Annexe Il de l’arrêté du 19 août 1993


 Le choix de la langue anglaise est à privilégier absolument soit en langue vivante A, soit en langue vivante B.

Prenant pour référence de départ les programmes de langues vivantes étrangères du 2e cycle des lycées, l’enseignement se donne pour objectif de consolider, de diversifier et d’étendre les connaissances et savoir-faire des étudiants.

 L’évaluation, initiale et continue, comportera tout d’abord un inventaire précis et réaliste des ressources et des besoins spécifiques des étudiants, permettant de repérer les points forts sur lesquels prendre appui mais aussi les lacunes sur lesquelles concentrer l’attention et les moyens. Elle concernera autant les savoirs, lexicaux ou grammaticaux, que les savoir-faire, au sens généralement admis des quatre compétences: compréhension de la langue orale et écrite, production orale et écrite. L’évaluation, autant que possible intégrée, sera donc résolument formative…


 La maîtrise des langues vivantes étrangères est un élément essentiel de la compétence professionnelle dans la spécialité hôtellerie-restauration. Pour cette raison, tout en poursuivant résolument l’entraînement au maniement de la langue courante, le professeur ne manquera pas d’initier les étudiants à la pratique des éléments les plus pertinents de la langue de spécialité : vocabulaire mais aussi structures spécifiques. Les activités seront conduites selon des méthodes diversifiées afin de permettre à tous d’atteindre, par des méthodes différentes et appropriées, des niveaux comparables de compétence linguistique. La variété des supports et des documents de toute nature, mis en œuvre dans des situations réalistes ou du moins plausibles, sera un facteur d’efficacité : seront privilégiés textes ou extraits de brochure professionnelle, correspondance, enregistrements de communications téléphoniques, radio, vidéo, diapositives, disques.


Un effort particulier devra être entrepris pour développer chez les étudiants un comportement actif et une réelle autonomie face aux diverses stratégies d’apprentissage. Le recours aux technologies modernes sera, sur ce point essentiel, un élément déterminant: l’utilisation, guidée ou en libre service, des salles multimédia, laboratoires, salles d’informatique, devra être encouragée chaque fois que les circonstances le permettront.

En fin d’année, les étudiants devront être en mesure:

— de tirer pleinement profit de l’enseignement dispensé en section de techniciens supérieurs Hôtellerie-Restauration,

— de poursuivre, avec une autonomie suffisante, des efforts personnels pour accroître leur autonomie langagière.







Jobs and career 1 (45 terms)Jobs and career 2 (23 terms) Tuesday October 8thWednesday October 9th Wednesday October 9th
Feelings 1 (24 terms)Feelings 2 (44 terms) Tuesday October 15thWednesday October 16th Wednesday October 16th

ALL SAINTS ‘DAY / October   19th to November 4th/

Saints’ Day is a public holiday in France.

 It is   the traditional occasion for a visit to the cemetery to lay flowers

The-history-of-french-cuisine (20 terms)irregular-verbs-1(50 terms) Tuesday November 5thWednesday November 6th
The kitchen (22 terms)Irregular-verbs-2 (50 terms) Tuesday November 12thWednesday November 13th Wednesday November 13th
Meals (dishes) and menus (32 terms) Tuesday November 19th
Kitchen brigade (27 terms) Tuesday November 26th Tuesday November 26th
Kitchen tools and utensils (36 terms) Tuesday December 3rd
Activities in hospitality (61 terms) Tuesday December 10th Tuesday December 10th
Hospitality and new year (61 terms) Tuesday December 17th

CHRISTMAS/ December   21st to January 6th

Kitchen safety tips ( 22 terms) Tuesday January 7th 2014 Tuesday January 7th 2014
ITQH Restaurant English : Shellfish (12 terms) Tuesday January 14th 2014
ITQH Restaurant English : Nuts (10 terms) Tuesday January 7th 2014 Tuesday January 7th 2014
Ingredients and spices (31 terms) Tuesday January 28th 2014
Function of bread ingredients (8 terms) Tuesday January 28th 2014 Tuesday January 28th 2014


This notion is at the core of human societies and civilisations. Men were born on a territory and mobility is one of the crucial move which helped society evolve. The different groups on the planet developped differents ways and strategies to face life. Meeting new human groups contribute to discovering new technologies and forms of power to master the environment.

