOUSE OF FEAR? »

PS : If you are sacred of clowns, just one word : Flee !!!

The Great Gatsby

“So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past “
The Great Gatsby is the third book of the writer Francis Scott Fitzgerald which was released in 1925.This book describes exactly the Roaring Twenties.
The story takes place in New York during the 20’s. The narrator is a Gatsby’s neighbor who is becoming Gatsby’s friend. His name is Nick Carraway who leaves the state of the Middle-West for New-York in the goal to reach the American dream and becoming a trader. He lives surrounded by two luxurious houses. A mysterious millionaire lives next to him, Jay Gatsby, worldly party and colossal receptions make part of the Gatsby’s habits. One night Nick is invited at Tom Buchanan’s house, Tom is the husband of Daisy the cousin of Nick. Then Nick meets Jordan Baker one of the Daisy’s friends, she’s a professional golfer. A little bit later Tom asks to Nick to come with him to see his lover, Myrtle Wilson a mechanic’s wife. Offend by it Nick don’t want to stay alongside of the couple but he is attracted by Jordan. A lot of versions of Gatsby’s life are moving along. Who is him? What is he doing? Nick is at two finger to discover his secrets when one day he is invited to spend the night at Gasby’s house. An incredible story will happened between the five characters.
In 2013 this book was adapted into a movie Leonardo Di Caprio plays the main character.
This book is my favorite book because it is not only a love story it’s an eventful story. Even the cinematographic adaptation is splendid

Warm bodies by Isaac Marion

« What make you alive? »
In the traditional literature, zombies are presented as evil creatures, the heroes kill them. But in the book written by Marion Isaac in 2010 we have a point of view of a zombie. The narrator is a zombie. It’s so strange, but interesting.
The main character is a young man who don’t know anything about his life before the death. He can’t speak, because he was nearly dead.
He wants just eat humans brains, for take their memories.
One day, he kill a young man and he fall in love with his girlfriend. Next, the main character saves the life of the girl.
At the end, thanks to their love, the zombie apocalypses end, the main character and the other zombies becomes a man.
It’s was one of my favourite books.
Im my opinion, this is an original novel, « a zombie romance », a love story, done with charm, humor, and tenderness, a book full of different emotions.
Here’s my favorite quote of the book:  » There is no ideal world for you to wait around for. The world is always just what it is now, and it’s up to you how you respond to it ».

Rage – Stephen King

Rage is a novel of Stephen King, written as Richard Bachman, published in 1977.

Charles Decker is a sixteen years old student student and one day he is called at his school’s principal’s office because Charles hurt one of his teachers two months ago. Charles provokes the principal. Before going back in class, Charles takes a gun in is locker and kills his mathematic teacher. After doing that, he takes his class hostage all day long. The police and a psychologist arrive at the scene and Charles began to do a sort of psychotherapy with his classmates, speaking first of his past, his father… Then he begin to ask questions to the others, who start to taking the game.
There is just Ted Jones, the beautiful quarterback of the class, who don’t enter in Decker’s game, and Charles harass him with questions and finish to make Ted crack.
Charles humiliate the authorities who try to negociate with him, without a real success…

This novel is a little bit disappointed because it’s too long and I think a short story could have been enough, but it stay a very good thrilling story. This book made me wonder, will it makes you wonder too ?

500 days of summer

Hello hello!

For my third article I’ve chosen to talk about a movie which is definitely my favourite. But I have to warn you : it is a very mushy romance.. that I absolutely enjoyed. No kidding, I’m pretty sure I already watched it at least twenty times… But I digress. It was directed by Marc Webb and released in 2009. The main actors are the gorgeous Zooey Deschanel and the awesome (also handsome…) Joseph Gordon-Levitt. This movie is, as you may have guessed, 500 days of summer. Enough talking, let me summarize it to you. I hope it will make you want to watch it!

« This is a story of boy meets girl, but you should know upfront, this is not a love story. This is a story about love. » Here is how the movie starts. And I would say that it perfectly summarize the entire movie. Indeed, Tom Hansen is a young romantic man who, to his biggest regret, works in a greeting card company. One day, he met Summer Finn, his boss’s assistant. Immediatly, he felt love at first sight. That’s when he will awkwardly try to conquer her. But unfortunately for him, Summer is not confident in love. She always refused to have a boyfriend since her parents divorced. Therefrom we will see (in disorder) the five hundred days after their meeting. Day after day, feelings will appear. Even if Tom is self confident about his own for his beloved, Summer is afraid to engage herself in a serious relation. As a consequence, she will not hesitate to slow down the things. However, Tom will keep doing his best to make Summer falling in love with him. Some days will be full of happiness and love, while others will be dark and empty.

What will happen next? How will those five hundred days end? Well, you will have to watch the movie if you want to know. And I can assure you it is not a waste of time! (only if you’re a sensitive girl? ahah.)

Moreover, I have to say that how the movie was directed (all the flashbacks, the fact that the scenes are in disorder, how we see some scenes, the actor’s play…) make the movie even better. 

Please, let me know if you have already watch it or if you are going to!


Into the wild

Christopher is a young man of 22 who decided overnight ( in 1990 ) hit the road without warning . He has dropped a brilliant career , family, money to go in search of himself. A spiritual journey of two years which led him on US roads , Mexico to Alaska , his ultimate goal , where it could finally be alone , surrounded by nature.
I loved this book because it is based on real events . The character is not boring and we can identify at him .At the end i was a bit disappointed because I found it brutal. I recommend this book.

Charlie and the chocolate factory

Hi everyone !

I would to tell you about my favorite book of my childhood , Charlie and the chocolate factory .
Charlie and the chocolate factory were writing by Roald Dahl in 1964.