Modern societies were built after bloody conflicts and those who won the fights dominated the weakest. This is what Charles Darwin called « the survival of the fittest ». So contradictory forces of domination and resistance of oppression were under way. In the United States of America which is one of the youngest republic and the first superpower in the world  we have many examples of conflicts between the Europeans and the Amerindians, the North and the South during the abolitionist period and Blacks and racist Whites in the 1960’s  at the time of the Civil Rights movement.

So, it’s worth questioning the causes and ponder on the nature of these conflicts which shaped the american nation but also on the attempts to solve these difficulties and promote tolerance and friendship through cooperation.


La notion « d’Espace et d’Echange » est à la base même des sociétés et civilisations.

L’homme nait et occupe un territoire et le mouvement, la mobilité constitue l’un des mouvements essentiels des sociétés.

La rencontre des sociétés s’est généralement fait avec des heurts, des conflits sanglants qui se sont soldés avec l’avènement d’une relation de domination des plus forts sur les plus faibles. C’est la théorie de la survie des plus forts énoncée par Charles Darwin.

Les sociétés modernes se sont construites à partir de ces forces contradictoires de domination et de résistance à l’oppression.

Les Etats Unis d’Amérique, la plus grande puissance mondiale en est l’exemple le plus éclatant avec la conquête de l’Ouest qui a vu l’extermination des Amérindiens, les affrontements entre le Nord et le Sud et les conflits entre abolitionnistes et ségrégationnistes.

Il importe de réfléchir sur les causes, la nature des tensions, des forces en présence et les outils mis en place pour la résolution de ces conflits.

Quelles sont les idéologies qui visent actuellement à éviter la guerre et qui promeuvent l’intolérance ?


The higher education sector is made up mainly of the universities and colleges of higher education which lead to degree level. The top of it is Ph.D level.

On the one hand, Britain ‘s universities still enjoy a great deal of academic freedom in selecting their own students, defining their courses, awarding their degrees and recruiting their staff but they depend on the government for funding.

Higher education students receive financial support from their local education authority.

In the past, access to higher education was too restricted. Things changed but men have been outnumbered . Most of the applications came from women.

British universities.

British universities have a tradition of elitism and excellence. The universities of Oxford and Cambridge date back to the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries and are among the best universities in the world. They are and have always been the institutions at the top of the educational hierarchy. They attract many of the brightest students of their generation and award the most prestigious certificates. They are the main universities of the elite and shape a homogeneous group with a common cultural identity rooted in the idea of a liberal education centred on the arts and humanities. Indeed, the Establishment is mostly interested in finance and administration.

The teaching at Oxford and Cambridge is based on the tutorial system. The don teaches one or two students, sometimes more.

The balance between teaching and research has shifted in favour of research. Oxford and Cambridge are institutions where the future leading politicians and civil servants used to go to learn  the proper sociocultural values.

London university was founded in 1836 to provide university education for young people who could not attend Oxford or Cambridge because they did not belong to the higher classes. New universities appeared to “accommodate with the increasing number of students“. Open universities were created for mature students who followed correspondence courses. Open universities widened access to higher education for adults.

Polytechnics and Colleges of Higher education

Polytechnics were created to meet the increasing demand for vocational, professional and industrially based courses in higher education. They filled the gap between university and further education work, bearing in mind the needs of industry. Polytechnics give a wide range of courses in business, administration, engineering, technology.