This book , is about the story of on little poor children, who lived in the suburb of the city with his parents and four grandparents . In this city , there is a chocolate factory . The children dream to go in ther . To make is dream , he must find the gold ticket , who permit him to know the factory where is make he’s favorite chocolate .
One day Charlie gets one bar of Wonka chocolate , with an gold ticket .
At this day , his granpa , join him to go in the factory , and to share a good moment together . When Charlie and his grand pa are going in the factory , they have metting four kids who have flaws of gluttony (Augustus), gum-addiction (Violet), greed (Veruca), and TV obsession (Mike) .
I think you know the end …

Night and Day Virginia Woolf

Dedicated to housewife’s life, Katherine is a fiancée to the writer William and the prospect of this marriage makes the happiness of his parents. She does not however manage to deny he feelings for Ralph, modest lawyer, which courts her although he is so closely interested in Mary the suffragette which has itself eyes only for William! Virginia Woolf describes with a lot of humor the customs of the high society of London to defend better the right of the women to work and to marry who well seems to them. This book is very interesting and i would advise you to read this novel!

« Harry Potter at the school of the wizard »

This story is magic. The day of their 11 years , Harry Potter a high orphan by an uncle and an aunt that hated him, sees his existence upsets. A giant comes look for him to bring in Poudlard, the famous school of wizard where a place wait him since always. Fly in the broom, cast spells, fight the trolls : Harry Potter is a wizard very gifted, but what mystere round this bord any who is the terrible V…..!!! the mage whose nobody dare pronounce the name?

Harry Potter at the school of the wizard is a book fills of suspence written by J.K.Rowling in 1999. She had written seven Harry Potter.It’s a world fantastic with they wizard Ron, Hermion this friends.

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "harry potter"

Jack the Ripper !

Jack the Ripper

Hello everybody ! Today I am going to talk about scary, and terrifying things that are blood freezing : The mysterious Jack the Ripper ! Bouh !

Jack the Ripper is the nickname given to the biggest serial killer of London. He is an unidentified serial killer who have been active in the street of Whitechapel in London between August and November 1888.

According to the investigators, he could have killed five person : only prostitutes named : Mary Ann Nichols, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride, Catherine Eddowes, and Mary Jane Kelly who worked in the district of Whitechapel.

He didn’t really disemboweled his victims because they have all were found the clear-cut throat and the removal of internal organs from the least three victimes led to propose that Jack had some anatomical or surgical knoweldge.

In 1888, letters were recieved by medias and Scotland Yard from one of several writers wich told to be the murderer. But, a letter was received by George Lusk of the Whitechapel Vigilance Commitee entilted « From Hell » in whom the really Jack the Ripper claims his murder.

Investigators have never found the real killer but they have some names like Joseph Barnett the partner of one of the victims Mary Kelly or Jacob Levy.

One thing is certain, whe shall never wich was really Jack the Ripper.

This myth inspires many authors like Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell who wrote the excellent comic book « From Hell » apparead in 10 volumes of 1991 to 1996.

Gran Torino

Gran Torino is an American movie create and produce by Clint Eastwood, it was released in 2008. The film is in the top rated 2008.

It puts in scene an old man Walter Kowalski racist against everyone who is not ‘American’ for him.

Like every heroes made by the Clint Eastwood, the principal character make the war. Walt made the Korean war. The environment of the movie present him like an anti-hero the neighborhood in which he lives is habited by Asian, but during the movie he sympathize with his neighbors particularly with Thao who try to steel his car the ‘Gran Torino’ which despises at the beginning. He protects them against Thao’s cousin and his gang who harassed Thao. Walt he’s imposing, shocking and quite funny. He bring everything to the war he made, he’s like grumpy grandpa, but he’s badass and imposes its presence with racist insults. Death not afraid him so gang, and bad boy do laugh him. I recommend this movie.

If you want to see familial movie who makes feel full of emotion it the perfect movie you will never get bored.

The Road

The Road is an American post-apocalyptic dramatic movie realized by John Hillcoat, released in 2009.from the eponym novel written by Cormac McCarthy. Now more than ten years ago the world exploded. Nobody knows what passed.The last survivors roam in a world destroyed and covered with ash which is not more than the shadow of what he was.It is in this decoration of apocalypse that a father and his son roam by pushing in front of them a shopping cart filled with heterogeneous objects,During their trip, they are going to make dangerous and fascinating meetings.Even if the father has no hope, he tries hard to remain standing for the one who is from now on his only universe.

Gran Torino

Today I’m going to talk about Gran Torino is a film directed by Clint Eastwood and released in 2008.

The scene takes place in Michigan, in United States and it’s the story of Walt Kowalsk ( plays by Clint Eastwood) a racist veteran of the Corea war and who just lost his wife and Thao a hmong immigrant ( people Asia) who is 16 and who is the neighbour of Walt.

In the quarter a gang composed by the cousin of Thao tries to recruit this last and give him a mission : steal the collection car of Walt, a Gran Torino. Thao is surprised by his neighbour and fail. Then a kind of friendship born between Thao and Walt but also between Walt and Thao’s sister, Sue, when he save her.

Walt learn to go beyond differences and prejudices, learn a new cultur and this relation with his neighbour brings him a little part of happiness.

I discovered this film a few days ago and I like it because it is a beautiful human story although it’s a little dramatic, especially the end.

I recommend it if you did not watch because it’s an interresting story and also because Clint Easwood is a very good actor! If you watch it what do you think about ?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

 » We are Infinite  » 

This quote is from the epistolary novel named The Perks of Being a Wallflower, written by Stephen Chbosky on February 1999. On the one hand, this novel is autobiographic : It’s all around the character Charlie, who is the double of the author into the story. Charlie is very tender and he’s on the edge of the society, because of his bitter past. He has lost the two most important persons of his life : His best friend, Micheal, who commited a suicide, and his aunt, with whom he was very close. She was the only person who could understand him, without her, he’s completely lost, and can’t explain how does it feels to live what he’s living. Even his family are unable to talk to him.