Unlike Polytechnics which prepares for business, industry, industry, engineering and technology, Colleges of Higher Education lead to socially-oriented professions ranging from teacher training to the caring professions, art and design, the media and public administration.

The future development of higher education in a learning society.

The problem with higher education is that access depends on the ability to pay. The governments want more people to enter higher education.

They  developed part-time degree courses. They also have to develop a more efficient system of funding, a fairer system for repaying loans

Sophie Loussouarn,

Definitely British, Absolutely American, Ellipses,2001

Watch on the internet

Documents video

 1.Higher Education in US  What Does It Cost  – YouTube.flv 2.UK students protest over university fees – YouTube.flv 3.Saving Money for College – YouTube.flv


Q&A: Tuition fees

From September 2012, universities in England are raising tuition fees to up to £9,000 per year, amid major budget cuts to institutions’ teaching budgets. The controversial policy, backed by parliament in December 2010, sparked angry street protests. It was developed as the government’s response to a review of higher education funding by former BP chief Lord Browne. Universities in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will also be able to raise their fees from 2012, but their home students will not be affected. How much?The government is allowing universities in England to charge up to £9,000 per year for undergraduate courses, raising the cap from its 2011/12 level of £3,375. Universities wanting to charge more than £6,000 have to undertake measures, such as offering bursaries, summer schools and outreach programmes, to encourage students from poorer backgrounds to apply

Getting a college education is considered a stepping stone to the American dream, but achieving that dream is growing increasingly more difficult for millions of Americans because of the spiraling costs of higher education. State support for higher education continues to shrink as financial pressures squeeze budgets at state capitals across the nation. To make up for shortfalls in state funding, universities are raising tuition and fees, forcing college students and their families deeper into debt.





Resume the main ideas from the above articles and videos (10 lines)





Choose one topic and make a 4 minutes presentation.

 1.To what extent can you say that schools and   universities are instruments of power?

2.To what extent can higher education be   regarded as elitist?

3.Are schools and universities the only   instruments of power?

4.What do you know about the present-day   problem of higher education in western countries like the USA, the UK or   France?

5.Should universities use positive   discrimination to increase diversity? (p.24; PASSWORD)

The main ideas from the video and articles.

All through European countries and even across the Atlantic, higher education has been facing a general crisis.

As governments make cuts in education budgets, it has become more and more difficult for students as well as for university heads who must find out funds to run their establishment. To cope with the financial problems they increase tuition fees.

With the increasing cost of higher education, students have to work part-time or ask for loans. Students’living conditions are getting worse. Many of them are forced into debt.

Nowadays, strikes are breaking out both in Europe, the USA and Canada as students can’t afford tuition fees. They voice their discontent in the streets of London, New York or Toronto and reject the governments’s drastic plans.

Consequently, if tuition fees go on increasing, few students will have access to universities. Only students from rich families will be able to attend courses at universities. Students from low-income families will be discriminated against and the universities will no longer be a diverse place, a place where you can find people from different social and ethnic backgrounds.

To some extent, positive discrimination may be a solution to solve the problem with the increasing tuition fees. But it is an expensive measure to carry on. In addition, everyone knows that positive discrimination as well as affirmative action have been criticized and considered as reverse discrimination.

Education does not seem to be the top priority for most of the western nations. Politicians must understand that the future of their nations lie in the training of their students and investment in higher education.



 Une problématique, des problématiques.

 La notion est abordée à travers l’institution universitaire et le journalisme, donc sous le prisme de plusieurs domaines, l’éducation,  les sciences et les technologies nouvelles.

D’une part, cela nous conduit à explorer les tensions et conflits “invisibles” que se livrent les différentes parties (classes sociales, sexes, ethnies) au sein des établissements universitaires. A quoi servent les universités? Le but ultime de ces établissements serait-il de formater des citoyens ou de contribuer à former des esprits libres ?

D’autre part, les nouvelles technologies de l’information et internet en particulier, ont complètement modifié le paysage audi-visuel. Quels sont les enjeux? L’argent, l’influence, le pouvoir?