Charlie has got problems to make friends.He’s too shy to go meet people, and always feels like he’s the one scapegoat of the school. When he entered for the first time in high school, it’s really hard for him. The first day of class, the last first person who he talks with is his English teacher, who find into him a interesting writter, whom he keeps believe that he has the potential to success in the future.  At the opening prom bal of the school, he finally meet two final-year students : Sam and Patrick. Charlie completely falls in love with Sam, but keep thinking that he’s got any chance with her. Thanks to Patrick and Sam, Charlie is going to live the life of a real teenagers of his generations : Sex, drogs, alcohol and party all night long.

Infortunately, this  » adventure  » will reveal a lot of things about Charlie : more about his past and about his personality, bad or good things.

This books is really incredible. We have the point of view of Charlie of what life looks like for him, and it’s an influence on our point of view. The story is beautiful, it’s a life lesson, about what does life mean, what having friends mean and what fun mean. The story is based on a teenager, so we can refers ourselves to him. How a troubled student can learn to be self-confident, and  especially : how to see life in a better way, this is what this novel is talking about.

Finally, the author Stephen Chbosky directed a film based on his novel. The mains actors are Logan Lerman as Charlie, Emma Watson as Sam and Ezra Miller as Patrick. The movie came out in 2012.



 » We are Infinite « 

The Extraordinary trip of the fakir who was remained stuck in an Ikea closet


The Extraordinary trip of the fakir who was remained stuck in an Ikea closet is a novel of Romain Puértolas, a French writer. The main character of this novel is a fakir named Ajatashatru Lavash Patel, who, at the beginning of the novel, is a mountebank. The fakir wich is found stuck in a closet (Ikea), travel around the world: First of all in France, in England, in Spain, in Italy, and in Libya. During these many travels (in a short time), he meet many people like African immigrants in a truck, a famous French actress in Italy, or even Marie a woman that he met in the Ikea’s cafeteria (which he fell in love ? ).

I love this novel of Puértolas, because it’s pretty simple to read, it’s recent (the novel was published in 2013), and it’s full of short movies/ TV references like the show « Pékin Express », or even « Harry Potter »… The language may be familiar sometimes, and some passages don’t lack of humor. I strongly advise this book for all those who love amazing stories. 😉

Zombillenium by Arthur de Pins

Warning : That’s not because there is the word « Zombi » in the title that the following graphic novel I’m going to speak about, is about zombie’s classics stories with the apocalypse or the ends times or whatever it can happen of strange in the so mad world we are living ! If you thought that it was a story like this, you’re going to be disappointed because that’s not really the point of the story. Despite it all, you’re still there ? Okay, let’s do this !

Zombillénium is a french graphic novel created by Arthur de Pins and published since 2009. Actually, there are only 3 graphic novels and the 4th is going to come soon but not for the moment ‘cause the creator is working on an animation film (an adaptation of this graphic novel, what a coincidence !) and it’s better to do one thing at a time.

So, the story takes place in a theme park of horror, located in the north of France and named “Zombillénium”. What the visitors didn’t know, it’s that the park employs real witches, demons, vampires, zombies, mummies, etc… We follow the character of Aurélien, who is one of these “monsters” (I wonder if we really can to call these people like that ‘cause they still have a big part of humanity within themselves but anyway) and especially a demon. Unlike the others, he was a human like us at the beginning. But, he had an accident and he was bitten by Francis, a vampire and employee at Zombillénium. By doing that, Francis saved Aurélien from death but also turned him into a demon (and not a vampire) and now, Aurélien is sentenced to work for the eternity at the park and like all the creatures who work at Zombillénium, he is stuck there for the eternity…

I have found this graphic novel absolutely amazing. Arthur de Pins managed to mix fun with horror stuff like when Zombies go on strike to defend their rights. He shows that no matter if the employee is a creature or not, they still are confronted to real problems like financial crisis and decrease of their salaries. He also managed to approach these subjects into the graphic novel so these stories can be more funny and interesting that we believed at the beginning. Zombillénium is also refreshing and if you like good humour with French references and all that belongs to the horror stuff, it’s a good deal for you !

Romeo & Juliet

Hi, I’m going to talk about Romeo and Juliet it’s a famous play wich has written by William Skakespeare and published in 1597 for the first time. The first theatral performance was in 1598. This story is about Romeo, a young man, a heir of M.Montaigu, his father. Romeo meets Juliet Capulet for the first time at the dance, in Verona, their hometown, in Italy.

They fall in love but in fact it’s an impossible love because their families are rival so they decided to married them with the help of Brother Laurent and the Juliet’s nanny. After that, Romeo is banishes of Verona to killed his best friend’s murderer.

Before he goes, Julet gets to spend her wedding night with her lover, Romeo. Juliet’s parents want to married their daughter with Comte Parî, but she refuses and she stimulates her death with the Brother’s Laurent help. The Nanny discovers Juliet is dead, anh there are her funeral according to Brother’s Laurent plan

The messenger who was required to bring the Juliet’s letter to Romeo is sick so Romeo only learns the Juliet’s death. He comes to say goodbye to Juliet and after he drinks a sealed vial of poison and he dies. Juliet wakes up and she see him dead… So she suicide her with a dagger.

Finally, Romeo’s and Juliet’s parents are reconciling, despite, they owners get a statue of their children’s memories.


Personally love the film too, I recomend you so much !

The Enchanted April

The Enchanted April is a novel written by Elizabeth Von Arnim, published in 1922, Lotty Wilkins find accidentally an announcement to a rent of a castle in Italie. She finds three joint tenants for share this castle : Mrs Rose Arbuthnot a dependent woman of her husband, Mrs Fisher an old rich woman and Lady Caroline who wants go away of her close friends.

This novel tell about the adventures of these four woman who do not know each other and will have to live together. Each of them avoid different persons for different reason, she avoid aslo their everyday life…

A Clockwork Orange

Hello everyone, today, i’m gonna talk about A Clockwork orange, a short novel of science-fiction written by Anthony Burgess and published in 1962. Burgess find inspiration when his first wife has been attack by soldiers in 1944. A Clockwork Orange was adapted by Stanley Kubrick in 1971 .

The book talk about a young offender, sixteen years only. Whit his Gang, the Doogis, Alex Delarge rob, break the law and finally kill innocent people around him in the streets of London. A day like another, Alex is captured by the police when he killed accidentally a  woman .

At this moment, he can not imagine what happened. Alex go in jail and finish used as a guinea-pig for a science experience financed by the government. The Ludovico treatment. When he go out the jail, he’s not the same man. when he heard the song of Beethoven, the nine symphony. he can do something and suffering terribly.

So without saying more, A Clockwork Orange is for me is a great short novel. Funny, musical, exciting, bizarre, political, frightening… that’s the all words who resumed the book   for me. Enjoy your reading and see you for the next article.

Rage Against The Machine – KILLING ON THE NAME

Raised Against the Machine is a american punk band of the 90’s in their song they fight against the racism and the capitalism. The song that I want to present is KILLIG ON THE NAME she spoke about the event with the Ku Klux Klan ( a group of Neo-Nazis)

Killing in the name of!
Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses
(4 )

Killing in the name of!
Killing in the name of

And now you do what they told ya
Well now you do what they told ya

Those who died are justified, for wearing the badge, they’re the chosen whites
You justify those that died by wearing the badge, they’re the chosen whites
Those who died are justified, for wearing the badge, they’re the chosen whites
You justify those that died by wearing the badge, they’re the chosen whites

Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses

Killing in the name of!
Killing in the name of

And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya, now you’re under control
And now you do what they told ya!

Those who died are justified, for wearing the badge, they’re the chosen whites
You justify those that died by wearing the badge, they’re the chosen whites
Those who died are justified, for wearing the badge, they’re the chosen whites
You justify those that died by wearing the badge, they’re the chosen whites
Come on!

Yeah! Come on!

Fuck you, I won’t do what you tell me

This song is very catchy,the tempo is very good and above all she forward a strong message. This band is one of the greatest group of Punk music .



Read more: Rage Against The Machine – Killing In The Name Lyrics | MetroLyrics

The extraordinary Journey of the Fakir who got trapped in an IKEA wardrobe – Romain Puertolàs


The extraordinary Journey of the Fakir who got trapped in an IKEA wardrobe

Hey guys ! I want to speak about a French book .Yes.. I know… when you saw the title, you thought: WHAT IS THIS TYPE OF BOOK ??? It’s pretty strange, i know… But, it’s a really good book ! Personally I love !

But first, let me introduce this novel…

The extraordinary Journey of the Fakir who got trapped in an IKEA wardrobe( a very long title…) was written by Romain Puertolàs, a French Author, in August 2013, and it’s now a bestseller, and it was translated in many languages.

In fact, Romain Puertolàs, was a perfect unknown writer, and, when he wrote this book, he became very famous! Thank to success, he wrote too “The little girl who swallowed A cloud as big as the Eiffel Tower”(always a very long title…)

I’m sure that, a lot of you doesn’t know this book, and it’s why, i’m gonna to tell you the story.

It’s the story of an Indian Fakir, Ajatashatru (A name which is a little bit difficult to prononce!!) who came in Paris, just to buy an IKEA bed of 15 000 Nails !! (You must think that, it’s a really strange wish… you’re right!).

In fact, when he arrived, he has stolen the Taxi driver, to come in an IKEA store.. He met Marie Rivière, a French,who he has stolen too(I don’t tell you how because it’s a spoil if you want to read this novel.. ) but she became in love with Ajatashatru….

After, he was confined in an IKEA wardrobe, and travelled in many countries in Europa, like England, Italy, Spain, France… and even in Libya… Despite him! The Indian Fakir is really dishonest, but during his “travel”, he will meet many people and he will change!

He became an illegal passenger despite him, and has many problems… Will manages he  to return in Paris and buy his Nail Bed ?


So, I REALLY love this novel, because it’s REALLY funny ! Yes, the story of the Indian Fakir, who come from Indian to Paris, just to buy his Bed nails, and the many things which happens to him is really incredible !!

Moreover, there are many comments of the author in the novel like ( Ajatashatru : Pronounce “Achète un chat roux”) and it makes the story funnier !!

Although it’s funny, it’s also serious and a bit sad, because it speak about a current event : The illegal immigration. Ajatashatru met some Africans, who wanted to go from Calais, in France, to London, to work, and they tell him their tragical stories.

I advise you to read this book, which is (According to me) really good and it denounce pretty good the illegal immigration.

Did you know and read it ?

happy birthday

it’s a novel written by Danieelle Steel. She explain the life of a woman and her daughter who are born as the same day. April, the daughter, has got a restaurant in New York and she is 30, she hasn’t married and baby. One day, a man went in her restaurant and they have a relation. They heva a baby bus the man disappear. April’s mother meet a famous man and she decided to married with him. At the end, April and the baby’s father will be married to.