On assiste aussi à une democratisation de l’information qui est une source de difficulties et de questionnements quant à la question de l’objectivité de l’information. Quelle est la nature de ces lutes entre journalists amateurs, blogueurs et les professionnels?


 The notion of “space” is closely linked to that of power.

If you have land and you can protect it, it means you have power and money. In the following chapters, I will focus on schools and universities as seats or spaces of power.

To what extent can you say that the universities are decision-making arenas, forums of action, opportunities.  I will also stress the Press as a form of power as it is often called the fourth power. So we will have to find examples showing how the Press can affect policies, discourses and decisions. Indeed, there are other “spaces of power we have to signal such as banks, non-governmental organizations, lobbies. We also have to show how they impact the lives and interests of people.

 Different forms of power

A positive and negative vision of power prevailed.

Power is often regarded as a form of domination. It is seen in a win-lose relationship. Having power involves taking it subtly or by force and use it to control and dominate. In politics, those who rule control resources and decision-making. Those who are deprived of resources like land, healthcare or jobs and are marginalized. This form of power generates inequality, injustice and poverty.

To counteract this form of power, some people develop the idea of finding common ground to build collective strength. They base their action on mutual support, solidarity and collaboration, people with talents. This kind of power tries to build bridges across different interests to reduce social conflicts and promote solidarity and equitable relationships



144 (24.7)

Activity A

Say how often you do the things in the personality test.

Activity B

Joelle is looking for a boy-friend. The Find-a-Friend Club wants to help her. She’s doing a personality test for them. Look at Joelle’s answers and write sentences about her.


How often do you do these   things ? always usually often sometimes Not often never
Lie awake at night x
Be angry x
Argue with people x
Worry x
Take risks x
Be late for work x
Tell jokes x
Laugh at comedy shows x
Wish things were different x
Be sad x

A basic English Grammer with Exercises, OUP J.Eastwood

143 (24.4)

Maria is writing to her friend Helen in England. She’s rather tired and she’s left some of the words out by mistake. Rewrite the letter putting in the adverbs and adverb phrases on the right.

Dear Helen,

Thank you for your letter. Is it

four months since I last wrote ? I’m     (really)

sorry, but I’ve been very busy.               (lately)

I’m working for my exams.                   (already)

I’ve planned my revision. I work            (carefully)

until about ten o’clock in the                 (usually)

evening. I’ve finished for today.              (just)

I don’t keep to my plan. I                     (of course)

saw a marvellous film. It was                   (always)

called ‘The secret Game’ . Have             (yesterday)

You seen it ?

I don’t go out. Suzanne                           (actually/ often)

comes about once a week. We                (here)

talk.                                                       (a lot)

I hope to visit Englanda gain.                 (next year)

I had a lovely time last year.                    (there)

It would be great to see you.                    (again)

I’m trying to save money.                        (hard)

How are you ? Is your new

flat all right ? Please write.                    (soon)



A basic English Grammer with Exercises, OUP J.Eastwood

146 (24.5)

Mrs Lake is a teacher of English. She is making notes on her students. Say how well each student is doing at English. Use an adverb of manner in each sentence. (Most but not all of these adverbs end in-ly)


Ahmed : Bad spelling. Careless written work.

(A spells badly. He does his written work carelessly.)


1.Stella :satisfactory progress. Good homework.

(Stella is progressing…….  She does her homework……

2.Emil : fluent speaker of English.

3.Milena : Hard worker. Fast learner.

4.Victor : Slow speech. Incorrect pronunciation of some common words.