This book, written by Stephen R. Covey, was named as one of the Most Influential Business Book of the 21 century by the Times, the german newspaper Der Spiegel… It covers 7 habits which deal with personal development and self management, and has become a reference for many influential men. Thus, it is recommended by international business schools: indeed, it is considered one of the most inspiring books ever written. Not only does it provide some helpful advice to be a successful manager, but it also tackles how to be successful in your family setting, with your friends, and more generally in your social contact.

To begin, a habit in general, is the intersection of knowledge, skill, and desire.
As the title indicates, the book consists of 7 habits. It helps us define our priorities and learn to distinguish what really matters in our life. For example, the third habit explains how to put first things first: to succeed, you have to take into account the first and the second habits. In other words, each habit is build upon the preceding one. The first is about making choice and taking responsibility, and the second deals with your imagination and creation. You have to know if you don’t enforce the first and second habits you can’t achieve the third habit: which consists in making things you find most worth. Then, you are organized and you can manage time to be effective. I won’t go further in my explanations because you have to read it to understand the book’ stakes.

When you read it, this piece of advice seems easy to understand, but not easy at all to apply (indeed, I wrote this article at the last minute haha). But anyway, I advice everyone to read it because it contributes to an important self awareness.

The picture of Dorian Gray

   The picture of Dorian Gray is a philosophical and fantastic novel written by Oscar Wilde, a famous Irish writer, and published in 1890. The story occurs in the worldly life of England during Victorian era.

   The main character, Dorian Gray, is a close friend to Basil Hallward, a famous painter. Basil is quite fascinated by Dorian’s facial beauty and decides to paint a picture of him. Gray gets to meet Lord Henry one day, another friend of Basil. Dorian will soon be influenced by Henry’s vision of life, that beauty is the most important thing, and will become jealous of his picture because it will never be old while he would age. His desire will become reality : Dorian is going to stay young and beautiful forever but his picture will age. Despite that, his life will not be as beautiful as he thought it would be.

   I recommend this book because I loved Wilde’s writing style, I think it is so well written. You may think the story is boring and not be attracted by it because it’s an old book but it’s not boring at all, it’s catching and very readable.



Every human being has his own knowledge, skills, intelligence. Imagine if you could share them. This is what the Wachowski ( Matrix filmmakers ) have implemented in their new TV series called Sense8.

The title tells us a lot about the blurb. Indeed it’s a play on words : sense8 means sensate and it’s a synonym of aware .

The story revolves around eight people, spread throughout the world, which suddenly become connected intellectually, emotionally and sensorially .The show explores themes that its directors believe to be generally ignored by the series of science fiction, including politics, identity, sexuality, gender and religion.

Here is a a little presentation of the « sensate » :

Wolfgang Bogdanov , a burglar born in East Berlin, lives in Berlin, a complex family history.

Kala Dandekar , a druggist from Mumbai, engaged to a man she doesn’t love.

Riley Blue , a DJ from London with a troubled past, a native of Reykjavik, Iceland.

Will Gorky , a policeman haunted by an unsolved murder during his childhood from Chicago.

Capheus (nicknamed  » Van Damn  » ) , a minibus driver in Nairobi, Kenya, which is desperate to earn money to cure his mother.

Sun Bak , daughter of a powerful businessman she works in Seoul, South Korea, and practices kickboxing .

Nomi Marks ( born Michael Marks ), a trans woman , blogger and hacker from San Francisco.

Lito Rodriguez , a famous telenovela actor nicknamed « El caído  » living in Mexico City, who conceals his homosexuality.

I recommend this great show to everyone . You’ll see how thrilling and intriguing it is ! You’ll wonder if one day it will happen to us and if science will manage to explain it.


I killed my mother, Xavier Dolan

poster                                                  Hello everybody!
This time, I would like to write about an impressive film, that was only directed by a 20-year-old film director and then, shown during the 2009 Cannes Film Festival, where it received a standing ovation.
« I Killed My Mother » is Dolan’s debut movie, one could also identify this film as a semi-autobiographical story.
Dolan tells us the love-hate relationship of a 17-year-old Hubert Minel, played par Dolan himself, and Chantal Lemming, his mother. Hubert is very talented with words, also artistically, but he seems to grow only to despise every single aspect of his mother, from the way she eats, her old fashioned and kitsch pull-overs as well,  to the fact that she applies make-up while driving… Discussions between them become shouting matches.
fightThey sometimes are so angry against each other that they burst into laughter, understanding how absurd their behaviours are. Hubert cannot stand when she forgets what she promised the day before or how she manoeuvres him into doing something she wants…She annoys him so much, that he even told a teacher that her mother was dead…A sad news, that her mother will learn, then turn up in his classroom furiously, screaming a false hilarious Do I look dead to you ?”. Both of them acknowledge that they can’t live with each other anymore, but perhaps not without each other either.
The first scene of the movie is a close-up in black and white of Hubert’s eyes, as he tries to find out what he wants to say to his camera. These videos allow us to understand his thoughts and to have his own point of view, which makes us deeply understand how he feels.videos More than this, the film tackles many important topics, such as the homosexuality of the main characters, the bullying because of his identity, his relationship with his boyfriend, his forbidden friendship with his french teacher, how to live without catching one’s father attention…

 » I can look at her, talk to her, sit next to her, but… I can’t be her son. I could be anyone’s son, but not hers »

This is a very honest film that succeeds so well because it says the truth about relationships between humans, that everybody can recognize. We all fully agree then, that we all have the weird ability to hurt people we love the most. The actors are also truly touching and convincing, especially Dolan himself.

Have you heard of this film? Have you ever seen another one of this film director? What did you think about it?

1984 – George Orwell

I decided to speak about 1984 written by George Orwell which was written in 1949. It is George Orwell’s famous novel. I have choosen this book because it is a book for my « T.P.E ».

As the name of the book, the story takes place in 1984 and the world is devided in 3 parts : the « Oceania », the « Eurasia » and the « Estasia ». It is the war ! This dictatorship has a catch line : « The war is the peace, the freedom is the slavery, the ignorance is the strength ». The main character is Winston Smith ; he works on « the ministry of the truth » and he wants to discover the truth on this strange world because people are constantly watched by a television screen and of course by Big Brother, and they shouldn’t know the past… With Julia, a girl that he met during « the two minutes of the hatred », they are going to try to fight this dictatorship.

This book is a science fiction novel which criticizes the totalitarian society where the freedom of expression don’t exist anymore and all the thoughts are watched and big posters are placarded in streets (« Big Brother is watching you »).

We need to Talk about Kevin by Lynne Ramsay.

     We Need to Talk about Kevin is an american film by the Scotish Lynne Ramsay. She comes back with a brutal movie. Through a hate story between a mother, Eva and her son, Kevin. The film tell a flashback and adopts the perspective of the mother devastated. Indeed, the movie begin a painful history of her relationship with her son, step by step, we see the trajectory from childhood to teenager, Kevin led to commit the unthinkable.

     After a painful birth, their relationship already bathed in blood, tears and cries. The baby will not stop screaming, and the mother realizes she has lost her tranquility and does not support it. In a terrible scene, Eve stops near a construction site with her baby in a stroller, but she prefer the sound of the jackhammer to the cries of her child.

     Then, she « sacrificed » her career to raise Kevin. She must give up city life that she loves, to give to her son the advantages of the suburb. So many sacrifices she made for her son and she will not reward. At 8, Kevin wear again diapers, probably to annoy his mother and force her to change them. Kevin repainted with his paint gun the room freshly decorated of his mother. As a teenager he spend his time on porn sites, to masturbate in the bathroom without bothering to close the door. He never stop bully his little sister Celly.

     We need to Talk about Kevin, is a psychological movie, interresting to watch. In brief, Kevin made a big splash in the gallery terrible children to the movies. The movie is a death struggle between a mother and her son.


Escape from the city ?

Hey everybody !

Today I decided to speak about something else than a book. Yes it’s great to change sometimes!
First I wanted to tell you about another novel, but I read it a long time ago therefore I don’t really remember the details. That’s why I will read it again soon and the next article will be about it.

So I have chosen a song that I like to listen while I’m in the bus to go back home. This song is called “Escape from the city” and because I do not live in the city, it’s pretty appropriate for me ! It was composed by Jun Senoue and performed by Ted Poley and Tony Harnell.

(If you want to listen to it while reading, it’s under the text at the end !)

It was played in Sonic’s Adventure 2, but it’s not the main theme, just a stage music of the game.
We always say that Sonic has not the best games, but sure the best musics ! That’s pretty true because it’s a little chaotic when you play… However most of the music are freaking awesome.

If you don’t know Sonic the Hedgehog who is as famous as Mario it’s not a problem, but checks it out on Google 😉
In a nutshell he’s an anthropomorphic blue hedgehog who can run faster than the sound (which is a pretty useful and cool ability, isn’t it ?). He has to save his world from a crazy genius named Dr Eggman who wants to control it with giants and terrifying robots (huh not really freaky anyway…).

You know this song is really energetic and it refers really well to Sonic who “can’t stick around, have to keep moving on”.  Moreover I’m a bit like that too, I’d rather move fast (or not !) instead of staying seated in a bus… And yet it’s impossible, of course. So that’s quite opposed.

As a result I only have that kind of music to escape the daily routine, to feel better after a bad day (when you got bad marks for instance !) or to go in my “bubble” to not hear the crazy and childish guys in my bus.

Indeed this music takes me in another world and I feel free to do what I want because it’s entertaining. Unfortunately every great thing has a problem, here it has a very irritating default : it’s too short ! Even not 3 minutes though it’s not really significant.

Otherwise I think this music’s genre can be loved by –almost- everybody since it’s not too classical or not a metal song. To me it’s the perfect middle. And the way he is singing is not too slow or too fast. The music behind is pretty cool and we don’t have huge basses which mess it up.

So here you can listen to this song and tell me what you think about it, if it’s the kind of music you like to listen to or if you like more another genre 😉
->The original-one : the best !
-> Modern version

Comment what you think : it does no matter if you like or not, just share your opinion with us/me ! 🙂 See you soon !

The Clan of the Cave Bear

The Clan of the Cave Bear is the first novel of a saga called Earth’s Children. Written by Jean M. Auel between 1980 et 2011, it made up of seven fictional volumes relating the life of the Cro-Magnon and the Neanderthal man.


This first book was published in 1980. The Clan of the Cave Bear turned into a film in 1986, it was directed by Michael Chapman.

The story occured 35 000 years ago in Europe and in those initial days, Alya, a five-years-old little girl outlived an earthquake. Now an orphaned and vulnerable children, she wandered a few hours to forage and got scratched by a big cave lion. She took refuge towards a foreign clan where, once she recovered, she was noticed because of her many skills.


This book enables the readers to learn more about the beginning of the human being, it is a way to entertain while acquiring knowledge about the Cro-Magnon and his daily life, his behaviour when he is facing an another man or an unexpected event. Moreover I guess the author had to do a great deal of research even if I think she had to invent some details so that the story become more realistic and could also be anchored in our era, in our time. If anyone reads the book without know the summary, he can suppose that the story takes place in a prehistoric world even if several events are linked with our everyday life. The manner in which some scenes are described adds credibilty to the story, as though we were 35 000 years ago. I think this book is worth reading !

Dirty Dancing

Dirty Dancing it’s an american film, it was directed by Emile Ardolino. He also directed Sister Act. He is a famous director. Dirty Dancing, is a famous movie in the world.