A basic English Grammer with Exercises, OUP J.Eastwood



Thème général :
Comment réagit-on et s’adapte-t-on à un choc culturel ?
Il importe de définir l’expression « choc culturel » et d’exprimer les sentiments et émotions que l’on peut ressentir. Cela peut être de la surprise, la peur, l’indifférence devant l’inconnu ou la nostalgie d’être loin de son pays natal. Ce thème permet également de developper la notion de la différence et de l’esprit de tolérance.
Textes :
What is culture shock ? p.74 (Pass1)
Comparing perceptions. p.76 (Pass1)
Looking back and moving on.p.80 (Pass1)

Thème général :
La vie est précieuse et doit être préservée. Mais à quel prix ? Peut-on utiliser la force pour la conserver comme les partisans de l’interventionnisme quand des individus ou un peuple est menacé de génocide ?
Les Américains sont la première puissance mondiale et joue le rôle de gendarme du monde du fait de sa supériorité technologique. Est-ce justifié ?
A côté de la force, il y a d’autres formes de pouvoir comme la non-violence, la persuasion pour faire reculer l’obscurantisme. Celle-ci  se manifeste dans certains pays qui bafouent les droits des femmes ou des enfants.
Textes :
Guns and roses p.201 (MP)
More than words p.201(MP)
I am a veteran p.203 (MP)
Mumbaï’s shadow city p.47 (MP)
First meeting p.49(MP)
Because I am a girl p.50 (MP)
A 12 year-old stops child marriages p.51 (MP)

Thème général :
Les Amish sont une communauté religieuse américaine qui vit en marge de la société. Comment peut-on expliquer leurs résistances face au changement, à la modernité et ce désir de s’attacher aux traditions. Ne sont-ils pas des rêveurs, des idéalistes qui croient en une forme d’utopie ou de mythe. Mais, notre société contemporaine n’est pas parfaite. Elle met à l’écart, discrimine certaines catégories de personnes : les pauvres, les noirs, les indiens, les femmes, les enfants. Il y a tout de même des personnes morales (organisations non-gouvernementales ou des individus altruistes qui s’élèvent contre certaines injustices. Nelson Mandéla, Le Dalaï-Lama comptent parmi ces hommes qui par leurs messages et actions ont marqué le 20 ème et début du 21 ème siècle.
Textes :
The Amish : an ideal society ? p.110 (Pass1)
Leaving Sameness p.114 (Pass1)
Means of protest p.90 (MP)
The Freedom riders p.92 (MP)
Yes we can p.94 (MP)

Thème général :
L’idée du progrès est abordée à travers la question de l’essor des réseaux sociaux sur internet, leur influence sur la vie privée et sur les sociétés. La biotechnologie peut être considérée comme une avancée scientifique. Elle pose des questions d’éthique et des responsabilités collectives.
Textes :
Modern self-portraits p.30 (Pass1)
New relationships with the world p.32 (Pass1)
A real-life story p.141 (Pass1)
How far can we go ? p.142 (Pass1)
Tomorrow’s society ? P.144 (Pass1)

L’Interaction Orale au Niveau B2 (Terminale)

– Au cours ou à la suite d’une production orale en continu, répondre à des questions complémentaires de détail.

– Au cours d’un dialogue, décrire une situation, exprimer des sentiments et des points de vue avec spontanéité et aisance.

– Au cours d’un dialogue, demander et transmettre des informations avec spontanéité et aisance.

– Au cours d’un dialogue, commenter brièvement le point de vue d’autrui, présenter et défendre ses opinions  dans une langue élaborée.

L’Expression Orale en Continu au Niveau B2 (Terminale)

– Décrire une situation, une expérience ou un événement (réel ou imaginaire), ou raconter une histoire de façon détaillée et articulée.

– Raconter l’intrigue d’un livre ou d’un film (ou extrait) de façon détaillée et articulée.

– Après préparation, faire un exposé clair en donnant les avantages et les inconvénients et en développant une argumentation.

– Faire la synthèse d’un ensemble d’informations.

– Enchaîner les éléments de la narration ou les arguments avec logique.

– Exposer un point de vue et le justifier de façon détaillée et articulée.

– Développer une argumentation en mettant en évidence les éléments pertinents.