The story takes place in New York’s mountains, in sixtees, where a family come for hollidays. « Baby » the daughter is a sweet daddy’s girl but in they camp she meet a teacher of dance, Johnny Castle, he is a naugty man but in real he is a nice man. Baby lies to her father for dance with Johnny. She fall in love and him too. But they relationship is so complicate because they are so diferent and Johnny musn’t be in love with a client of camp. The film is a typical love story. They will finish together in the end of the film ? That is the plot of the movie.

I loved this film because the story is beautiful, the film shows : the love hasn’t limitation, two diferent peoples can fall in love. Althougt the movie shows the emancipation of daughter than her father. I love the famous actor Patrick Swayze, Johnny in the movie, he is very good and beautiful. The song into the film like Time of my life and Hungry eyes are amazing, I always listen they.

Pretty Little Liars, Sara Shepard

You probably all already know the TV series Pretty Little Liars but I decided to talk about the series of novels that inspired the show.

The Pretty Little Liars series were written by Sara Shepard, a young american writter, the first novel was published in 2006, the series follows the lifes of 4 girls, Spencer Hastings, Hanna Marin, Aria Montgomery, and Emily Fields. 1 year after their group « leader » Alison DiLaurentis‘ disappearance the girls started to reveive threatening messages from an anonymous person called -A. The books follows the progression of the heroins throught the process of figuring out who this A is, and how they face many dangerous obstacles.

I’ve chosen this book series because I love the TV show and I finally figured out who A is !

I read the 1st book of the series and loved it ! I plan to read the others.

Under the dome, Stephen King

For the third article, I decided to talk about a book (or rather two books because there is a sequel) written by a very well-know American author. Some of you have already written articles about his books. I obviously speak about Stephen King and I’m going to share with you one of my favourite book entitled Under the dome. You probably know this title because there is also a TV series, adapted from these books, whose name is the same as the books.

Now I have to sum up the story:
The scene is set in a little town whose name is Chester’s Mill. This town is located in the Maine in the USA. One day, the town is suddenly encircled by a giant dome that cut the communication with the exterior, the other side of the world. That’s the beginning of bad things because of the absolute power of Jim Rennie. Indeed Jim was the first deputy in Chester Mill (before the dome) and he takes advantage of the apparition of the dome to govern the town.

I really loved this book because there are a lot of characters which are all different. They are very good exploited thanks to many details. The main character is named Dale Barbara but his nickname is Barbie and that’s my favourite character because of his bravery. Indeed he dares to struggle against Jim Rennie.
I’ve also seen the first season of the series and even if it’s quite different it’s great!

See you soon!

Fauvel’s novel

Today, I am going to speak about « The Flauvel’s novel ».

This novel was written between 1310 and 1314 by Gervais Du Bus, he speak about « Flauvel » a donkey who becomes king. His name is an acronym from six of his defaults: flattery, avarice, vileness, volatility, envy, cowardice.

Flauvel has the power by chance and especially thanks deceit. He punishes the innocent and he rewarded hypocrites. This novel take place in the world where human acted like animals. This novel is satire of policy on this century and denuncuation from people who abuse their power.

I like this novel because Flauvel look like at some people in our present world.

Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump is a drama based on the books of Winston Groom which was published in 1986. This book will be adapted into a film and realized by Robert Zemeckis and cinema released in 1994. Tom Hanks embodies the character of Forrest Gump
This film is about the U.S.A history between 1950 and 1980 through the eyes of the main character: Forrest Gump, a defective man. The beginning of the film is a scene with Forrest Gump sitting on a seat waiting the bus. In this seat Forest will meet a lot of different persons to whom he will tell his life… Since his childhood when he was the scapegoat of his classmates to the moment he will be billionaire. Forrest Gump will be American football champion, American football champion, a university graduate, soldier during the Vietnam War, table tennis champion in the American military team in the Olympics, exceptional marathon ( he ran without stopping for more than three years), and shrimp boat captain. Located at the heart of the U.S.A history main events he is one of the key players in this area…
I really liked this film because the characters are very touching and realistic. Historical facts are taught us and I find it very well. I recommend it a lot !

Aldous Huxley ~ « Brave New World »,1932

« Brave New World » is a novel of science- fiction by the British author : Aldous Huxley (1894-1963); It’s just a fiction novel : the author imagine what will the world in 2050.

In Aldous Huxley’s « Brave New World » (1932), genetic engineering and conditioning have eradicated pain, old, age and emotions.bred in bottles, babies are predestined to their various functions in society as they are divided into five groups : Apha, Bêta, Gamma, Delta and Epsilon (they each have their characteristic).Everyone is controlled through their minds. So every one is « happy » until an outsider comes and disrupts the order of society.the author have created a terrifying world ,babies are created with a line work. Aldous Huxley believed in progress through spiritual life rather than through science. this is why Brave New World is a dystopia about the condition scientific.

The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde


The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a famous novel written by Robert Louis Stevenson in 1886. The story is about Dr Jekyll who is a nice man, very appreciate of everyone, great friend of Mr Utterson (a london notary), and Mr Hyde, a monstrous man, with a scary and repulsive face.
In this novel full of suspense, Mr Hyde is the double personality of Dr Jekyll who created a drug to separate his good side of his bad side. But it didn’t work and night after night it’s Hyde who takes over.

I love the stories with suspense and when a character have a dark side, so I really love the plot!

The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde also been adapted in cinema, in theater, on TV, in comics, in songs and into video games.,204,203,200_.jpg


Fahrenheit 451


Fahrenheit 451 is a science fiction novel written by Ray Bradbury (who is an American writter) and published in 1953. This novel is in fact a dystopian novel. It’s strange because ,here, the firemen doesn’t put out the fire, but they light up. The main character is Guy Montag a firefighter which has books, although it’s forbidden by the Law. In this book, the population is only distracted by watching TV, or driving their cars at full speed. But despite these distractions, we understand that people don’t feel well; they attempt suicide, but they don’t remember it.


Fahrenheit 451 was adapted into a movie in 1966 by a French filmmaker François Truffaut.



Chappie is an American and Mexican film directed by Neil Blomkamp, released in March 2015.

We are in a futuristic period, in a city where criminality is the most reported: Johannesburg. Robotic force patrolls are created to deal with these lawbreakers and assure to keep the city prosperous. Deon, an employee of the company, is working on a secret creation of his own: to be able to insert a memory card in a robot capable of giving to the robot a real conscious. It would have feelings of his own, to be able think and decide of his actions. A robot called no 22, is pointed out in the first scenes: he is destroyed he is on every single mission, not a lucky one I suppose. He is at the end sent to be crushed in a pile of robots. Deon creeps into that room and picks him up, he is chosen to test his experience. On the way home, he is attacked by a couple named Ninja (Waktin Tudor Jones) and Yolandi (Yolandi Visser) they squat an unoccupied factory and deal with drugs and all sorts of illegal doings… he is forced to pull up at there « home ». Ninja dreams of having one of these robots for his own and while Chappie (his conscious name) is growing, he will try to train him as being a gangster.  Even by the protection of Yolandi and Deon, Chappie will be torn between a child innocently discovering the world and himself and the toxic behaviour and treatement Ninja imposes him. After being caught several times commiting criminal acts (he doesn’t realise what he is doing) the robot company considers him like a potential criminal and decides to destroy Chappie. Vincent (another employee) has possession of a giant robot connects human consciousness to machines with a helmet,and sets off to kill them all.What he doesn’t know is that Deon has one of those helmets and will try to transfer Chappie’s conciousness into a new robot body so he would live much longer. Will he succeed? Are they going to face Vincent ant his monster and survive? I will propose you to watch and find out!

I really found this film amazing because I love science fiction and the theme of human feelings and concsiousness, a really good idea. I find it really good to put in a touching film that is based on robots, who are cold and emotionless. And it astonished me to find two popular singers as actors aswell (olandi and Waktin).

Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins

I will speak of the novel Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins wrote. It is divided into three volumes and tells the survival of twelve boys and twelve girls. The main character is Katniss Everdeen, is accompagnied bye Peeta Mellark, they must survive together in a reality TV game called « Hunger Games ». The entire population has the obligation to watch the Hunger Games Live, so they see people die. This novel is interesting, it is full of suspense, this is of course science-fiction but i suggest you read this novel, especially for those who love the fight and confrontation! … See you soon my readers and enjoy reading!

« Confusion » by Cat Clarke.

After to be non-fiction author, the British Cat Clarke dedicates himself to literature for young adults. Her first novel, Confusion was published in 2012 and was a great success in England.

This novel presents a daughter called Grace, aged 17, who have a bestfriend, Sal and a boyfriend, Nat. She wakes up trapped in an all white room where is a table with paper and pens.

The same night she decided to commit suicide, but Grace meet for the first time Ethan. After a bottle of vodka as a last meal, she wakes up trapped in a mysterious white room with the young man for goaler. He brings her paper and pens to writing the meanders of her life.

Grace writte in the paper this sentence : “That’s when I’m alone that doubt intrudes, it’s like that for years. As long as I am surrounded, I can pretend that all is well. But I need the public to play comedy. Otherwise it does not. Only, I’m not so easily deceived”.

As the days pass, we understand the desperation that drove Grace to want to take her own life. She opens the veins since she was 15 years old, regularly drunk and sleeps with every boys she meets. His father who abandoned her missing it, and she is angry against her cold and distant mother. Grace confides in the papers her dreams, while his stay drags on.

Gradually, his questions are answered, and she is about to know the end of history of her story’s life.

Confusion, is a disturbing book, full of feelings, challengring because it’s the story of a girl who is struggling to “feel”. This novel is really inspires about the real life. To read it, we must have the heart hung and do not do like Grace.

The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins

Hello everybody !

Tooday I’m going to talk you about The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.
Here is a little blurb.

            In a dark future, on the ashes of United States, a TV game is created to control people by terror. Twelve boys and twelve girls are random draw and must participate to this sinister reality show, that everybody have to watch in live. There is only one rule in the arena : to survive, whatever the price.

When her little sister is called to participate to the Hunger Games, Katniss don’t hesitate and take her place, aware of the danger. She’s sixteen but she has to the death escaped yet. For her, to survive is like a second nature.

Suzanne Collins’s trilogy won thousands youngs everywhere in the world. Both a critic of a society rule by money and a call to revolt, the post apocalyptic novel managed to touch young people intend to a dark future (between unemployment and failure). Add to this a gasping story and you’ll have a best-seller.

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Oliver Twist


Today I will talk about Oliver Twist. This is the second novel by Charles Dickens after The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club and published in 1837. This book is based on an autobiographical story published a few years ago.

The story tale place in England in the nineteenth century. In this novel, it’s about Oliver Twist, a young orphan raised in a workhouse, where he and other orphans are treated very bad. One day, after being nominated by his comrades, Oliver request an additional portion of oatmeal, because they are very hungry. Following this act, Oliver is placed with an undertaker to work, as punishment. Oliver decides to escape from this place and bound for London. He meets Jack in a street, je is at the head of a gang of pickpockets. He takes her to his boss, Fagin …

I enjoyed this novel, in fact I think it deals with realistic and touching way the living conditions of poor people and especially orphans during the Victorian era.